How do you guys handle going out to eat? Do you just accept the burgers and fries...

How do you guys handle going out to eat? Do you just accept the burgers and fries? Do you neurotically pick at certain parts of it? How do I make it work?

I do intermittent fasting, so when I go out, I'm already in the 8 hour feeding window and can eat whatever.

I was lucky enough to develop a fear of eating out from a very young age to an overly protective who was OCD cleanliness obsessed mother who assured me that I'd get violently ill eating at the vast majority of places.

I'm 30, I've never eaten out in my life and I have no plans to. Anytime I'm obliged I always get out of it or just say I have bad allergies and can't eat anything. I wont even drink water from a restaurant.

BTW: My gf is a gym-rat like me, so she's cool with it, plus we're in Australia, we don't really have a "eating out" culture here, like in America.

I've had normie-gf's in the past and many of them found "too weird" that I wouldn't eat out. Yes, women would literally use that as an excuse as to why the relationship can't work. It's good though, having an autistic issue like this weeds out a lot of shitty women who will drop at the hint of any behavior that isn't 100% perfectly normal.

You must be fun at parties.

You are weird, you need to accept this and learn how to get over it.
t. Someone who suffers from OCD (also from obsessed mother) and is learning every day to move on

>tell girls you don't eat out
>girls suddenly lose interest
Might want to add "at restaurants" my man



I mean don't go ham and you'll be fine. If going out to eat is gonna fuck your diet up you've already got problems to begin with.

I usually try and get a salad

if not I will only eat half of it and take home the other half in a to-go box for dinner tomorrow

really though, the way restaurants get their food to taste good is lots and lots of butter. most places ridiculously high in calories.

>How do you guys handle going out to eat?
I don't go out to eat, other than literally one time i went to subway and got a 6 inch cold cut combo on whole weat

just buy w/e looks good?
If you're planning on going out just budget for it calories wise.
Either cut back 100 calories a day for however long or just on the day up to you.
Personally I just have a parma or a burger or something like that, been branching out a bit though.

Oh for fuck's sake.. unless you're eating out every single day, JUST FUCKING EAT and don't be so goddamned autistic about it. Just don't be a total pig about it and you'll be fine.

8 hour window? Are you new at this or something? 5 hour at most

I just make sure to eat clean during the week and I used the 1 or 2 nights out as cheat meals. I also do a lot of cardio in hope to sweat the fat away.

>restaurants are too dirty
>gyms are fine
Ok I guess

I only eat out when with family or friends. I eat whatever I want and then just carry on with my life normally.

Next Bond?

Guys, stop being autists. Instead of having schedule cheat meals, just stick to your diet and allow yourself to eat out. It's that simple.


this is why i broswe Veeky Forums

you eat so healthy at home and burn enough calories that you know you can afford the occasional eating out.

I've never understood how someone expects to commit to an overall good diet with restricting them autistically

if i'm cutting, it's a refeed day

if i'm bulking, it's a day

You are a guaranteed to be a skinnyfat teenager based on that comment


I'd watch it for sure. That suit is fucking badass also