How physically fit or wealthy do you have to be, to hook up with someone this pretty/hot ?
How physically fit or wealthy do you have to be, to hook up with someone this pretty/hot ?
money and power are always more important that fitness.
SInce you're posting on Veeky Forums I'm guessing you have neither.
Welcome to the club brother!
i would imagine alot
the older the girl the richer and hotter you have to be, up until she is around 30, then their standards drop and theyll settle for "intends to have a good career" "is a hard worker" "is a nice guy" etc etc
at least 6'2
10 million at LEAST in assets
attractive face
good personality
fuck i dont know sorry
I was more fit when I was flipping hamburgers than when my salary reached $125K a year. Guess when I was able to start banging hot women...
Damn that's great.
Does your career consist of Math/Economics ?
Do you work as an Accountant, General Manager, Technician ?
Have any of you ever considered PERSONALITY? If you're neither a loser nor a rich fuck that's more important than muscles. Also attractive face which is mainly genetics.
>up until she is around 30, then their standards drop and theyll settle for "intends to have a good career" "is a hard worker"
This is true, these are the qualities of a proper man who'll support a family
Unless she's a slut who doesn't recognize this at all, in which case there's no reason to even bother with her
he made a career of lying on the internet
Since most youtube fitness bros have a girlfriend like this then i would say around thier level e.g matt ogus, jeff seid ect. Or just threaten her family if she doesnt want to be with you :)
I'm "Technically homeless", by choice, and have found that my active lifestyle winds me up in the beds of women, much like OP post image. There is no secret. There is no magic fitness level that you can reach that will be the answer. If you were born non-aesthetically pleasing to women that you personally find attractive, you may never have a shot. Just genetics at it's finest.
Also goes along with what you are doing in life and if whomever you chose to mate with finds you as a suitable partner. Even if for a night. Good luck out there Gents and Mam's
Not much.
When you get older you will realise that the only thing keeping you back is your self.
Just got to relax.
>these are the qualities of a beta man who'll support a family
How do you even cross paths with women of this calibre? Where are they?
My friend fucks girls like that
He's 6'3" 210lbs he doesn't really have any money of his own but his family is millionaires and he has a credit card thats basically unlimited. He's 25 and has no idea how good he has it. He still lives with his parents and has wrecked three cars in the past 2 years,his parent judt keep buying him new ones. He was arrested this summer for unregistered firearms after he accidentally shot himself in the hand while cleaning a pistol and being high. Normally in NYC you go to jail for about 5 yrs for that but his family's rich and got a dope lawyer so all he has to do now is meet a probations officer like once every 2 weeks.
He's damn near autistic and everything he says is extremely offensive and ignorant. This is what women want he's fucked more hot girls this month than I've fucked my whole life. It's astonishing to watch to be honest. Well be hanging out in the park or anywhere really and women will just walk up to and autistically stare until he acknowledges them, which he often doesn't, then they always give him their number even when he doesn't ask for it. There is a whole other world out there and some ppl are lucky enough to live it.
The true redpill is that heterosexual women don't even exist, so your looks are completely and utterly irrelevant in the context of "attraction".
Relationships are basically prostitution retainers where the man trades something, such as money, status, or reproduction, in return for sex and "companionship". I wouldn't fall into the trap of gloryfying women no matter how physically attractive they are; all women are ugly inside. The moment your usefulness ends she has the power through the biased legal system to destroy your life.
All that said, regarding your question, I'd say you'd need to be in the top 1% of wealth.
You live your life to your own standards and wants. I've found that simply taking life as it comes and seeking my own personal happieness first can be bery rewarding if you are mentally prepared to just drop everything (usally the stuff not making you truly happy in life) and go live for yourself. Doesn't mean I'm not going to settle down or plan for my future. What it means is I am focused on my personal happieness and searching for people that heighten that. Beautiful people are all over the world if you take a moment to really look and see what YOU are attracted to. Chances are one of them is gunna be dumb enough to fall into your arms. If that person makes you truely happy, then what more is needed in life?
or else she's just another lesbo imo
Your negativity and scorn for life is saddening to read. I hope that you find purpose and meaning to yourself again before posting more ignorant, useless and extremely bias commentary that does not really benefit anyone.
