get it off your chest bro
>I don't re-rack my weights
/fit / conessions
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>I don't re-rack my weights
You would at my gym kid
I can't do a single unassisted pull up or chin up. I've been working on that goal for the past month with an assisted pull up machine and have gradually been lowering the resistance.
Hopefully I'll get it in a few months. I try to only do barbell, pull/chin ups, dips, and push/sit ups along with a few other bodyweight exercises. Never been strong or athletic before.
I look down on those that have shit form, don't hit depth on squats, bounce their deadlifts or their bench, and have arm days
I fart in the squat rack
Are you lazy or a terrible person or both?
ive been pretending to be my ex girlfriend on here and several 3rd party apps for two years. i said i/she underwent gender reassignment surgery while giving out a mixed bag of good/bad advice and constantly melting down
I'm a dyel skinny fat that only comes here for the memes and because i hate myself
>am actually 5'10.5 but I round it up to 5'11
I've been running for almost a year and can't break an 8 minute mile pace.
I don't rerack the barbell
my 5RM bench is 95lbs
Are you me
As long as you don't OHP.
I do though
well I'm 23 and 5'10" which is why it's so bad
I have stolen weights from the gym slowly but surely like a Mexican maid steals silverware until she finally has a respectable collection.
how does this happen? i am in absolutely horrible shape, skinny fat dyel, and my 5rm is 120-125.
How does one steal a 20kg plate
I wish I could tell you
You put it in your gym bag and walk out. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Are you fourteen years old?
I'm weak as fuck and I put 22.5 kg on each side.
You dont.
You grab 2,5kg plates and weld them together.
my 5rm is 75
i started out with the bar
>I don't re-rack the bar when I bench
I'm 18 and 6'1
I thought we could be twins
I only lift at home because I am too autistic and scared to go outside
I don't seed torrents
I'm going to rip your anus in half
>almost benching average guy's body weight
>weak as fuck
I sometimes ooze precum when i squat because the tension in the glutes hits my prostate pretty good
Isn't that a small weight? I don't remember where I read this but I thought if you're weight around 70kgs a good bench was 2x your bodyweight or something.
I don't know, I'm new to this shit.
*your weight is around 70 kg
i dont even do barbell until I can hit a plate. I feel like once i get hit 50lb dumbells for a good 3 x 12, i can bench a plate. On 30's right now. I know that feel of being weak...
Double bodyweight bench is impressive for pretty much anybody
That's way overshooting it, I'd say being able to bench just your bodyweight is a pretty solid start.
Can I get a rundown on these guys?
I don't squat yet because i've already hot huge ass legs and calves and i don't want to change my whole jean wardrobe six months in
Been lifting 3 months,don't count on squatting until i hit 9 months
It's not great, but I wouldn't say it's weak as fuck.
Thanks guys, I've been going to the gym only for two months, I've no idea how you're supposed to look like or how much you're supposed to lift.
Maybe I should just stay home and do pushups and save myself the embarrassment until I can at least bench one plate
How much do you weigh? Do you run consistently? What routine are you doing and what's your best time so far?
I'm struggling to see how after a year you haven't broke an 8 minute mile.
Sure, how fast do you want it?
I don't squat below parallel.
When I get blood on the barbell I just rub it in to the knurling
I think you should do negative pull ups instead of assisted ones.
Basically you grab the bar, step on a stool or something to get yourself up there and then slowly lower yourself.
As soon as you can do ~3 normal ones you should be able to switch to doing normal pull ups.
3 weeks ago I could do maybe 1 or 2 total, an hour ago I did 8 sets of 5.
As long as you deadlift before parallel, that's all you need
I naturally have massive quads and thighs. I never squat, buying jeans is already difficult enough.
Start training 400s for speed my nigga and breath correctly
I don't do deadlifts or squats because I have naturally big thighs and only do the glute intensive phase of the leg press
>my chick can't peg me right
>i lost my homo virginity today
im 6'3 and around 193 pounds, I run the same 1.75 mile route 4-5 times a week like 30 minutes after I wake up before eating anything but I drink a bottle of water, and my best time was 14:32
Just put your stats in here
You're doing fine if you're at novice level, if you're better than novice you're doing very well
Get out
I can attest to this. I started with negatives and holds, and after a few weeks I'm contemplating weighted pullups.
>I sometimes count my warm up set as a set
>never tip the front desk girl
> calculate my maxes with a max rep calculator instead of doing it
>eat ice cream once a week
>pretend I didn't realize that people were using the squat rack.
>If someone is bigger or stronger than me, I correct their form.
>i hug my cat before i go to the gym
>i bench over my throat instead of chest
>do this solely for a quick death if my gains fail me
+ near death motivation
I've been going to the gym for 2 years. I have literally never talked or interacted with anyone there except initially signing up, beyond a quick nod at the squat rack of a bench to check if someone is using it. I just sit with my headphones otherwise and leave.
