Anyone been doing Kris Gethin's 8 week trainer? Thoughts on the workouts or any noticeable gains you've made?
Anyone been doing Kris Gethin's 8 week trainer? Thoughts on the workouts or any noticeable gains you've made?
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Arent those programs mostly cardio though?
It is a weight loss program so there is cardio 2 times a day, 7 days a week but the workouts themselves are very intense with pretty much every set going to failure. It's the first time in years I got DOMS again so there's that
he lost bodyfat thats it are you aware of this
So if I just run a mile in the morning then run a mile at night for 8 weeks straight I can look like that?
Looks like he lost a little hair, too. Cardio confirmed for making you go bald.
According to the final body composition test he did put on 7lbs of lean mass while losing quite a bit of fat. That's the only really impressive bit I guess.
If he legit in 2 months puy on 7lbs of muscle mass and lost god knows how much fat, if you dont say steroids by then then there is no hope for you.
he looks better while fat imo
Yuck, he was so hot before.
I haven't tried his 8 week trainer yet, but did all the others (just finished his 4 week cut program). His programs are pretty much all the same in that they involve DTP in some way. While it is very effective, you'll start seeing diminishing returns as your body adapts to his programs, so if you're going to go for it, finish it and move to something else. Also, if you have to do cardio twice a day, it'll start to wear you down a lot so expect to not have energy.
It's a brosplit made by a fake natty that sells bullshit supplemements. That should tell you all you need to know.
>DYELS unironically do shit like this
Why dont you just fucking to the gym and eat depending on your needs?
just saying this for the non-lifters/new fags: This guy is on some serious gear.
in what world is "run a mile" considered cardio
He unironically looks better on the left.
He already has some decent muscle mass before. So basically he went on a cut and dyed his hair and developed ILS.
Looks like he turned gay in 8 weeks. I agree he looked better before, didn't have that roided gay dude look
exactly what I was thinking desu, these pics were clearly taken on the same day.
You're going to run more than just a mile with this program. I guarantee you that.
Wanna know how I know you fell for the SS / GOMAD meme?
Found the fatties
>Not power bottoms
Half of this board is full of twinks whos dream is to be dipped by a bearmode powerlifter.