Is it best to take preworkout before or after your workout?
pic related, just picked this stuff up a few days ago
Is it best to take preworkout before or after your workout?
pic related, just picked this stuff up a few days ago
Pre means before you idiot
>user forgets to take his multiple identity disorder medication
>falling for the "pre-workout' meme
Just buy coke and instant coffee retard
Coca cola?
Nice b8 OP
Yes. Half a can of coke a cola mixed with 4 scoops of instant coffee.
You're supposed to take it before you go to bed so that it can be ready to work for your morning workout
>4 scoops
I've taken the bcaa in your pic and its not really a preworkout because it has no "energy" shit in it like caffeine etc but it is good to take pre workout and after your workout
>Listening to a roided up Gorilla
Before, during AND after.
>before or after working out?
Just stop and try to make some brain gains first.
Tangible evisence of shitposting.
Sentence OP to KHS
U wot
Achievable natty btw
That really is pathetic, KYS OP
You're right, I'd rather listen to a bunch of DYEL nerds on an anime image board
Surely a giant fucking muscular man isn't the person to listen to when trying to build muscle.
You fucking stupid smug weaboo dumbasses