I would just like to for once in my life know what it feels like to have sex with someone I'm actually attracted too and not just what i had to settle for bc I couldn't attract a hot woman. Hottest I've ever had is a 5/10 but most have been 4s or 3s. I'm not even terrible looking just not hot or wealthy.
you need to have a good face and a good body, at least a 7/10 body and a 7/10 face, basically 95% of Veeky Forums couldn't pull it of easily, when i say this i mean she being interested on your body and not your personality, if you hang out with her, be a really cool not beta guy and has an average face with a good body you can pull it off
The only person to blame for who you chose to sleep with is yourself.
I can go without sex for years. I have standards. I don't just sleep with anyone to get my boys off. I am personally happier with that choice than with accepting subpar mates.
Not the guy you replied to but I definitely have a problem with being bitter in life how do you find happiness each day?
I might have to try this I usually can't go more than 6 weeks without sex. When i do all i can think about is rape.
I've already stated in previous posts, but I will simplify. Live for yourself. The moment you truly start seeking self improvement and following through with your own goals (even if to just wake up on time every day) is the moment you will start realizing what you want in life and what may truly make you happy.
For example. I left the US and lived in Canada for 5 months just because I wanted to.
I saved my money, quit my job, told my family, and went. I don't have nearly as many regrets now in my life than when I was just following along the "norm"
women are good for two things: repressing their homosexuality and shitting kids (that you'll never even see because the courts hate fathers)
i'm interested in neither, and you don't have to agree with me so spare me the emotional appeals
I'm thinking the same thing! what if we coincidentally rape each other?
This reply is childish if you are not serious.
Though if you truly have these feelings after prolonged periods lacking intimacy, I hope that you seek professional guidance before you act upon your toughts and ruin someon else's pursuit of happiness in life.
>6'7" at LEAST
>10+ inch dick
>5m+ salary
>political influence of a US senator
>3/4/5/6 for 12x5
Just stating facts
Well, they will tell you what they want. An attractive, phyisically fit man who is career oriented and highly educated. Oh and can make them laugh, apparently. Good luck.
How is that useful information to anyone? Could you explain in depth or are you posting just to post.
Is there a human being on this planet that can meet those requirements?
Also childish.
I don't agree. Is there an underlying situation you have against women?
Who is this girl?
are you new here?
When you gained self-esteem and confidence?
Just taking a wild guess here.
Dolph was for a while
No, I am asking for a detailed explanation behind the post. Are you new here?
Bro you have no idea how much i hate myself when I start thinking shit like that. I don't want to be a monster I just want to be a normal person and be loved like everyone else.
Bitter as fuck boi. Mgtow fags need to leave the hall.
sierra egan aka @sierraaaskyee
Sierra Skye
No. I just don't like hanging out with them in sexual or otherwise scenarios.
Nah bro, the redpill rage is long behind me. I'm just laying out some truths for those who want to research a bit by themselves. I'm saying this shit in the calmest (even slightly amused) way possible. Ever since I went monk mode which was about a year ago, my happiness has been through the roof. My gains too.
Only person stopping you from fixing that mindset is yourself. I have no remorse for you if you simply self wallow. I only have pitty for whom ever ends up being the victim of your carelessness and lack of attentiveness to your own problems.
Thank you.
Fair enough, thank you for the clarification.
The guy who bangs this woman probably has like 2 of those traits. I'd put good money on she has banged guys with none of those traits.
I second this notion. There is not enough time in life to be so bitter, IMO.
What clarrification? You tumblr faggots constantly grasp at straws. Never did I imply that I hate women for biologically being what they are. I simply laid down facts. Most/all women are either gay or homoflexible, look up sexual arousal studies (women are more turned on by other women than by men). I also said women are golddiggers, also a fact that is easilly supported by some research. Men getting screwed in family court is also a fact. Etc.
I don't hate women for these things. They are what they are. I'm willing to ignore them and live my own life. My only rule is don't tread on me.
