Anyone else got a knee that clicks all the time?

Anyone else got a knee that clicks all the time?

Is it a bad idea to squat on it?

Both my knees crack pretty good, but only when I make them do it, like cracking your knuckles. Never caused me any problems.

Hm, yeah it is like cracking but it's just like from bending and extending it. Thanks for the anecdote.

One of mine started clicking after i dislocated it a while ago. Only recently started squatting but it's never caused me any trouble with anything.

If it isn't causing you any pain it's probably fine. Probably.

Cool. I think it's OK then.

do your mobility work

better now than before you get injured

clicking knees is a sign of knee cancer
get that shit checked out my dude

Ive got it to brah, dosnt hurt but its a tilt

When I ride my bike. It happens while peddling I forgot which knee. Mum has arthritis hopefully this isn't related.

Also happens when I do flutter kicks. I think it clicks on the right side unless I told my legs to the left.

I'm gonna hijack for a bit.

I don't get knee clicking at all. I do however experience knee pain when squatting. I squat low bar. I've tried multiple widths/ feet angles but it is still something I experience.

They will hurt until I get into my second working set, then will be fine for a few more hours, but then hurt a bit when walking up stairs (not really down stairs).

The pain is the bottom of the kneecap/ just below the knee cap. Maybe a bit to the inner part of the leg.

Save going to a physio, any other recommendations?

Knee clicks always when I squat /bend it, recently been giving me pain.... Might be rip for me

All my joints click because of shitty genes or something

It doesnt matter. Clarence0's knees click horrifyingly loudly with every squat and hes a pro-tier powerlifter

stop squatting....?

is this bait? yeah he has huge numbers, but he'll probably have fucked up knees for the rest of his life. he's already gotten major surgery on them and he's only like 24.

i get cracking, yes.
i also get sharp shooting pains in my kneecap usually on the first set. it doesn't ever repeat itself though, so i assume there's not much of a serious problem?

one legged pistol squats brah

I did dumbell squats today and now my right knee hurts so wtf

Try stretching and starting over on squats. Have someone check your form and try different stances. I recommend going to physio to make sure everything is okay

My knee, shoulders, hips and my elbow all click

I think it all has to do with flexibility. I have zero flexibility, ever since I started lifting, my shoulders, wrist, knees, hips, neck all click multiple times per day after that specific workout. Nothing hurts though, but my clicks are so loud that everyone looks at me like I broke a bone

I have that in my left arm only. when I do push ups it cracks like crazy. There is no pain though.

Anyone ever get "pressure" on one of your joints that feels like it is going to pop/crack? the only joints I can crack are my fingers and toes. I use to be able to crack my neck just by tilting my head, but I can't seem to do it anymore.

anyway, I have had this feeling before on my knees and I have cracked it somehow and it felt so good. the joints I can't crack normally feel so good when I do it, but its a once in a blue moon kind of thing.

>Back squat for over a year with no issues
>Add front squats to routine
>4 weeks later have what feels like tendonitis in both knees

What do

I get knee pains when I squat because I've got something called osgood schlatter and it causes swelling and pain in the same areas you described. Go see a doctor for some anti-inflammatory meds and invest in some good knee wraps.

no its not lol. 1/10 bait
might catch out a middle aged woman if it was posted on jenny craig forum

I got the pain just below my knee cap and I've self diagnosed as Petallar Tendonitis.

Its been two weeks since I squatted and the "pain" is still the same

If it's the side of the knee, it's the IT bands.

You might wanna see a physiotherapist, your tibia may be a little bit out of your knee joint
Tried to say something with my awful english but it probably does not make sens, hope you got the idea

What kind of mobility work?
What do you do for example?

My knees crack like crazy but never when working legs, it's usually when i squat doing something else.

Yes. Whenever i do a deep squat movement even without weight it sounds like popcorn but no feeling follows the sound. Had a chiropractor examine it and he told me as long as im not getting any strange feeling or pain not to worry about it and that it is pretty common.
Been lifting for 5+ years including my "le powerlifting strength training is superior phase" and it hasnt gotten worse or anything of the sorts.

My hips, ankles , shoulders , wrists knees and elbows all crack. Only time I've ever gotten pain from lifting is when I benched with shitty form. Should be all good mayne

I've just been to physio, and found out that the reason my left knee hurts during squats was that it was significantly weaker compared to my right one,

This means I have to one leg leg press from now on

Y'all need to take your fish oil

You'll never hear another crack coming from your body ever again.

Get it checked out. Don't want to damage anything. It's not worth pushing it, I would know.

storytime please

My knees click when i squat the bar and 135 during warmup. Any weight past that it seems to go away.

>tfw lifting with sciatica

i dont know what my gains would be without it but holy fuck is it excruciating some days