/bwg/ BodyWeight General

>Overcoming your BodyWeight

>2016 Olympics highlights

>What is gravity lul



>Youtube Channels


>Safest Static Hold Progression

Steady State Cycles: www.antranik.org/how-to-implement-a-steady-state-training-cycle

>Common Prereqs


>Wrist Prehab


>Bicep Tendon Prep


>Based Scooby teaches you how to do a pull Up


>How to make parallettes out of PVC


>Foundation series (4 books + 2 Handstand + Rings)

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:39d3d785f7c6df583af2fa846646a74b3d256cac&dn=Coach Christopher Sommer Mastering Gymnastic Strength Training 2014&tr=udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.leechers-paradise.org:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.mg64.net:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce&tr=udp://tracker.sktorrent.net:6969/announce

>Overcoming gravity


Other urls found in this thread:



Thanks for the books.

yw. the actual dude that usually does the threads didn't create a new one so I jumped in as there is no way there is no bwg thread lel

Sauerkraut is good foods for you


resting up an injury so im stuck doing yoga and balance shit

what calisthenics achievements have you guys made this month?

Maybe not a "real" achievement but I managed to do my first 100% pull-up today. Pretty proud of that.

Do we have something like a "community" beyond occasional chinz threads ?

Power lifting faggots have a discord for example.

Calisthenics isnt very mainstream so there are no real communities other than places like Venice Beach. I think as it becomes more popular there might be some actual unity but until then we are stuck with faggots wearing skinny jeans doing tricks on instagram.

Nice, I just did the same. Been doing 3x8 negatives for a couple weeks and finally seeing progress.

Does anyone know if there's a benefit to pullups versus chinups?

Sorry if I'm being a retard, how do I get them magnet links to work? Never encountered links like this before

It has break dancing, tricking, parkour, ghetto workout thing gets a ridiculous amount of love.
They have large events for it.

It's far more popular then powerlifting irl.

open torrent client
copy paste into add torrent

pullups require more back
chinups require more bicep

i like pullups more because of my irrational fear of hanging off a cliff

Sounds legit. Also lel where do you live that you're fearing to hang from a cliff ? Or do you boulder ? :D

It's been one year doing bodyweight shit. At this point, my routine is
>3x8 pullups
>3x8 parallel bar dips, sometimes with legs forward
>3x8 squats
>3x30seconds L-sits
>3x8 horizontal rows, sometimes using only one leg as support
>3x8 diamond pushups
>one minute planks and shit
And I'm still the same skinnyfat 125 lbs faggot I was the day I started. Also, my diet is alright. What do?

what progress do you expect to see doing 3x8 with 125lbs?

i love doing bodyweight stuff but ffs, 8 body weight squats? 8 pushups?

eat enough to gain weight and hopefully as you put on fat youll put on muscle since you are upping the amount of weight you are moving around. but doing body weight to get big? complete stupidity

youre still small cause youre still on low level shit tbph
Just keep doing what youre doing and be sure to progress more. Maybe start archer pullups, russian dips, pseudo planche pushups, and work towards front lever rows. You should definately be doing single leg squat work and harder core work though.
Maybe even invest in rings at this point

Not him but wanna ask, if you can't make ring work at home,how much does setup last outside. And, what about winter time?

i mean they're portable so you just hang em up and take em down when youre done
>And, what about winter time?
wear a jacket?

>can't get big off bodyweight work
You sure about that? Resistance is resistance man. The harder the work, the more muscle fibers torn, this gains.
At least that's what I thought.

Also quick general question, how's this for a routine? I'm focusing on military fitness atm, mainly spec warfare

3x5 Weighted Pull Ups
3x5 Weighted Dips
2x AMRAP Chins and Dips bw
2x8-12 Reverse Curls and Skullcrushers
3xf Push Ups
Ab Work optional

All this on top of a lot of running and swimming, eating at a fairly big surplus

Pic related is me btw. 6ft, 186lbs

what's with the freedom shorts?

>Ab Work optional
it shows

Went to the beach, had to cha bro it out with some dudes

>it shows
I should focus on core work. I already do a ton with the amount of pt I do outside of the gym.
Big rib cages as a natty sucks desu

think about the abs you'd have if you'd been doing dragon flags, leg raises, and v sits this entire time

d-flags are the exercise that makes me want to kill myself the most, i think

You need higher volume. You only weigh 125 lbs... pull ups should be a fuckin breeze for you. You're not burning enough calories to escape skinny fat mode. Increasde your volume and you'll make it to otter mode and from there you can begin to see gains.

Also if in a year you can't do more than 8 push ups then you aren't trying rthats just sad.

Why do you say that

its not even the volume imho
he just kinda went from normal pushups to diamond pushups
could be doing much harder variations after a year

human flag. feels good m8s. Also got a decent front lever going.

Straddle planche stall is real though

Tfw you cant progress on planche due to big legs



i kid, i wish you luck with your planche

im stalling on planche cause i lack the upper body strength kek

Are you all "big guys"

I am 5'10 and like 190, a lot of this stuff is very difficult for me but I think it would help my jiu jitsu out a lot

I'm about 6'3 and 240 as of yesterday.
I'm close to doing one arm chins and can do wall knuckle handstand pushups as well as one arm pushups...kinda.

