Vegangaines dissing Pete

Why is this accepted on youtube.

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im not even going to watch that shit. the guys had two rounds of cancer already

Not giving that loser a view

fuck off

does this human filth have unironic viewers?

b/c we still have a tiny bit of a right to free speech left, even if he's a prick

he sounds like leafy. what is the point of getting big if you sound like a bitch?

What an asshole. There are people with way worse lifestyles than Furious Pete and live to die of heart disease. Maybe the Cancer is related to his diet, but there's a lot of other factors there as well.

Why does this retard care?

Vegan gns is still a thing?

is it bad that i don't know any of these people?

not at all, you should keep it that way.

He's 100% right and you know it

well, he is 100% right in this video

No, I wish I didn't know who any of them were. Never got why an anonymous board would be so into e-celebrities.

As unlikeable as he is, he is pretty much spot on.

Those eating videos are stupid and damaging.

>psycho gains diagnosing other people with mental illnesses


this video is not about fucking diet and he literally said that his cancer doesn't have to be related to his shit diet

You think he would make same video about Matt Stonie? He also eats like shit, and even worse than furious pete because he is the world champion. Pete was trying to be edgy with making fun of animal suffering and now he is crying to the camera because bad things are happening to him. That's the point of the video.

>muh animal suffering


> b-b-but muh animals!

kill yourself

im just explaining the point of his video, because it seems like everybody here think that it's about his diet

Vegans are deluded

the green man is right, furious pete is nothing but a narcisistic pussy, like 90% of other fitness youtube self proclaimed gurus

A huge part of the video was dedicated to discussing diet.

> like 90% of youtube

fixed it for you

furious pete has autism

solid rebuttal bro

The only fitness YouTuber I enjoy and is worth watching is David Laid atleast he has hobbies and is interested in cameras and stuff unlike cguzman and the other fitters are as interesting as burnt toast.

>Testicular cancer
>Any relation diet


>The only fitness YouTuber I enjoy and is worth watching is David Laid

Notice his gay ass suggested videos on the side of his youtube.
Fuck this kid.


>getting big
You even seen his body?

>Listening to ANYTHING that a Vegan has to say
Don't you guys know? The longer someone eats the strict vegetarian diet that Vegans eat, THE MORE FUCKED-UP THEIR BRAINS GET from malnutrition. Over time Vegans experience a progressive cognitive deficit due to malnutrition; the deficiency of various amino acids cause brain dysfunction, they can't think straight anymore. Why else do you think they talk such nonsense?

Vegans are to be ignored. Their 'lifestyle' is anti-human and self-hating, putting food animals ABOVE human beings, which is flat-out wrong. Truth: The Vegan agenda would see the worlds' population of Humans reduced to a fraction of what it is currently. They think Humans are parasites and 'bad for the planet' and that we should, largely, be erradicated. How could anyone actually listen to these fools?

I don't know who I hate more

>green man spits some tough love
>"vegans are MEAN ;_;"

Bunch of pussies

Not even gonna watch this. He's not a fitness channel if all he does is comment on YouTube drama.

haha crybabies

This is very true.

Vegans have been proven to be nutritionally deprived of b12 and lack of b12 has been proven to cause cerebral atrophy, hallucinations, and other mental illnesses.

so is a lot of the meat-eating population, friendo

You're right, there are people that eat meat that have some b12 deficiency. There is a strong correlation between b12 deficiency and veganism though.

just supplement your b12 and you're golden

I'm not even vegan, but you are just being silly

I'm aware of this. This barely has anything to do with vegayngains, though, since he supplements b vitamins

Right, but why does veganism a supposedly healthy diet require the use of supplements? Wouldn't common sense tell you that am actual healthy diet not require the use of supplements?

if you had any knowledge about b vitamins, you wouldn't be asking that question

>virgin gains supplements b12
OK again, this just goes against everything he says about veganism being the most healthy diet. If veganism was truly healthy he wouldn't be medically required to supplement b12.

supplementation has nothing to do with it. if the cows you ate weren't getting the b12 from supplements themselves, you would be deficient of it. directly or indirectly, you're still being supplemented with that vitamin

who cares about this ugly nigger

What a piece of shit man. We should do something about it.

has furious pete ever been on steroids or propecia?

OK well I do and I am asking that question. Answer the question if you do actually know what the fuck you are talking about.

B12 is produced in nature you stupid bitch

>b12 is produced in nature
>vegans eat a diet that comes purely from nature
>vegans are still deficient of b12

fuck man, are you going out of your way to be this stupid?

Can any of you give a logical argument as to why this video is stupid and wrong?
Whats that?
You cant?
Then shut the fuck up


Well clearly there is something wrong with the vegan diet then if they claim to eat food from nature yet are still b12 deprived then. Thanks for proving my point lol

is your memory span that short that you can't remember the argument I made a few posts ago?
read carefully: the only reason you are not deficient of the b12 vitamin is because the animals whose products you consume are getting their b12 from supplements themselves. therefore, you are indirectly being supplemented with the b12 vitamin.
the b12 vitamin in nature is produced by a certain bacteria. if you are not consuming dirt from veggies and fruit, you are not getting b12 - simple as that. it's not about the diet, it's about washing your food, shitwit.
as I indicated some posts ago, you have no knowledge about the b12 vitamin.

