>women's sports
>ass is supposed to be fit
>ass is still plump
Why is this so common?
>women's sports
>ass is supposed to be fit
>ass is still plump
Why is this so common?
>ass is plump
>there's a difference in healthy women
BBBBRRRRFFFF- ...Fuck it I can't do this anymore
I don't have anything against a plump ass you tremendous faggot, but don't you think an ass belonging to an elite sports woman should be firmer than the OP ass?
Sounds like somebody's running a little low on energy. Have a sip.
"Would" is the better word here. "Should" generally implies a value judgment. You won't get many people here to agree that that ass "should" be any firmer.
"Would" generally implies an objective judgment. So you'd think someone who's otherwise fit/muscular "would" have a more muscular ass.
I mean I know what you're saying, but words are everything.
Because there is a God, and He is good.
>Why is this so common?
Because that's just how womens' anatomy works, they have a significantly higher bodyfat percentage than men on average (even at peak physical condition), and they carry much of it on their thighs.
Just look at her plump rump
No fitness in sight for that ass
Ladies and gentleman, we have a faggot!
women still have ~10-15% more body fat than men when fit. Their sole anatomic purpose is to make babies.
>Sport which focuses heavily on hips, legs and glutes
>Clearly strong glutes, hips and legs
>Calls this unfit because there's a healthy layer of fat.
Top yourself.
Healthy layer of fat my ass, you can't be fucking serious if you call that butt fit.
You're both gay and an idiot.
Good job.
Who is this tennis menace?
Martina Hingis 20 years ago
if it had any less fat on it, it would be unhealthy
women are supposed to have more fat than men, and they store it on their legs
>Top yourself.
Nigga I never said it was unhealthy, just that this is how womens' fat distribution works. The tennis players posted here are probably some of the healthiest women you'll ever find, they're athletic and extremely fit without being emaciated or pumped full of testosterone.
is this a fat butt or a fit butt
Looks a bit fat to me
The only fitness those asses should be concerned with is me fitness dick in them
what does Veeky Forums like phat or fit butts?
We like people who don't sugarcoat "fat" as "phat"
fat, but she's still super thick with muscle underneath so it's not ugly cottage cheese
there's saggy fat and vuluptious fat
Athletes aren't bodybuilders. They don't have to look fit.
Pic related
a fit ass is "plump" because there's a strong muscular base holding it into the perfect shape. a womans ass that is all fat and no muscle will NOT look like your pic, it will be droopy, dimpled, and will not have that pleasing round shape. fatasss will look more flat and oddly shaped. im honestly amazed and how stupid you are not not understand this
>thinks thats plump
no irish ass meme jokes yet? you disappoint me fit
>the Swiss Miss will never snort coke off your erect penis in a chalet in Val d'Isere
Boxers don't look like that any more.
if you have to ask... you should go outside more
ass is supposed to have fat, its an ass. if you think thats a "fatass" you're delusional
again, an ass is supposed to have fat, its an ass; nothing about that pic is excessive. also
>super thick with muscle underneath
she's actually not very muscular at all, you can clearly see a lacking in quads, hams, etc. not to say she isn't fit, but to say shes "very muscular" means you dont know what muscle looks like
Yes, and they're both fat. Saggy fat is called flabby.
You're the dumb one. I know all of that, but a fit ass in my book don't have all that much fat on top of the muscles.
A fit ass has visible muscle definition. A fat ass can have strong glutes, but as long as that thick fat layer is on top it's still a fat ass. Which is the case with OP girl.
no, fat is just fat. a "voluptious"(sic) ass is one with a nice muscular base to hold everything where it should be
>You're the dumb one. I know all of that
yeah, im not the idiot that made this thread. im actually hoping it was a thinly veiled excuse to post pics of ass
>but a fit ass in my book don't have all that much fat on top of the muscles.
ass is supposed to fat, its an ass. if you like ass with no fat on it, maybe you should look to guys who naturally have lower bf%
>thinks ops pic has a fatass
yeah, you're delusional and you might be gay; which is fine, but dont go around hating on women because it'll never match your ideal adonis
very true
I didn't say NO fat you fucking idiot. Learn how to read.
>tennis menace
my fucking s i d e s
topkek user
Autistic but appropriate analysis
>but a fit ass in my book don't have all that much fat on top of the muscles.
Burn that book
This is another example of a fat ass. Nice shape, but way too much fat on top of the muscles to be called fit.
He hadn't trained for months when that picture was taken and he's always been shapeless.
>white girl ass
Makes me weep.
>ingenudes 11
But without seeing 1-10, I'll be so far behind
We like your momma's butt.
Then Veeky Forums is something that goes counter to any and all notions of sexual attractiveness.
I want to bite that ass