Would getting on steroids help me fix my shitty genetics?

Would getting on steroids help me fix my shitty genetics?

I'm 4 years into lifting, 5'7 and 183 pounds and my body refuses to stop looking like shit.

My waist is 38 inches and I'm only 5'7.

This is why I have shit genetics, people who are 6'0+ have like 32 inch waists.

Part of the reason you look like shit is because your thick legs and core are doing your wide waist and fridge frame no favors. You need to focus on building massive shoulders and traps to make you look more proportional from the top down. In this sense, yes hopping on might help you look better but I would seriously consider sacrificing leg work to focus on upper body

Veeky Forums has fucked your brain up hard man. Cut, lower your leg volume and work your upper body more and you'll look tight.

I'm 5'11 with a 37 inch waist and I thought I was horribly disfigured

Kek, I'm 5'9 with a 28 in waist

The pics are in the OP?

I'm OP with 38 inch waist and 5'7.

I only train quads/hamstrings/glutes/calves once a week now.

First year I did FB
Second year I did U/L
Third year I did PPL
I just started my 4th year and I'm doing a bro-split now.

You've been lifting for 4 years and you barely fill out that shirt? Shit man I don't know if you can be fixed.

Idk, you look quite solid, this t-shirt is simply too big to make you look like you lift if you're not below 12% bf

Can you post more pics of your ass please?

>4 years

that's 4 years worth? jesus

Your fat desu, cut at 10% and you will look a million times better.

Nothing you can do about your hips though. Steroids would obviously make gains, but your hips won't magically shrink

It's time to swallow the fit pill

How you look is 90% genetics

Stop crying like a little bitch. Women don't want to fuck you because of your 38' waist but because of your pussy personality. You got the hand you were dealt, nothing will change that. Lift to feel good and be strong. Earn the respect of those around you. Fuck anyone who demerits your achievement or says otherwise. Stop posting on Veeky Forums like a little boy and live a man's life.

Someone describes 6'+, 32" waist.
Hey that's me. I'm that guy. Good luck manlet


honestly brah, you look like you've got too much fat% judging from your ab tone

Underrated post

just cut more, you look like you have good potential IMHO

get to 8% and see how you really feel before you gear

Your body looks great, you're just used to seeing photos of people with top 99.9% genetics and wondering why you don't look like that. Fucking up your hormones just to look slightly better isn't worth it

- cut more
- don't fuck your body up with gear just to look better
- learn to accept yourself at 8% fat

just work on your lats, and start constantly walking in a lat pose.

that's a weird fridge

>guys, I fucked up my training and diet. Will roids fix it?

Take a wild guess

post of the day

>4 years worth of lifting gets you that
I want to give up now. I'm demotivated

Agree with You look pretty good, you just have unrealistic expectations.

holy fucking shit balls

You dumb motherfucker. How about you actually start cutting instead of crying on fit every single day? You've been bitching for months. If you would cut, today you would look great.

Just cut you mediocre tubby

>his waist size begins with a 3