>I think you should do negative pull ups instead of assisted ones.
t. fedora
It may surprise you to learn that there is a negative involved in assisted pull ups too!
Your best time for the mile was 14:32? This is almost beyond belief, that's a quick walking pace... However...
I don't know if you do any other exercise/what other body image goals but every pound you lose will increase your speed. If getting quicker is your goal this is an easy win.
And you just need to start increasing the miles to be honest, running under 2 miles is far too little, it's the equivalent of someone being in the gym throwing around baby weights for a year then wondering why they aren't strong. Next time you go out running run for 2 miles (and do this for a full week), then the week after go out and run 2 and a half, then 3. etc. etc.
If you don't have time then you won't get any better, which is fair enough but you should stop wanting to.
The food element isn't important with the distance you're running. You're running (very) beginner type of mileage, as such you're running very slowly...
Not that guy but I had severe shin splints when I tried running and 1.5 miles is the max I can even do.
But if you're shins aren't complaining you're obviously right
I listen too Katy Perry when I workout
I don't know how long you've been running but most people* I know who suffered from shin splints generally found after a certain period of time they start to ease off.
If you've been doing small miles over a year and you're still suffering it has to either be poor form (and most half decent running shops can get you some shoes to help) or you have been put together in a faulty manner and that's you - concentrate on something else.
*I haven't suffered from shin splints; as such comments which aren't personal experience.
a 14 year old kid benched more than me today ;_;
I believe it's specifically compartment syndrome, which is a particularly shitty type of shin pain
I might try running again when I lose like 50 pounds, as it's the impact on the ground and weight certainly isn't helping
I love going to the gym but am stuck in a cycle of depression
Only reason I don't go out and go to the gym is because I have become lazy, bored and sad. Still enjoy going, but I haven't been in three months, Thinking of going now, but sitting on Veeky Forums most of the day since no work = nothing to do today. company holiday..
I wait till I see someone going for a squat pr and cropdust them with the most rancid fart my guts can churn out right at the bottom of the hole so there's no way they're getting out without a nice deep lungful
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>Both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organizations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
Uh what do you do then?
Even if you're just holding the weight between sets you have to re-rack it eventually otherwise you'd just be living under the bench press forever.
I'm a master of sneakily not re-racking. You look at your phone, im outta the room! I'm already strolling out the gym listening to cee-lo green, warm and smug in the knowledge some CHAD is cleaning my mess. you'll never catch me ;)
I don't squat anymore, and I enjoy lifting a lot more without them
I hate the smells and the sounds at the gym.
I do 3x8 instead of 3x5
it was 1.75 miles, dude. reading comprehension.
running is my leg day
>i haven't done legs in three weeks.
> bad form on ohp fucks my back, keep doing it with bad form to increase weight
>bad form on bench with high weights
>do at least 15 sets of curls at the end of a pull day after i'd have done about 10-12 sets of rows, 10 sets of various grip pulldowns and 5-8 sets of pull ups and chinups weighted and bw.
i regret nothing
why are you doing 3x5 at all? i thought the de facto standard was 5x5 anyway.
Too lazy for that shit, don't know how anyone has the energy
I was stuck at 95 a few weeks ago
Just keep at I'm on 115 now
you fucking piece of shit. Honestly, fuck you.
yeah but 2 of those are warmup and cooldown, or just 2 of warmup so they don't really count as working sets at maximal weight. i think rip mentions that 3x5 doesn't include warmup sets
I have secretly been doing sets of 6-7 reps and making gains.
people will respect you if they see you start small but improve constantly
Plus you can typically bb bench more than you can db bench
used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So I sat quietly, agreed politely
I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything
You held me down, but I got up (hey!)
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, your hear that sound
Like thunder, gonna shake your ground
You held me down, but I got up
Get ready 'cause I've had enough
I see it all, I see it now
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter
Dancing through the fire
'Cause I am the champion, and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!
>no one in the gym cares as much as you do.
I love lifting weights but fuck i feel so weak. I always get back and knee aches when i try to lift with as good form as possible, but i still hurt. I just want to get strong while not having an aching back. Even my wrist are starting to get pain which makes me think i have carpel tunnel syndrome..
do the scoobs program desu, it's gotten me from zero anything to 10 reps in approx. 2 months. it's great.
I currently have no gf, and don't have time either. Too busy lifting.
Don't fuck with your knees.
Do core exercises to take pressure off of your lower back. Planks &
Think about supplementing for joint mobility and bone health.
Don't push your body - help it.
Average malnourished African guy, maybe
Steady on big man, we're all friend's here. Generally when time is given it's done so for the mile, as such I assumed (and by my assumptions I will be damned).
The good news is that a 8.18 mile (if my quick maths is correct), all you need to do is increase the mileage in the way I wrote. This week 2 miles each time, next week 2 and a half, week after 3. You'll be there in no time what so ever. When you get up to running 5 miles each time you can look at introducing quality into the equation and you'll start to increase speed at a very quick rate. However by this time you'll be running much quicker than 08.00 min miles