if women care so much about body, why is it that vast majority of guys in relationship have never lifted weights and are dyels?
everywhere i go, including my uni, the guys that have gfs look like shit.
>lifting for girls
if women care so much about body, why is it that vast majority of guys in relationship have never lifted weights and are dyels?
everywhere i go, including my uni, the guys that have gfs look like shit.
>lifting for girls
You're wrong women dont Care most about a body they Care most about their own feelings and will act entirely based on the sea of emotions they swim through on a daily basis it's why all their decisions seem crazy to logic minded people that guy happened to be in the right place at the right time for her to feel the right way to make a relationship
>if women care so much about body,
They don't
Its called settling.
Most girls aren't as pretty as you seem to think.
>tfw only dudes ever compliment my gains
>they don't
Maybe in Europe, but in the US the dynamic has changed. Feminism has made it so that women self sufficient and don't need a man to provide for them. This results in women only judging men on looks. Fortunately for most they only care about the face, but there are tons of whores who care about physique too. And those that do have no clue what is attainable natty or not. I've had girls say that Steve Cook's physique is obtainable as a natty before, ridiculous.
Personality is still more important
Are you me?
Women care about attitude & status & generosity (if it's a good woman). 2 of these 3 are linked to power. None are linked to looks.
If a girl goes after you bc of your looks, you're nothing but a fucktoy for her.
Most girls will settle for some of those 3 qualities over looks; even if you get to fuck her on the sides, you'll be the 2nd player only.
t. me
did everything you know about girls come from Veeky Forums?
theres your problem
Just like you love girls with fat asses but settle for whatever you can get.
I'm thinking it's because the vast majority of men have never lifted weights and are dyel.
I catch girls mirin all the time. I give them a bit of a look that says "I know". My fiancé hates it, but it turns her on at the same time.
>tfw INTJ cold logical gf
>personality types
Beautifully written. Trying to worry about what women want is a waste, you know what they really don't want? A guy who's super worried about what they want.
Girls care about status with other girls; not looks, money or personality. All of those are secondary and only because they usually have some relation to status.
If lots of girls fawn over a guy some girl doesnt like you can bet she'll quickly readjust her taste. It's why their tastes all change at once too, at one point they all want the bad boy manlet in school who acts black, then they want the music scene leftist moron, then they want a rugby captain fuck and then they want a guy with a good job.
Wrong. Half the reason I'm dating my bf is because of his body. Not to meme, but he's 5'11, 9/10 face, and his build all make him look perfect to me. He has a little bit of a belly but he's athleticly inclined so he'll lose it over time. In fact I stepped my gym game up because I don't want to be with someone and other people think I'm out of his league. Gr8 motivation.
If they're tall the rest doesn't matter.
>why is it that vast majority of guys in relationship have never lifted weights and are dyels?
number of dyel and fat americans >>> number of americans who look like they lift
is this a troll or
>this woman thinks she knows what she wants
> step the gym up
> become sinewy chestlet
> manlet bf leaves you anyway
> you balloon to 22 stone
> only black guys hit on you
> get B L A C K E D
screenshot this
Just look at a concert, no matter the size. There are hundreds or thousands of guys there, probably many that are 10/10s, rich, charistmatic. But they all want to fuck the few that are on the stage, not in front of it.
how will Veeky Forums ever recover from this?
>murican educaiton
tell me, how many men have an asthetic jacked physique? Out of hundreds of members in my gym, there are a handful of people who are actually jacked.
Do you expect millions of woman to chase the same thousands of men?
logic bro, try it out
>why is it that vast majority of guys in relationship have never lifted weights and are dyels?
Because guys want to get in shape to slay as much pussy as possible instead of settling for one bitch while dyels want to secure the girl who actually likes how they look and keep them at all fucking costs.
Im in great shape and am married to the only person ive ever slept with, i dont care about sleeping with diseased sluts. At most i just like knowing im desired.
those girls are like aztec goddesses of fitness
Women love buff guys, but they don't trust them. What they want is a handsome dyel to keep a roof over the their head and tell them how beautiful they are every day while they secretly go out and fuck the Chad who would never stoop as low as buying her flowers and letting her move into his house.
Believing thats a real girl and not a 5'11" manlet role-playing his dream scenario
Search up: "Girls with small asses sitting on bathrooms sinks to pretend they're curvy"
My boyfriend is lanky with a Beerbohm belly and actual neck bear with a double chin from a receded jaw line. I don't know, I just love the guy so fucking much that alone makes me hot for him. The attraction I have to him comes from my emotions and I can't fucking imagine being without him. I feel sick if he leaves the room to take a fucking shit.
This just in, the average guy is a dyel. So the average girl is going to have to take a dyel
lifting just gives you an advantage over all those dyels. Don't you want to stick out from the crowd. Either that or be a millionaire. Plus I'd rather have a girl lust over my body than my wallet.
>why is it that vast majority of guys in relationship have never lifted weights and are dyels?
>why is it that more meat eaters have died climbing mount everest than vegans? meat eaters are shit
let me break down your retarded logic
MANY people don't lift, SOME people do, MANY people have gfs, SOME people don't
the MANY people that have gfs are completely independent to the amount of people that lift
if you're on a campus of 5000 people and only 100 people there lift and don't look like shit, then you've got about 4900 people left who are bound to get a gf who also doesn't lift; even if those 100 people have gfs they're still dwarfed in demographic size by the dyels
>hurr i walked around once and the 4 people i saw walking with a girl were ugly by my own standards and subjective judgement that means lifting is a useless venture
you are one dumb ass nigga