Damn this gets me mad. Whether this poster is lying or not, I've seen many young attractive women with good career prospects throw pussy at these hippie ass lowlife bums who just speak some fancy mumbo jumbo and appear "mysterious". Those men aren't about shit, useless degrees or none at all, wouldn't protect or provide to save their lives, usually are built like nothing.
What's the appeal of these cunts?
money and power are more important if you want to be beta bucks. Physical fitness, being attractive, assertive and cocky funny are for alpha fucks.
think of the women that cheated on their billionaire husbands with the poolboy.
Sure you won't keep a girl around for long if you have no money or power, but you will get to spin them as plates and fuck them senseless. Meanwhile beta billy will be allowed to pay for her dinner and make sure she is emotionally stable when you cheat on her with the next chick that diggs rough alpha sex.
tl;dr: go for animal attracting and fuck girls 18-30 that only crave rough sex. Once the girls want to settle down let beta billy pay the check and put a ring on that cumdumpster.
they don't post on a Tibetan basket weaving forum for fun
It's useful because it's the truth. You can have sex with a woman that attractive if you meet those requirements.
thot requirements:
>six-seven figure salary
>chad face and features*****
>8x6 dick brehs
>be roid-level shredded and buff
>be funny
>not be autistic
>6'2 at least***************
That is your opinion and you are entitiled to it, but I feel that you may need to rethink how you view things. That's my opinion.
They don't believe that a linear relation between any of your attributes and female sexual response in general exists.
Even more, they feel good about themselves and about life.
I am the poster that you are referring to.
I would like to state freely, that you also need to re-think how you view things. My life is amazing. College, military, career I love, the money I need. Just because I don't blow my money on a house I don't need does not make me any less of a person. As a matter of fact I might have more life experiance than you.
So, you are wrong in pointing that kind of statement at me. At any point in my life.
just face
everything else is to compensate for lack of face. The uglier you are, the more you need whether that be money, body, height, etc. There is no definitive answer because we don't know what your face looks like
That post was either satire or bait that you fell for.
Don't take this shit seriously man, come on.
Further more, it is not uncommon for me to have a 60+ hour work week with contract security positions I snag up from time to time around the country. My life is my job sometimes. When I am not working, you bet your ass I'm not sitting around. I'm in the best shape of my life. I have several things that can prove that I am extremely physically fit. Along with Coaching runners in my free time.
Face and height. The rest is irrelevant for the alpha league.
Beta league (vast majority of men) is money and the abilty to act like a clown and dropping your standards to even beastiality-tier sometimes.
>this thread
I honestly cant separate who are shitposting and who are legit convinced you need to be Bruce Wayne.
>They don't believe that a linear relation between any of your attributes and female sexual response in general exists.
So they deny reality?
Maybe I should try that sometimes
I know this, (Maybe I'm weird but) I enjoy the silence in return from ignorant posts that have no grounds.
I post replies that can provide a question everyone might want to hear the answer too. A question is better than not learning anything by not asking.
Thank you for attempting to explain for me.
No, it is understanding that there is not just one way to go about anything. Even life.
be a famous athlete, that would help
but you gotta be a multi-season starter with multiple endorsements
or you could just 'get her' and she 'gets you' and you guys just fall madly in love
>but probably not
As long as I am alive and healthy, does anything else matter? I conform only to the standards that "Money" is required for things that really should just be free. I follow the laws of whichever country I may be in at the time, but I do not censor my life for anyone, I live for my own happieness and it has been working pretty great.
Man, I want to believe you but all of this just sounds like bs.
Secondly, most girls get turned off/reject you when you're still living with your parents.
I may not have a set career, but while I am still young and able to do what I want in life in good health, I will have as many jobs as I want. (I have had several and all ending on good terms, can still use are referrals, even if I only worked there for a few months) Just because I didn't finish college does not mean I didn't also make over 100k last year. (I just thought school was a waste of my time) There is more than one way to be successful in life. Everyone just needs to find their own way. My way works for me. It may be a but extreme for the sheepeople, but for me I am happy and have a lot going for me. I could care less about how someone else is telling me I should be or should not be doing things, or that I need to be such and such to get whomever I am attracted too. I can pretty much get laid whenever I want to. In mulitiple states, along the same Red eye flight. That's my reality.
