What do you think of buttered eggs Veeky Forums? Good snack food?

What do you think of buttered eggs Veeky Forums? Good snack food?

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Not bad if you've managed to get behind on fat for the day but pretty unneeded otherwise. The eggs don't need the help so I'd probably treat them as a protein-based snack and then do a cup of buttered coffee later if I still needed more fats.

>getting your fats from the least healthy fat sources


pretty good if you're a fatass

All real doctors recommend eating eggs. My private doctor had me on 10 eggs daily. My cholesterol got better, my testerone rose, muscles increased and lost weight.

Real doctors meaning what? Typically, dietitians are the ones who advise you in nutrition

I meant doctors who have their own private practice. Doctors who find the root cause of problems and not throw pills at the problem. Lots of diseases can be cured with food.

Dietitians are worse than astrologers.

Why? Are you confusing them with nutritionists?

And these doctors prescribe treatments like "eat 10 eggs each day"?

>Olive oil

Son. They're all so good.

You may as well just make deviled eggs, they'd be way better.

Yup. You become a patient. Do ininitial blood exams, stool exams etc.
follow the diet. And retest.
I ate 10 eggs a day, ate fresh fish, no processed meats, no gluten, no wheat, and my health got better. Blood exams showed an increase in overall health.

Did you by chance find this doctor on craigslist?

sounds legit

No. Try it out man. Go to your doctor and ask for blood lipid exam and testerone exam. Ask for a copy of the results.
Then start eating 10 eggs daily. Get retested in 6-12 months. Compare the results.

And a "real doctor" is supposed to look at your cholesterol results for example, and determine that the solution is to eat lots of eggs?

Go the fuck away Veganeggfag. I know it's you.

Not in all cases. But generally speaking eating eggs helps out blood. It's a nutritional powerhouse.


A video titled "the truth about ____" probably isn't telling the truth. Doubly so when it's a fat man talking about nutrition, and triply so when they argue via anecdote. Eggs don't seem to "help the blood"


>Dietary cholesterol raises the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol and, therefore, adversely affects the cholesterol profile.

Cholesterol isn't bad for you


Now I wonder what "my cholesterol got better" was supposed to mean if we're not talking about the mainstream definition of what improvements in cholesterol would be. It also makes this whole "my private doctor told me this" thing concerning.

>This research suggests that – contrary to common belief – LDL cholesterol is not as "bad" as may be thought, and higher levels are not linked to all-cause or cardiovascular mortality.
>However, before accepting this as fact, there are many important limitations to consider – both to the review and the included studies – many of which the review authors themselves acknowledge:
^ read those
>The findings of this review and possible explanations will need to be explored further, but for now this review doesn't provide solid evidence that high LDL cholesterol is good for you
>These types of stories are often based on a selective view of evidence, rather than a comprehensive systematic review. There is currently no comprehensive body of evidence that contradicts current official advice on saturated fat consumption – which recommends no more than 30g of saturated fat a day for men and 20g for women.

Interpreting scientific research takes skill to draw conclusions. It's best to leave it to a medical doctor or an expert to explain the results for you. A lot of research out there is biased with massive conflicts of interest. For example, statin drug companys are a billion dollar industry. They give a cut to doctors when they prescribe it. They also fund biased scientific studies.

Fellas, increas your egg intake. Almost all of your testerone is produced from cholesterol. Low cholesterol equals low test and a lower quality of life.

Also work with a doctor who investigates at the root cause of problems. Ask why is this happening. Many doctors throw pills to hide the effects and suddenly side effects pop out and the root problem is still there!

It's not just cholesterol that tells the whole story. Several factors play a role in overall health. It's best to leave it to a doctor to examine your body and work from there using natural remedies first

It's good to learn from people who have more education and experience, but you also have to be sure that you're listening to someone who actually knows what they're talking about and isn't being dishonest. The man in that video doesn't seem to be an expert on the topic. If you choose to listen to him because he's a doctor, you have to recognize that other, more prestigious doctors may disagree with what he's saying, and not because they're all corrupt.

>Fellas, increas your egg intake. Almost all of your testerone is produced from cholesterol. Low cholesterol equals low test and a lower quality of life.

If you got this reasoning from that doctor, you may want to check his qualifications. Testosterone, like estrogen and the stress hormone cortisol, are synthesized from cholesterol. Your body synthesizes cholesterol from acetyl CoA. More cholesterol, whether ingested or endogenously made, does not mean more production of these hormones, as it's a rate-limited process. The more cholesterol = more testosterone thing is at best well-meaning broscience and at worst intentionally deceptive woo.

You know what man. You're a smart dude. I don't really feel like going into that topic anymore because I'm not an expert at it and it will never end.

What's your diet like? You sound like an in shape person.

I eat something like the mediterranean diet with an emphasis on beans and oats, leafy greens, and nuts. I'm snacking on a bunch of baked sweet potatoes right now.

I'm no expert by any means, but I've listened to a lot of talks from different points of view and read a decent amount of papers about health, and two important and related things I've learned are that our core understandings of diet and health aren't so easily overthrown that suddenly everything can become the opposite of what used to be known, and also that there's no shortage of self-proclaimed experts who take advantage of peoples' willingness to believe good news about their bad habits. The guy who gets on stage and tells people what they want to hear while disparaging the boring mainstream are less likely to have what they're saying be scrutinized. If you really want to know what's true, you have to scrutinize those people. If you don't have the know-how to analyze research for yourself, then think of it as the more unconventional the advice you're hearing is, the less likely it is to be true.

Anyway, goodnight buddy

>eating eggs prepared in any fashion for any reason whatsoever

enjoy your cholesterol and heart disease and blood clots

fuarrk you have to be a sub 70 iq retard to eat eggs and think it's healthy

brahs come on