How do I fix this posture, Veeky Forums?
How do I fix this posture, Veeky Forums?
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Is this why my tailbone hurts after squatting sometimes?
don't, keep the bubble butt
do lunges, butterflies for stretching and train your abs proportionally with your lower back.
wait this is what my back looks like
Picture shows anterior pelvic tilt.
Look up hip flexor stretching.
Work your abdomen without working your hip flexors (situps are bad mmkay).
Focus your ass muscles when doing squats.
Sit properly in a chair.
Start at the base, in a relaxed state stand in place. Look down at you feet, if you're toes are not parallel, and point out wards you have external hip rotation and this needs addressed first. Then you focus on your lumbar flexibility and strength. Then work the hipflexors.
Just remember you need to start with a strong flat base before looking to go higher up.
how to fix external hip rotation?
Strengthen your hipflexors and make sure you are aware of your hips when sitting. Its the worst when you have to drive or sit long periods of a day.
google it devin
I have this....I always thought it was because I rode horses when I was growing up
I've been stretching my hip flexors every morning to fix this, but I'll try to be more conscious of my hips when I'm sitting.
Should be toes be parallel and pointing forward when I'm sitting down? I'm forcing them to be like that right now and it makes my ankles feel very tight. Normal?
i swear that front squats not only saved my back but also made me look confident. Hard to explain but what i mean by that is this:
During the front squat your back is almost completly straight. Due to the load in front, you actively need to hold your torso straight.
This helps with thoracic extension (which i attribute my more "confident look") and the tilt at your hips due to the movement pattern.
What you need tho is good mobility whether it is wrists, thoracic extension, hips and ankle. I highly recommend weightlifting shoes to lessen the need of alienesque ankle mobility and thus allowing the movement to be practiced by plebs like us.
Within 2 months of front squatting (my back squat was 120 kg, started front squatting with 60 and progressed SS-like), my posture is perfect. My doc was astounded and now recommends it to his patients now.
Hope it helps friends
>tfw I front squat 3pl8 and I still have lordosis
I found that the glutes are usually the most effective way to help.
You can do either variation of these. You need to stretch the external hip rotators and strengthen the internal rotators.
>You need to stretch the external hip rotators and strengthen the internal rotators.
Will doing the stretch in that video every day be enough?
anyone have any pics of girls wit dis. I've seen them irl and its da best but can't find on the cyber
Going to try this, how would you recommend I fit front squats into Phrak's greyskull routine? I was thinking replacing Friday's back squats with front squats or doing them on diddly day
I'll give this a try for sure. Thanks user.
i'd swap either monday or friday. 5x3.
Start sleeping on your back.
My back is fucked in a way that I can't lie on my back without discomfort.
Pretty annoying
This, plus learning to ohp press properly did wonders.