I quit BUDS. It is the only thing I want to do. I am afraid of combat but I have a drive to go back. I have lied to my family about completing my degree and now i am stuck in a shitty Navy job with zero motivation. All I want to do is go back to BUDS. I fucking quit.
How do I get motivated again?
Jackson Parker
i am not even american but isn't it a stupid idea to do BUDS if you are afraid of combat? You lack balls i guess; not motivation.
Angel Baker
sorry that i understand the implications sof armed conflict.
Isaac Lee
did you at least get past week 1 at BUD/S
Carson Hall
hey user, sorry to hear that. Will you get another chance if you want?
Please tell us why you quit and about the general feel of being there in as much detail as possible.
Colton Martinez
why would you want to be used as a pawn for causes that you do not understand?
why should the poor spend their sons in wars to benefit the rich while their own children stay home and wallow in luxury?
Jaxon Lewis
Don't worry about it, they would have washed you out anyway for not being a true leader
Brandon Collins
You say that all you want to do is go back, but then you ask us how to get motivated again.
You won't be able to ask Veeky Forums for motivation while you're at BUDS. You need to figure out whether this is really what you want.
Brody Walker
You did not quit for want of motivation, I promise you that. Discipline, confidence, something, but it wasn't motivation.
I hope they fleeted you and you're stuck scraping barnacles for the next several years.
Gavin Morris
try it again next year faggot tell your senpai you failed but will try again then do that
Evan Hall
Combat is a normal thang user, don't be afraid of it. Strife is natural and will always exist, despite what you were taught by your nannies growing up.
You want to be a great lad who's able to fight for what he believes in dont you
fuck off Stirner, it's called values.
Easton Stewart
Are you directly went to BUD/s or you changed your navy job? If second, how long you was at the other Navy job and how it was difficult to change a job? And how do you was preparing for the BUD/s?
Blake Jackson
If your main motivation for being in BUDS was so you could post on Veeky Forums about being a Navy Seal with over 100 confirmed kills then yeah, I can see why you quit BUDS.
Dominic Miller
Ian Clark
What made you quit? And can't you not go back once you ring the bell? Why didn't you think things through first OP... It's the only thing you want to do and you let it get the best of you. It's not like you were going to spend your whole life at Buds either, it might be hard but at least it ends.
Jason Stewart
It's easy to get motivated in military life user. Look around at the other blokes who you work with. Realise why you want to strive to be better than the mundane. Focus, and try again next year.
Don't quit mate.
Hudson Stewart
Go back and fucking do it or own up to not finishing it. Just don't be one of those faggots who claims to be a SEAL and brings the fury of pic related.
Ayden Brooks
Caleb Gutierrez
Read Resilience by Eric Greitens.
Grayson Miller
>444 >111
Check of peace
Jose Williams
What workout did you do to get ready for it? You must be in killer shape.
Dylan Reyes
Hey bro, don shipley here. Heard you were saying some shit about your time in the teams.