Videos about other youtube videos are pure cancer

this nigger and the banana girl are fucking retards

He's right you know

None of you can prove him wrong, but you'll talk shit anyway because you don't like him personally. Very immature.

b12 its produced by bacteria thats found in untreated water, poop, and other sources. Since we don't live in the dark times anymore and don't eat or drink our own shit it only makes sense to supplement them.

Fucking this.
You should probably shut the fuck up by now and actually do proper research on the subject before making yourself sound like a complete idiot.

Yeah he's been lifting for like 10 years and just got a 4pl8 dead.

If he's not living proof that veganism is shit for gains without roiding I don't know what is.

>b12 its produced by bacteria

Where can you buy that shit?

buy the b12?

Not him but you're assuming that the nature that vegans are eating is the same nature that the rest of us are eating. Seriously you're making some seventh-grade debate arguments here.

holy shit you are a bunch of fucking pussies, pete lives and eats like shit and the fact that he knows that he is exposed to cancer but still eats and lives the way he does makes me think he deserves it

>deserves cancer

nope. not taking the bait.

It seems our vegan friends have become angry because their b12 deficiency has caused them to become retarded and can't understand basic things in life.

Veganism causes the user to be deficit in b12 and b12 is an essential nutrient. Veganism literally causes you to damage your own body.

If i was hitting myself with a hammer in the head and i pin pointed that thats the problem of my headaches i would most certainly stop. But pete does not know if the way he eats its what caused the cancer, i doubt thats the cause. Let the man die happy.

why don't you pay a little bit more than 2 seconds reading the posts following up to what I said, before you assume I'm retarded, ok?

>understand basic things in life
>doesn't know a damn thing about b12
Seem like you're not getting your proper dose of b12 aswell friend. B12 can be supplemented, it doesn't have to come from meat. Its really not that hard.

Yes b12 can be supplemented. B12 supplementation is essential for vegans, because the vegan diet is shit for the user.


>if you are not consuming dirt from veggies and fruit, you are not getting b12 - simple as that.

There is zero evidence for b12 analogues being active, as in lowering MMA levels in humans not b12 status which can be skewed by inactive analogues.

*for b12 analogues found in soil being active

Please refrain from posting biased and misleading sources

Another great channel is 70's Big run by Justin Lascek, absolute 10/10 guy and worked with Rippetoe and Kilgore on countless occasions.

Can't fucking stand when vegans dump their dead animals at the doorstep of regular folk. Even the fucking Muslims with their food rules, the folk who have a problem with absolutely everything, even THEY don't enforce their diets upon others. It's literally only vegans and they always think they're morally perfect.

this motherfucker is actually unstable.. Vegan or not dude has some fucking issues that a plant based diet cant solve.

the way matt stonie eats will end up giving him cancer

So i should just eat instead right? that should fix me right up. right?

Don't understand what you're saying

he intentionally posts things like this for drama, aka views. He, like most youtubers, are actors in the sense that they're playing characters. His shtick is fanatic veganism and it seems to work in angering people, as evidenced by this thread

Not giving that fucker any attention. All he does is try to bring others down and prey on the short comings of others for youtube ad cents.

I can't imagine something lower than making fun of someone for having cancer, fuck that alien-headed cunt.

who is pete and how does someone eat and live so bad they get cancer 3 times?

>attacks pete for being a narcissist
>has a youtube channel that focuses mainly on himself and his opinions

Can someone fucking neck this guy?

>if you eat animals you deserve to get cancer and die


Well he's right, so what's the problem here?

How so?

straw-manning this hard

i'm vegan and just take a 500mcg sup of b12 daily. i also get over the recommended intake of omega 3 fatty acids with some ground flax seeds every morning. Just doing these two little things and I can avoid all the cancer-causing, inflaming, and heart-disease-promoting animal products out there.

the rest of your post about "parasites" is just more strawman.

b12 is the product of a certain bacteria. vegan eating is literally, simply, too clean.

so you have two options:

1. take a 500mcg sup of b12 daily
2. get it from meat and dairy products, which clog your arteries, promote cancer growth, fuck up your hormonal system, and fuck with your insulin.
This guy is the only decent vegan on YouTube, although he doesn't seem to know anything about nutrition

>vegan eating is literally, simply, too clean.

No it isn't

Meant to quote: There is no evidence that b12 found outside of animal products and supplements are active in humans.

>I can't imagine something lower than making fun of someone for having cancer
Having cancer.

He does stupid shit like order the entire menu on mcdonalds and eats it for "epic challenges"

People defending him itt in this thread are stupid as fuck. Pepe is obnoxious and does stupid cancer promoting shit but refuses to stop

... are you ... are you really so retarded to say that b12 supplements are all non-vegan? holy shit user.

looking at your posts, they're saturated with some sort of angsty venom. like, why are you projecting this hard? do you feel inferior as a non-vegan or something?

You can be predisposed to get certain cancers. Basically just getting the genetic short straw.

>are you really so retarded to say that b12 supplements are all non-vegan? holy shit user.

No, I quote the retard claiming b12 found in soil is active in humans.

At what point did I say supplements weren't vegan?

green man gtfo

eat meat* sorry