Well Holy fuck I actually have a date with a hot girl this week
Did I fucking make it?
Well Holy fuck I actually have a date with a hot girl this week
Did I fucking make it?
bait or not, my god this bitch is fine
Nope it's really not
Confidence is key (Also i'm very attractive and tall I just never talked to girls until these past two weeks because 0 confidence until I started lifting)
Ohh and yeah those are some fine ass titties.
dude you just posted 4 times to yourself lol
for sure, i'll believe. good luck on the date.
yeah I'm tall and attractive as well, just pretty DYEL at the moment and doing what I can to fix it. Good job breh, hope to make it one day as well
all women are vile whores
Come back when you penetrate the cum drum. post pics
>welcome to Veeky Forums
Yeah I fucked up
Yeah I also used to have horrible gyno and now it went down a bit and now I have pecs so it's barely noticeable too, that sit really fucked me up back then
How old are you bro?
yeah I have verrrry mild gyno but its hardly noticable. I'm more self-concious about my skelly arms than anything.
I'm 23
>. I'm more self-concious about my skelly arms than anything.
You could honestly put on a shitton on size in just 3 months if you actually consistently workout and eat in caloric surplus
i swear to god, Veeky Forums is just /r9k/ with self-aggrandizing rather than self-deprecating/loathing
>a date with a beanstalk
Topkek yes, you made it into neveragain territory
>being intimidated by tall girls
never gonna make it.
unless youre one of those "high test" guys
It always has been. Veeky Forums in general desu.
>blind date to a ball
>she's nice and pretty
>opens up about someone else who was at the ball that she had a falling out with
>talks about how she thought they connected because they bonded over both being broken up and he treated her well
>he stops contact at some point and she's hurt
>I'm in the same situation
>she clearly wants to go out more and I have to let her down
I don't want these problems
This site is mostly a time waster but I was just exited so i decided to come back for old times sake
I guess i'm not a crab then
Why can't you just be happy for me user?
Show pics
Being n in shape female is a fucking meme no amount of weight loss will ever give me curve of make me attractive and I've already been anorexic before.
Genetics win again
I'm referring to the fact that her thighs are smaller than my arm
Got more pics of this chick?
>Veeky Forums
>Near a large city
>Horrible sperglord when I talk to women
>Coming up on month six of a dry spell
>Met a girl on Bumble and I thought it was going well but it's clearly about to fail.
Hold me Veeky Forums
Most dudes love skinny chicks
do you have a untreated mental illness?
Probably depression, I think about suicide (but not as much as I used to).
I also have pretty low self confidence, despite objectively being successful.
I'm 32, if that changes things.
>I have to let her down
Why? Tell your ex to fuck off and go out with this girl
got a routine for you
10xF talk to a girl IRL (repeat every day)
then work your way up to
5xF try and get a girls number
>not dating your mommy
Reminder that no other woman will ever truly love you
>used goods
I'm stealing this meme
Is this the chick?
why are her tits so ridiculously low
It's glorious
Because 90% of all 3DPD have disgusting droopy uneven tits with ugly nipples
you know what to do my friend
Holy shit i was gonna say " big tits small waist downs syndrome eyes good job user" but i just noticed another user pointed out how saggy those tits are
Holy fuck i cant even imagine how nasty those arr
You are here. Double no.
if you unbutton that skirt is it just, like, a length of fabric?
>all women are vile whores
>can you work around it
OP dont fall for the pussy trap, make her need you its crucial you show who is the boss
>rather than
I think you mean plus
Hey, bro, do you know who is this fluid druid?
I remember that she has a some pics with chupa-chups, but completly forgot the name.
>Did I fucking make it?
Not until she gets your assets, house and you are a divorced hobo.
Enjoy the ride
to hell
>Mom has 5'9 as the cutoff on her dating profile
>tfw 5'6