What does Veeky Forums think about Ryan Gosling?

What does Veeky Forums think about Ryan Gosling?

>normies consider this skinnyfat dyel "muscular"

He is our new king. Once you grow up you start to realize zyzz was a joke. I for one welcome, Ryan Gosling, as our new king of fit.

skinny faggot

He's not skinnyfat or DYEL. You have BDD my friend.

Definitely agree with you, he's the new natty king of Veeky Forums

proof that facial symmetry is a stupid meme

What are you talking about?

LMAO skinnyfag dyel assymetric face bitch prob cant even squat lmao2plaet

t. average girl

i think that most women think he's attractive because they've been told so
his face is slightly above average