Sip thread

>tfw first sip of the day


That stuff gives me the shits

non sipper detected

>tfw 2 for $4

the most economical of sips


>tfw 31.99 for 32 pack

get on my level scrub

>not getting 2 rockstar pure zeroes for $3

>tfw 0 for 0
>tfw not drinking useless shit, paying money to be poisoned


Had my first sip of my life the other day.

Immense euphoria better than the greatest orgasm ever was induced shortly after


This meme is everywhere. There is now way those are good for you.

*sips fedora*

anyone care to explain to me the sipboy meme? Veeky Forums is literally the only place I see these drinks being so popular


Please don't drink your fedora.

I mean, it's healthier than shitty monster and probably would make you more awake too, but still, don't do it please.

Take a sip

Sippening m'lord


In Germany this stuff is 0,88 € on sale. I buy them in bulk when they are not Solf out.

Hör auf den Müll zu trinken du Opfer

I was downing 2-3 of these per day to the point that all the caffeine and stims weren't even having an effect, just kept me baseline. Basically nullified the use of preworkouts also. Had to give em up...I suggest Powerade Zero for anyone who still needs a "muh tastebuds" drink. 1/4th the price, arguably healthier ingredients when it comes to sport performance, and allows you to get back to using caffeine as a tool when you need it.

Nice wrist brah

Explain the sip meme like I'm a newfriend

That's expensive as fuck just for caffeine.

Wrist roller three times a week

It's not just caffeine. It tastes gorgeous.

>It's not just caffeine. It tastes gorgeous.
lol are you retarded, what kind of argument is that? It's processed shit with fake ingredients and chemicals, keep drinking that crap and enjoy

halt deine scheiss fresse du dummer hurensohn, kannst sie dir sicher nicht leisten.
hab hier 100+ dosen stehen, tägliche sip gönnung und so.


Sipping all day

Can't buy powerade where I live brah.

Chemicals?! WTF I hate sips now


Meine scheiss uhr ist mehr wert als dein Leben du kleiner hobbytürke

Sip Sip boy

Is coffee 0 calories?


Average cup of drip coffee has 1 or 2 calories.

Then how is sipps 0?

Found this shit in a store here in Norway today, the taste is not bad for zero calories. 8/10 will sip again

Please think of your family

Sipping, not even once.

It's 11 calories per can

Sips for days

Coffee is not pure caffeine

>sipping cancer juice

>those tiny girl hands

Stop sipping and start eating

>tfw first sip of the night

Where did you get all those small cans in the box?

See me in the gym with it tatted on my pecs

mfw the grocery store i work at took these out of the monster cooler


On it.

They're all 16 oz.

They're too small to be 16oz.

Why would I lie? It's the angle of the photo

Get out redbull shill.

Nigger, I started mixing mine with veggie juices. Shit taste nice as fuck.

Nice try

Caffiene is 0

Like V8? I'm curious.