Is it better to take long rests (5-10 mins) between sets of lifting to ensure you can do the suggested number of reps...

Is it better to take long rests (5-10 mins) between sets of lifting to ensure you can do the suggested number of reps again, or take short rests (1 minute or under) between sets and have the number of reps you can do in each set decrease?

short rests, lift till failure
this should be posted in QTDDTOT

Only fat fuck "powerlifter" and dyel tards rest for more than 1 or 2 mins.

Until failure of completing a rep, right?
Cuz I can keep doing sets but they get shorter and shorter.

It depends, I'd suggest you to do sets of 5 reps with long rests (3 min is enough) between sets and then doing short rest and more reps on your accessory exercises.


I meant 5 reps long rest on your compounds*, but I think you got it.

Hoteads will tell you no more than 1/2 minute breaks but these are the same type of people that believe dumb shit like "you need to break muscle tissue to grow".

Decent break=more sets(dont take it to an extreme though)

Rest time is an extra factor you can manipulate in progressive overload, if you start off with 1~2 min rests you wont have much to scale down too.

Start off with 5 mins and go down to 3 over time in junction with other stuff to keep up the pressure.

You will get to a point where you wont be able to slap on 5lbs every week and lowering your rest time can do the trick just as good.

Wouldn't rest for more than 1 minute unless you're doing over 80% of your 1rm

the point of lifting is to challenge the muscles and make them squirm, Your body will acclimate to whatever vigour of exercise you do.

holy fuck i have been resting 3 or 4 minutes between each set, i thought the point was to hit the 3 complete sets no matter what. FUCK

>i even read the book

So what even is Dolph Ziggler's gimmick?

Idk. He feels kinda like a radical dudebro version of Jubilee from Xmen.

If you're trying to make the best use of your time in the gym while insuring adequate recovery, 3 minutes it optimal. If you want to maximize recovery so you have the best chance of following your program without concern for time spent at the gym, 5 minutes is optimal. I don't have the study hand but was something like 3 minutes = 80% recovery and 5 minutes = 95%+ recovery, so diminishing returns makes greater than 5 minutes unproductive.

ALWAYS rest until you can perform well.

That can be 4-5 mins or more at heavy deadlift / squat sets. For secondary exercises usually 2-3 mins is enough. This can vary from person to person. If you feel like you can do more reps at an AMRAP set by resting a little longer GO FOR IT. Performance > all.

Now he's a trump/patriots loving egotistical maniac I think. He recently turned heel and that's my best guess. I always saw him as a show off pretty boy who can work.
Him vs. Rusev was literal hell though.

Isn't that what Jack Swagger was, back when he had Zeb Colter as a manager? IIRC he was a Tea Party nutjob, until he got popped for DUI and possession and got buried

What are you doing? Heavy compound lifts? Rest a few minutes let your nervous system recover. Hypertrophy reps? Rest about a minute.


I usually take about two minutes, there's no benefit to working tired and pulling less weight, rest as long as you need to. :)

I used to take 3 mins rest always

I took some boxing classes which pushed my conditioning like hell

Now i rest 1 minute, I can't mentally rest more, i feel like i'm doing nothing, I recover much faster from sets though

Depends on your goals

If youre lifting for strength gains only this might be logical.

If youre lifting to get bigger youll want to keep pumping the muscle full of blood until they become swollen. Also i prefer lifting as heavy as I can for 8-21 reps and just get swollen. Tear the muscles down and get all that fresh blood full of nutrients in there.

Just a show off cocky guy who shakes his butt and can't wrestle

I always thought he did a more over the top impression of kurt russel from big trouble in little china town.

>It depends, I'd suggest you to do sets of 5 reps with long rests (3 min is enough)
if you want to be a fat power lifter, follow this advice.