Things you wish you knew before you started lifting

Bench more, a lot more. Presses and deadlifts/rows/curls are more important for looks and real life strength.

If you can squat 315 for even 1 rep your legs have good size. Training calves is more important than squat frequency, but still try to maintain a good squat, but don't go overboard on leg training. Leg days are useless.

Full body 2-4 times a week is the way to go if you want a life and have a job.

will she be my gf?

Are you a pigeon?

only on the inside

>Presses and deadlifts/rows/curls are more important for looks and real life strength
What did you exactly mean by this?

do more squats

I do full body 3 times a week. Should I squat or row first?

I've done a physical labor job for 6 years and no way has having a big squat helped me at all. Rowing and benching has helped and helped fill out a shirt. If you want a gross lower body and weaker upper body squat at the start of every work out.

>touch your nipples with the bar on benchpress
>don't keep deadlifting until you get lightheaded

dick gets smaller

>if you can squat 315 once you have big legs

Nope. My legs are shit

How my ass would look.

Also, I've been feeling really aggressive ever since I started. I love making eye contact now and getting into people's personal space.

have you ever hurt your back during your job?

>touch your nipples with the bar on benchpress
you mean touch the bar with your nipples

>I love making eye contact now and getting into people's personal space.
I hope you're a smug anime girl or I'd beat the shit out of you for that


Same here. Not ever once have I used a squat to do anything physical except to squat down and take a shit. Dead lifts on the other hand I use all the time.

poor excuse

Poor excuse, aka squat more because I'm self concious of my squat. Really, as long you can squat your bodyweight with no problem, you're fine.

>squat your bodyweight
you mean warm-up for actual squats?

Lifting won't fix your social anxiety, and will only add another criteria for which you compare yourself against others.

Big leg muscles look fantastic at low bodyfat provided you have a strong upper body too.

There's also the belief that lifting with huge muscles like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes raises testosterone and growth hormone, thus helping your other lifts. Since lifting is proven to raise testosterone, this makes sense to me.

The only good thing about this post is the girl in the pic.

Fives work better than tens.
Don't waste money on supplements.
I don't need so many rest days.

>hurr durr arms are more important for strength than legs derpi doo

I see this posted so fucking much on this board that I don't believe it's trolling anymore.


Do sumo deadlifts

But why
Anything past 2pl8 is useless irl and doesn't even improve aesthetics
Wasted effort

I still squat. I just dont prioritize it.

Which is exactly why your arms are more important. Unless you do manual labor, they aren't trained unless you lift.

Dumb bells are stupid.

Walking isn't a strength movement. Realistically if you can squat more then 315you have enough strength to be fully functional, anything past that is literally just squatting to squat.

Your arms being trained less than your legs through daily activities does not mean that somehow your arms are more important for strength than legs, which is what Anons ITT are saying


post legs and get laughed at then

They are. What do you needs your legs for other than walking?

Either eat at a caloric deficit every day or eat at a caloric surplus every day. No guessing or maintenance wheel-spinning bs

>these are the people giving you advice

>coming to Veeky Forums for advice
>coming to any board on Veeky Forums for advice

please tell us what squatting 315 will help you with in terms of practical strength

>Anything past 2pl8 is useless irl
Implying im not getting harder to kill and more useful in general.

>2011 was 6 years ago
where does the time ago

Well for one, all your main lifts carry into each other. You would know this if you weren't a dyel faggot

>all your main lifts carry into each other.
t. Medhi

If you want bigger arms, squat, right?


so when you gonna start lifting senpai?

>practical strength
what the fuck is practical strength

Strength in the real world.

It's a buzzword that means whatever the person who used it wants it to mean. Basically a way for them to invalidate your argument before they even hear it

>but that's not PRACTICAL strength!

Common jew discussion tactic

not an argument

delet at once

except that the whole "big compounds release gh and test" thing has been proven to be utterly irrelevant

tiny short term (we're talking hours) increases in test and gh are fucking meaningless, they do NOTHING to build muscle

you need supraphysiological dosages of these things for an extended time period to do anything noticeable

stop spreading this broscience garbage

Just because it isn't conducive to any real world applications doesn't mean don't do it, but you should realize that there is no practical situation in which a squat heavier than 315 is useful except for carryover to other lifts.

It's called functional strength. And having a heavy squat has great functional carry over into other activities if you play sports or have a manual labor job. If you think 315x1 is all you need then you clearly know nothing about weightlifting and human physiology.

other than the stds she may already have, she is now also covered in pidgeon diseases.

Where do i get a jacket like that


Ignore Veeky Forums, Veeky Forumss retarded

to immediately disregard anyone who mentions anything about "functional" or "practical" strength

also this

>They are. What do you needs your legs for other than walking?

Martial arts.

Fuck isolations. These are all you need:

Also, do mobility work on rest days in the evening. Stretch those hams, you stupid nigger.

What form of row should I include in a full body workout? Standing?

Focus on one goal at a time, and for a long time (at lest 6-12 months). Don't switch from bulking to cutting every couple of months. Don't switch from powerlifting to weightlifting to general strength to bodybuilding every couple of months.

Do SS when you start lifting. Do it for as long as you make progress. Add some assistance and isolation here and there, but focus on getting the big lifts up.

Focus on long-term progress. After the novice phase, strength gains will be slow no matter what. Whether you eat 3000 or 5000 calories, you will only get fatter on the latter. Same for "cutting". Do more cardio and conditioning, don't starve yourself.

Do mobility and stretching regularly. Every day if you're inflexible to begin with.

>if you can squat 315 for even 1 rep your legs have good size

That is a question that could eat up an entire thread.

Dumbbell rows are good to start with since they're safer. Bent rows can fuck up your back if you don't have a good core.

>fuck isolations
If you don't want to look good, sure.

>I hope you're a smug anime girl or I'd beat the shit out of you for that
In spirit.

I normally just do it to people I know and people who seem like they're awkward.

I think it's cute when they're annoyed and/or flustered.

>going on Veeky Forums

>Suicide Silence shirt

Into the trash it goes.

How to lift.

>Walking isn't a strength movement
Your legs are carrying your entire bodyweight every time you take a step. Especially if you're a tub of lard or Johnny Bravo then it's a massive weight excercise


No one actually cares if you're natty or not.

>It's called functional strength
splitting hairs m8. both terms make sense.

pls explain to me the benefits of heavy squatting 3pl8+ in the real world


what's her Instagram?