So I went from 110 pounds to 160 pounds in 6 months (all muscle no fat gainz)
Is that good progress? How long until I make it?
So I went from 110 pounds to 160 pounds in 6 months (all muscle no fat gainz)
Is that good progress? How long until I make it?
post before and after pics
>So I went from 110 pounds to 160 pounds in 6 months (all muscle no fat gainz)
Good job!
>Is that good progress?
You know it!
>How long until I make it?
You've already made it!
Let me rephrase that
How long until I reach 180 pounds at least?
Didn't take any before pics
Only took one and posted it here some 6 months ago but I deleted it because who keeps that shit saved lol
>all muscle no fat gainz
How tall are you?
then just post an after pic
6 foot
Idk man I know people who browse this board..
>all muscle no fat
You have to have some pretty damn elite genetics to gain 50lbs entirely of muscle in 6 months. Or be roiding
>people still respond to shitty b8 like this
get your shit together, Veeky Forums
What about "noob gains" though? I though that was the main reason I got so much heavier? I still haven't done a proper training routine yet but I do go to the gym consistently though for two hours (I know a bit too long but I goof of for a good half hour at least with a bro) currently half assing a push pull workout about 4-5 times a week atm
>So I went from 110 pounds to 160 pounds in 6 months (all muscle no fat gainz)
ayylmao of course not
Of those 50 pounds gained, 9 of them are muscle, TOPS
just post a fucking picture with your face blacked out jesus christ
How is this bait?
Is it because i'm not posting an after pic?
Well I didn't mean literally 0 of course but I would honestly say more like 6 pounds honestly , been bulking for a week now though since I wanna get into a serious PPL routine with a different gym that doesn't use smith machines.
Alright here it is
Good progress from literal concentration camp 110 pound like 5-6 months ago?
How much farther to go Veeky Forums to gain another 20-30 pounds?
And I know the lighting sucks, it's past midnight
came here to say this
either you have elite genetics or youre roiding
50 pounds of pure muscle in 6 months? thats close to 10 pounds of muscle a month
to give yuou some perspective, throwing on 20-25 pounds of muscle in your first year is considered great
you're double that, in half the time
in the case that you arent a special snowflake, you gained some fat, but you were so skinny before it doesnt look like much
>in the case that you arent a special snowflake, you gained some fat, but you were so skinny before it doesnt look like much
I really don't think so man, granted I would say I put on a little fat that's unheard of not to, but I don't think it's around 10 and even if it was that would still be 40 pounds in like 6 months
Here is a pic of my hand to show you how little fat a do have if any and this is after a week of attempted bulking 4k(realistically probably 3.5k) a day
>either you have elite genetics or youre roiding
I'm exited, tell me more
I really think it's just dedication though man, i'm nothing special
>(all muscle no fat gainz)
This is not true, but I still want you to know I'm proud of you for escaping spooky skeleton.
Soon you'll be 200lbs and a real man.
Also I have taken literally 0 supplement just eaten until I felt like throwing up for months ( I actually did throw up twice)
Would I get even faster results taking them?
not sure if bait or just retarded
even fat people dont have pudgy hands unless they are morbidly obese
also fat distribution is determined by genetics, for all we know, your genetics dictate that you dont store much fat in your hands
look son, congrats on gaining weight and working out
but youre fucking delusional if you think youve put on 50 pounds of pure muscle in 6 months
or prove us all wrong and post an actual pic displaying your elite genetics
home videos from the 70s looked better than the shit you posted