What nutrition can be found in fingernails? I'm a compulsive nail biter and I need to know I'm not fucking up my macros because of this stupid habit. I also eat the skin around my fingers, about as much as pic related.
What nutrition can be found in fingernails...
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you can't digest keratin
so nothing
Damn, I honestly thought I was bad when it came to eating my fingers but that pic makes me look normal as fuck.
can't rock climb or pinch things without pain the day after you chew your fingers, bruh.
Is there a good way to stop doing that other than "just go cold turkey breh". I hate this habit.
Take some hydrolyzed collagen
>tfw eating the skin around your fingers after taking a long bath
Can't tell how much you ate from pic, you're gonna have to weigh your hands before and after to determine exactly how much you ate
I had this habit for years, managed to completely stop by just reducing my stress levels and doing more shit that I like. Mine were about as bad as OP to the point where I probably have no more pain receptors on the sides of my fingers
Theres some spray you can put on your fingers to make them taste disgusting. Do that
Either stick your fingers IN your ass or wear gloves
Anyone who is serious about their finger chewing won't be affected by it.
t. didn't work on me
kys thats utterly disgusting, have some self respect.
you can have a 11/10 body, no woman will touch you with fingers like that.
Kira? Is that you?
Well those are some disgusting periungual warts
i go back and forth on this habit. only really do it when really stressed now
most of the time telling myself that if I can't control chewing on my fingers that i'm no better then a thoughtless animal and i should kms works
the disgusting spray kinda works but can also rub off on the food you eat if you eat with your hands so that kinda didn't work for me.
>tfw used bitterant on fingers to stop biting them
>now can't stop eating bitterant
>tfw you bite your nails so bad it makes you dread the next day of work and lifting
it's such a fucking horrible habit. it looks awful and makes you feel awful
i have to put a bandaid on my fingers to put a stop to my biting
i go through a lot of bandaids
It's a net loss, you eating indigestible shit let alone conservation of energy
I chuckled.
>tfw you have to carry bandaids in your wallet all the time in case one of your chewed up fingers finally splits and starts bleeding all over the place
playing with rubber bands constantly helps me a little, but it ultimately comes down to "just stop doing it lol"
I've was able to stop for 6 months at one point but then I started again. No idea how to stay done with it.