What is yours?
I live alone, actually. That's the only way it works until I want to settle down with a family. In which I already have land for and plan to build my own house.
>>attraction is a scalar thing you can level up by improving certain attributes to certain benchmarks, which will allow you access to all women above X hotness (on the universal X/10 scale).
If you take the time to do what you want in life, when everyone else is still following someone else's plan other than their own (even if they don't realize it), people begin to look at you differently. I understand your questionable nature.
>As long as I am alive and healthy, does anything else matter?
> I live for my own happieness
Bingo; happiness. There's a reason so many people take their own lives.
>attempting to understand women
Honest answer? None of that shit matters. I have been with women that attractive and really have nothing going on for me.
I make decent money, as in have a good vehicle and can pay my bills. I'm not attractive. I'm 270lbs. My personality is shit, I'm socially awkward as fuck and hate being around or talking to people.
Things just have a way of happening in life, you can put yourself out there, and try to increase your chances, but most things I find just fall into place. Either it'll happen for you or it won't.
Pic related, me
Yes, but Lundgren isn't even human, every human being Lundgren settle down with is a downgrade for him.
Also, tell that to my wall of medals, meritorious promotions in the military and merited (I keep direct info confidential), my coaching plaque, my top placements in some 10 mile road races (foot races) that are under 60 minutes consistently.
Idk. Nobody has to believe anything. I'm just sharing my experiance and hope others can learn from them.
Post a pic of your face.
None, you just need to be very skilled socially really. Flashing your bank account and abs won't really do much unless she's a pure breed gold digger. Which most attractive chicks really aren't they're just looking form someone who can have a good time and bring them along.
Christ, you are my hero, literally HOW?
This is probably one of my better Facebook angle pics, I don't take many of myself
Finally someone get's it. I am only speaking about the actions and experiences in my life. You can take my statements at face-value or not, but that does not change my reality and everything I type and each time I have to reset this "captcha". I am happy with my life, and I am sharing that knowledge. Readers can take my statements however they please.
As an ESL I hate how this website dumbs me down.
I am the poster you are referring to, English was not my first language.
He just fucking explained how dipshit
If you wold loose a bit of weight you would look be Chad tier, so it is all about looks.
Also, typo's happen. If that is all you can take from my statements, maybe you need to re-think how you go about what your focuses are in life.
That is another poster. Not me. I do not post public images of my face for confidentiality and my own safety.
I agree with this mentality. Keep it up man, we both seem to understand what many fail to grasp.
Don't get so defensive and triggered. I didn't even say anything insulting about you, although I should now that you try to pass "experiance" off as a typo (and I guess typo's is also just a typo, eh) ;^)
>The true redpill is that lesbian women don't even exist
there's absolutely zero evidence to support that
literally zero
"heterosexual" women are bisexuals with a preference for women
the rest (heteroflexibles, bisexuals, homoflexibles, and homosexuals) are all pretty much lesbians
Your statement is misdirected and not what I was saying at all. There may be a misunderstanding.
All I asked was why if there was something more to not being with women sexually or otherwise, and you replied with with that you just don't. You answered my question fully and I was not meaning anything else. Maybe it's another poster you are following the chat line with along with mine, but you did clarify my question. Anything more is an oversight.
No, I don't "Tumbler"
1. Define a goal
2. Work towards reaching the goal
3. Repeat until dead
I'm conversing with Veeky Forums via my Phone, and I do not use autocorrect.
Oh no, biggest reaction ever. If you think a valid response is a "triggered" moment, you still have not gone through your own priorities enough to post a valid or even effective argument against me, or to state that I am triggered. Sit down and try to crawl before running with the big leagues. You only make yourself look foolish.
Also if you read light heartedly, you will see I am simply speaking frankly. No real emotion tied. There is no point to that on Veeky Forums.
Well said lad. Not all women are like this but there is a Damn high percentage.