As for helping with jiu jitsu, it will make you into a monster. There's a reason that the bread and butter of larger wrestlers is bodweight training.

Thanks for making this, yea I rarely got time on weekends to post on /fit.

eh, community? don't think so
Results take long with BW, people want to see their work pay off fast, besides, average Veeky Forumsizen gets 'big' to get GF then gets dad bod, so on average I would say people lift for 4-6years. BW is more like a life time hoby.

yea, but I don't think that general pop associates those things with BW workouts

>same weight
>doesn't eat more
>expects results

try having big ass with your big legs, balancing is hell for straddle hollow body holds

I'm 6'3"@200lbs, still small, not sure I want to eat more

manlet 5'7

started at like 110lbs, up to around 125 now after pullups and actually eating for about a year

Not a great achievement, but first milestone for me was doing a frog stand for about 10 seconds. Balance shit is impossible for me for whatever reason, so while I progress well on pull ups, squats, dips and all other strength based shit, balance is always stalled way back behind.

Is it a mobility issue or stabilizing muscles?

Not sure what to tell you. I can get into the position, but holding it is always an issue. My longest hold so far was 10 seconds, but usually within 2-5 my lower body rocks back and I go back to the deep squat position.

I don't have a pull up bar and I'm too heavy for a door-mounted one (or rather, my doorframes are too weak). What do?

Did you do elevated planche bounce before trying frog stand? That's what Foundation suggests.

Barbell and weights, do rows for back (aka wide grip pull up) and curls for biceps (aka close grip pull ups)


Because after first 2 the my hands get sweaty and the grip to my bed becomes twice as uncomfortable.
Saw in one of the vids that you can actually do those from the floor supporting yourself on your fingers in front of your waist (if you have the arms for it). Tried it and like the former at first, impossible

6'0 @ ~160lbs; I literally can't into big wrists or forearms ever

His palms are sweaty
Hands weak
His grip is failing already
Mom's spaghetti

Also what you tried is basically a Victorian on the floor, much much harder than a dragon flag.
5'8" 170lbs

My wrists are 7", am I a wristlet?

If your arms get sweaty, wrap whatever you are holding onto with a towel?

Cologne here, none nearby.

6 1/4 '' here, pic related
That's a good idea though

I could swear my wrists got bigger from doing bw shit, never measured them before so I have no facts.

oh, welp

do pullups on the kaizer statue lol

Buy a set of rings to hang from your pull up bar.. Switch to archer pull ups and use the rings for dips and pushups. Raise your feet up for your rows and switch to 1 legged squats variants.

You need to progress difficulty.

What do you think of this routine?

One arm pushup 5x5 weighted 6kg
assisted one arm pullups 5x5 weighted 6kg
bridge weighted 5x5 6kg
l-sit 30 secondes 5 sets weighted 6kg

diamond pushups 12x5 weighted 6kg
chinups 12x5 weighted 6kg
bridge 8x5 weighted 6kg
l-sit 30 sec 5 set weighted 6kg

Its two of the 4 workout i usually do since now 1 year, trying to add some weight on my vest then i deload and try to do more advanced exercises

Sorry m8 you have a long way to go.
There are guys that weigh 200lbs doing as many pull ups as you. At 125lbs pull ups should feel like nothing to you.
Also how the fuck are you only doing 3x8 squats after an entire year of training?

What's a routine i can do to get rid of a semi-large stomach.

I don't want to gain too much muscle. I just want to lose it the most.

Diet is okay, i read most of the sticky.

I have a bench press as well.

spot reduction does. not. exist.
you just need to lose weight as a whole. cardio+any kind of working out+actual good diet

Alright, thanks for clearing that up. Did read that but didn't think you had to literally strength up every part.

What's the best routine for a beginner then?

foundation in the op
or pic related is what i like for beginner routines

Doing ab exercises has made my stomach look "leaner" even at a higher bodyfat. Its not really leaner but my stomach doesnt hang down anymore when i stand up relaxed.

actually didnt realize you had a bench
just do one of these

meant for
pretty sure thats just cause you're exercising and burning fat in general bud

Okay and i do both these everyday?

Or one or the other every day1

Nah my bodyfat is more or less the same. Just my abs are tighter now.

i mean you can if you're doing it low intensity
ideally you want to do it like this so you can go hard every day
week 1 AxBxAxx
week 2 BxAxBxx

what do you mean by x?

Also im a little bit of a noob. 5x5 means i lift the bar 5 times, and do that 5 times?

