Veeky Forums how the fuck do i initiate a conversation with a girl??
Veeky Forums how the fuck do i initiate a conversation with a girl??
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"s-so are you like, one of those checkout girls?"
>hey how's your day going
>not too bad yourself?
>can't complain
>stand there for around 3 seconds in silence before pulling out phone and pretending to text
>haven't made eye contact yet so can't start now
>awkwardly grab my bags before she's given me the receipt
>go to grab it as she slides it into one of the bags
>have a good day
>it's night time
>walk away semi happy that I talked to a girl this week
>"what can I get for $20?"
Just ask her if she wants to have a conversation, it's not difficult.
>walk up to a grill
>"D-do you want to have a conversation?"
Yeah... brilliant strategy, autist
get drunk
>can't complain
This is the point where you would have normally asked her for her number or if she wants to drink a coffee with you.
Works for me. You probably don't lift enough or are too short for them to be interested.
Underrated and true
stupid and cowardly
If you cant sack up when you are sober then you have far more self growth required than liquid courage
That seems emotionally unhealthy
Fake it till you make it, brah
ay gurl u wnt sum fuk?
this is so true, I went to a festival years ago with my bro and got pissed off with him and left to get drunk myself. met a group of girls when I was wasted and started talking to them and hung out with them all day, we even took ecstacy together and had a great time. end of the night and im at their tent, 2 of them seem up for it but I sperged out and left since I was sobering up by then, and afraid my dick wouldn't work because of all the subtances. I regret it so much.
this 100%
getting drunk somehow switches off the autism, at least for me.
Nope, there is a sweet spot though, but getting drunk makes me hyper autistic and broody.
This is the only real answer.
If she reacts negatively, example she looks disgusted or something, try recovering by playing it off as a joke, if that doesn't work then she isn't worth it either way.
If she laughs or something then I guess you say it was a joke and then get her number and then it's bone town from there.
>A-are you an archaeologist?
stare off into the distance and ignore her entirely chicks love a mysterious man
Laura :3
Every time i touch ecstasy my dick becomes diamonds for like 2 hours
you are a fucking idiot
don't fuck up like that again soldier
fuck you beat me to it. with the stuttering and everything.
Why, exactly, are you asking this on /fit of all places?
Asking relationship advice from Veeky Forums is like going to tumblr for dieting tips.
Haha it's funny because everyone that goes on Veeky Forums is a loser like you.
If you have to ask then don't worry about it
Noooooo, why you fucking faggot? why?
You don't deserve to have those experiences. Leave it to virgins like me :'(
Did I touch a nerve there buddy? I was really talking about trolls not losers. But suit yourself.
gril I know u want dis dick
Walk up to them and press A
pretend to be gay: 200% confidence boost
I have the same problem. I hate to admit this but talking to stranger who are guys is quite simple and easy. For some reason I can talk to men pretty normally but women are different, I get worried about talking about myself to women. Plus I haven;t been exposed to women much in the last 10 years. After high school its all over folks
>step 1 put a nice colone
>step 2 get a good haircut personally i went for a poumpadour
>step 3 start looking up instead of down
>step 4 watch neon genesis evangelion
>step 5 start acting like kaji
>step 6 get an excuse to talk to her
>step 7 make her laugh atleast once
>step 8 then speak your mind even if it is do you want some oca ola my nigg?
no? r u retarded. u say r u doing anything this weekend or whatever. then if shes into u she might invite u to go do something or if shes shy she will say she isnt doing nothing then u can ask her. if shes not interested she would just say shes busy and it basically saves u from asking and being rejected
>girl asked me today in the computer lab how to spell a word...she had the computer and phone in front of her
Am I stupid for not noticing she wanted to talk to me or was she just stupid for not noticing she did not need to ask me for help?
fuk this peace out yall
Just go up and tell her she's hot. Most of the time she'll say you are too.
>dyel af
>just be confident bro
She was just making conversation.
You know something she didn't do? Analyze the situation from every possible angle and neurotically obsess about the possible outcomes. She just talked.
>saves you from asking and being rejected
Can't you see how beta this shit is? Or is this a joke post, I can't tell.
This would be very doable if my balls were at least x10 bigger.
Read Bang by Roosh
Gives you all the theoretical background you need, and answers your question early on int the first chapter. Then you actually have to put all that theory into use, which is another story.
It boils down to talking to so many girls that you no longer fear rejection.
then it gets awkward when you have to explain the joke and the negative reaction happens
h-how do I even find a man who would be interested in talking
I don't drink and generally pretty boring person with no social life
You slap them with a trout
that's pretty cringy and forced. it's like the classic "so... what do you want to talk about now" when it gets quiet. play it cool all you want, the girls you said that to internally cringed, unless you're under 17
If you got a pussy, that'll probably be enough if you walk you and say hello
What if I have a stutter
>ay girl wan sum fuck?
Works every time.
eye contact, smile, hey my name's user