>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth. Humanity has randomly chosen people to enter an underground nuclear shelter with enough food and provisions for the next 6 months until the Earth is habitable again, luckily you were picked.
>You are aloud to bring one random piece of gym equipment with you
Choose wisely...
Austin Sanchez
>You are aloud
Hudson Carter
Nigger that's not a nuclear bunker its the fucking Tellytubby house
Kayden Carter
>The Sun has fallen out of orbit b8
Chase White
static dynamic developer by westside
Andrew Rivera
>aloud Stopped reading right there dėsu
Parker Morgan
>until the earth is habitable again >after it has been swallowed by the sun You got me hooked senpai.
Bentley Bennett
Wow haven't seen this thread in a while
Justin Rodriguez
Adjustable dumbbells? :) Only thing I use anyway
Ayden Robinson
Jonathan Parker
Adjustable dumbbell Also if the sun crashed into the earth there is no teletubby home on the planet that will save you
Luis Nelson
A cardio bunny
Eli Roberts
I pick a dumbbell so I can hit you over the head with it
Cooper Green
A threadmill,
probably quite cramped in there and impossible to run otherwise, while for lifting i could use bags of rice or water jugs
Thomas Martinez
Austin Richardson
What if that's what the teletubbies are... the mutated remains of the last humans living in an old nuclear bunker 1000 years after the end of the world
Jackson Thompson
A nigger
Dominic Brooks
this is actually really fucking dark lmao
Cooper White
Nolan Collins
> Sun going to crash into the eart > Earth will still be around Pick one and only one retard.
Asher Anderson
Are you implying that the sun isn't orbiting around Sagittarius A*
Adrian White
> sun crashes into earth > somehow the telly tubby house will protect you > somehow the earth will be fine again in 6 months
Stupid idiot OP
Kayden Richardson
Ayden Hill
include me in the screencap
Colton Robinson
Power rack and hope someone else in this thread brings a barbell and plates.
Jaxon Long
calf raise machine.
Ryder Wilson
If the sun "falls out of orbit" I'm pretty sure it would take us with it instead of crashing against us
Owen Gomez
>He can't divide by 20
Lincoln Jones
>The Sun has fallen out of orbit >crash into the Earth >Earth is habitable again This is the average Veeky Forumsizen
Jacob Bailey
Please, end my suffering before I do.This "better" life doesn't even matter to me anymore.
Jacob Thomas
So many things wrong with this post >sun apparently has an orbit >somehow falls out of said orbit >humanity decides to make teletubbie style nuclear shelter that somehow protect you from the disintegration of all of humanity >6 months later it's all good, earth restores itself >even though the sun is gone, all is well >oh yea want to bring a piece of gym equipment for some reason, cause all my loved ones are dead but hey don't wanna lose muscle
And wrongest of all
>for some reason humanity finds me valueable enough to save
Angel Perez
WTF I Hate Teletubbies Now
Hunter King
>there are people on Veeky Forums right now that have not seen this pasta before
Jordan Jackson
>>oh yea want to bring a piece of gym equipment for some reason, cause all my loved ones are dead but hey don't wanna lose muscle this one makes sense though
Eli Ward
Hahahahaa this fucking thread holy shit
Christian Gomez
If Sol falls out of orbit then its probably not going effect earth in any way
Xavier Lee
Are you naturally this fucking stupid or do you wake up and make a concious effort to be more stupid than you were yesterday?
Jeremiah Fisher
>The Sun has fallen out of orbit ... >He thinks the Sun orbits the Earth How's that 2-digit IQ working for you, OP?
Joseph Morris
It doesn't matter. The earth won't survive. RIP, earth.
The earth might survive the moon crashing into it. But I doubt the surface would still be habitable.
Charles Hill
first of all how dare yo u
Luis Rodriguez
>the sun crashes into the earth >somehow survive in an underground bunker
Dominic Martinez
Tellytubby construction techniques are the best known to man.
Gavin Nguyen
good job OP
Brayden Gonzalez
kettlebells because you can basically do anything with them
Henry Hill
You don't even have to know anything about science to recognize that this scenario is complety inplausible
Chose a comet next timo OP
Lucas Baker
Barbell. I can use it as a spear if things get dangerous.
Noah Hill
The sun acually has an orbit around the center of our galaxy.
Jack Bailey
Is Veeky Forums the most dumbbest board?
Jack Williams
>most dumbbest 2/10 bait
Benjamin Wood
The most ridiculous thing in this thread is this fucking post right here. I bet my fucking life you read every word of it. No fucking way did you see 'aloud' and then not finish that sentence you FUCKING liar
Jacob White
>... Stopped reading right there Honorable mentions: >teleytubby house >sun has fallen out of orbit >crashed into us >it will take six months to recover from this >aloud No. Fags from other boards would probably try to say we are meatheads but no one here actually lifts. Stupidest board is probably /aco/, some retard the other day asked for sauce in a thread dedicated to one artist who was named in the OP.
David Rivera
absolutely beautiful pepe/wojack. been a while since i saw one that made me laugh
Christian Gomez
>All these easily baited newfags ITT
Jackson Allen
Why do you think the sun has a baby's face on it every time it's shown? It's an illusion created from the intense solar waves that are now hitting the earth. The size of the sun in all the shots is remarkably bigger, implying a closer proximity to the planet and/or a drastic reduction in the protective layers of the atmosphere that reduced the relative appearance of the sun.
Blake Walker
Pull up station
Cooper Bailey
His point still stands, he is a Veeky Forumsizen as well
Parker Martinez
Veeky Forums is 100x better when we don't talk about fitness
Landon Nelson
Charles Brown
>bunker under ground >Not building new civilization on the ocean floor
Kevin King
user, that is the teletubbies home, I ain't evicting no teletubbies.