>assisted one arm pullups 5x5 weighted 6kg
>assisted one arm pullups weighted
>assisted weighted
what did he mean by this?
where's the progression?

if you have no background in exercising ever in your life, Foundation first few levels will get you started

x means rest days or 'sit on your ass and don't do nothing'

yes 5x5 means 5 sets of 5 reps (don't rest for more than 5mins between sets)

Perhaps he is using some form of a pulley


Alrighty thanks, and one last question. How many Kilo's do i use?

yeah what said

except id say feel free to throw in cardio on your off days since youre trying to lose weight

Weighted chins, dips, pistols and HSPU are legit.

weighted chins but not weighted dips?
never gonna make it

trips of truth step up ugh, for weight you have to first find out your working weight, start slow with just the bar, then add weight, use 5kg plates

Foundation magnet is in the OP

yea, but doing weighted assisted shit is crossfit meme tier

Well my pardon good sir, i writed down my routines like i use to record it on my personnal notes.
On convict conditionning progression it's called the uneven pullups which means i hold the bar with one hand and use my other arm to grab my wrist, i plan on moving to regular one arm pullups tough

You expect me to type
for each exercise....

>expecting chans to use proper grammar
>not using "weighted:" to listed weighted exercises

No need to write down reps then, senpai

I don't think grabbing wrist counts as 'assisted'? maybe 'pseudo one arm pull ups' would be more accurate, but still my point stads, if you can't do unassisted things, don't add weight


how many pullups can you do in one set

i can do 18 with my bodyweight and 5 with +35kgs

vid kinda unrelated

I don't have a pull up bar, user

why not have a pullup bar

do you use rings?

no place to install it

what do you do for back then ?

bent over rows

You don't have door frames?

im 6'0 skinnyfat at 170 lbs and im doing a bulk to to put on muscle to fill out my upper body

its hard but we gotta soldier on

Actually you can do stomach vacuums to have a leaner gut. Good for your gut health too I think.

does anyone have the photo of that old timey bodybuilder with the towel?

My routine is every 4 hours, and I have a 40/8 hour wake/sleep cycle alt with 36/12.

Push-ups: [normal, wide, diamond or 1 arm] AMRAP 1 set; alt w/ Wallstand Push-ups: AMRAP 1 set
Pull-ups: [chins, neutral or wide] AMRAP 1 set; alt w/ Curls: [hammer, zottman, or reverse] AMRAP 1 set
Squats: [cossacks, pistol, normal] AMRAP 1 set
Jog: about .4 mi every time until I can near-sprint the entire thing

and I always try to do more than last time. My track record shows about 4x a day of this but I'm working up to 10/9x. Should be easy enough, I have time. My diet is shit though, I don't have a job so can't afford my own food. Working out is an exercise in futility (heheh). I could probably make a meal every 4 hours (everything productive I have on a list for this 4 hour cycle) and I will... I'll go make eggs right now actually.
This routine feels pretty great to be quite honest.

friendly bonk

is it fine to build my back strength using inverted rows and a assisted dip/pullup machine?

Im finding it hard to do just negatives and I want to get as many reps as i can

Yeah of course you can. Negatives are just 1 way of doing it. Also with assisted pull ups you can slowly work up to 0 pounds.

Post random funny/odd/whatever moments:

>weigh 143kg
>talk to (normal and skinny) people at uni about doing pushups while discussing paper on theoretical physics
>surprised when I say I do em daily ... because they can't manage to fucking do a single one themselves
>think I'm bullshitting
>offer me free lunch ... but I refuse, as I always cook my food myself to make sure it ain't full of shit ... suggest them to make the next assignment for me if I manage 5 or more
>they accept
>be like FUCK YOU and do 40
>tfw I can lay back for 1 week, because they'll provide the solutions
>tfw qt physics gurl started to look at me differently now

I'm thinking of adding a supplementary bodyweight routine on my off days

Currently on SS doing OHP, Incline bench, diddlies, and squats

I squat and ohp twice a weak and do the other two once a week

Fixing to be a boxer so want to try bodyweight for those muscle endurance gains and a little bit of extra strength.

Anybody know of a good routine?

Is it possible to do bodyweight everyday if I'm a bulk to increase mass? How should I split my program

The magick word is: progression

I do dynamic training monday, wednesday and friday then I do static training tuesday, thursday and saturday. Thats 6 days a week and works for me.

fullbody every other day or ppl depending how experienced you are

is doing only dips and pullups good if its always hard for me and i barely do 12 pullups and 15 straight bar dips

Rate my routine?

10 minutes warming up

15 incline push ups
10 squats
15 normal
10 squats
15 incline
10 squats
2 minute prone hold
1 minute side plank
1 minute other side
25 L situps
25 lifted swimming legs I call it
15 normal pushups
10 squats
15 incline
10 squats
15 normal
10 squats
2 minute prone hold
1 minute side plank
1 minute other side
25 L situps
25 lifted swimming legs
20 wide grip pull ups
20 diamond push ups
20 close grip pull ups
20 diamond push ups
-Now I introduce a kettlebell-
10 upward rows i think theyre called
10 shrugs
10 upward rows
10 shrugs

10 minutes breathing exercises and stretching

takes 45 minutes not including warm up or warm down, I do 5 out of days a week

sure? personally id add in pushup progressions and inverted row progressions for horizontal push/pull.
Also lower body and core work so you're not just a walking pair of lats and triceps.
but yea, it isn't bad by any means ya know