I am strongly considering plastic surgery. Pic related as well as Rhinoplasty

I am strongly considering plastic surgery. Pic related as well as Rhinoplasty.

My only 2 concerns are: something going wrong and coming out of surgery worse than before, and telling friends and family I'm going to get plastic surgery because I'm vain and want to be prettier.

Anyone else had work done? Is it a good call? Is doing this stupid?

the doctor will touch your peepee while you sleep


he wont...but the anaesthetist will check your anal tone

if you're a woman - go for it

if you're a man - grow a set

You have to have really good skin and health than along with lots of money

Minor procedures won't effect much but any major facial surgery, the skin itself will wrinkle if you are in bad health due to the sagging and tugging they do when reshaping

implants of any sort are also prone to deterioration

once you get it, to keep the surgery up consistent with your aging, you have to get touch up's or more and more respectively over time

i personally would of done it but i don't have a loaded wallet and tons of time. if you don't have a job or plan on working on the future, this would work tho

I can afford it. I'm more interested in the ear thing than the nose.

I would have to take 2 weeks off work.

For a good three weeks I would be wearing some bandiging around my head.

She looks bad in both pictures

It wasn't her nose that was the problem

basic as fuck.

Her nose didn't change. Otoplasty is ear surgery


no work done myself. think cost/benefit.

do you have like a significant developmental fluke/disproportionate features? Significant to others, not something you have been obsessing over for a long time.

If the answers won't crush you, ASK your friends, don't spend the money on an unnecessary surgery if it won't change your life.

Also the woman in this picture looks like she had a better skin day and there was better lighting (maybe she had her ears pinned back a tad)

I'm in med school. The surgeon ALWAYS touches the peepee while you're asleep. He also has the med student do a digital rectal exam while you're asleep as well. Hell, they usually try to round up as many med students as possible to get a DRE done. We once ran a train of like 40 students on this dude. Woke up and had NO FUCKING IDEA that nearly 50 people had been up his ass during the past few hours. LMAO

lol it's not worth it. The struggle of getting it all done won't for one second change you to an instant Chas mode attractiveness. You might gain one or two points but working out and gaining muscle is definitely the best surgery I can think off. Stop being a bitch and man up

Kekeke. Are we talking benis or actual medical tools

Fingers. That's what the digital rectal exam is. Finger up the butt. benis in butt is just rape, fingers is """"educational"""".

whoops, meant for

dumb bitch needs philtrum shortening, her ears were more than fine

She genuinely looks like she's fixed her diet and started working out for a couple years.

Literally could've had the same results by sorting her life out and getting a haircut.

Dude, for years I wanted to get an Otoplasty.
So many jokes, so many fights, so many rejections. I know that feel.

I don't know how old you are but up until 24 I always wanted to get my ears fixed. Saved up some money. Today? I don't fucking care anymore, and most people don't care either. I'm 30 now and the only people that mention it are women to see how you react. No insults, just shit like it is cute or something. What I realised is that this is a sign that they are interested, they want to fuck, and they will fuck if you don't screw up.

Due to this post it is the first time for years I'm thinking about this issue. I feel like I would lose some part of my personality if I fix it.

Do it if you like. Today the risks are so fucking low I would worry more about Rhinoplasty.

There are other methods, without major cutting and destroying tissue.
Research that shit.

The significant difference between the images is definitely not the ears, I mean they were fine in the first pic as well. She just cleaned up her face, wore makeup and the lighting is much better.

she looks like the dude from star trek rofl

mew the shit out of your face

Her ears were cute before, now they're kinda bland. There is definitely something wrong with her eyes, should have gotten some kind of eye surgery

Let's see what you look like OP

I'm a girl and I had rhinoplasty. The procedure was painless and I was healed pretty well like within 10 days.
Very glad I did it- all of my other features are pretty except my nose was not since I broke it cheerleading in middle school and it healed weird.

It totally changed my face and took me from like a 6-7/10 to a 8-9/10.
My quality of life is better now. I've always done my best to be kind and smart, but it's as if that's even more special because I am also beautiful now.

Compliments went from "you're very smart/kind!" To "wow, it's super rare to meet a girl as beautiful as you who is also extremely smart and kind!"

To me, looks were always kind of a dumb thing to focus on. People's appearance fades with age, and a pretty face is nothing if the person inside is hollow.

However, I realize now that it actually is useful to be physically attractive because people will treat you better and go out of their way to help you. It might be a "dumb" thing to care about, but the fact of the matter is that it DOES make a big difference.

So crazy because her ears looked totally normal before. It would never occur to me to not date her because of her ears.

Her eyes, however, look kind of cross-eyed.

I can't see how a nose job could improve your facial aesthetics that much.Got any before/after pics?

>We once ran a train of like 40 students on this dude. Woke up and had NO FUCKING IDEA that nearly 50 people had been up his ass during the past few hours. LMAO

holy kek

Sure. Here's before

Here's after

Beyond just physical appearance, my health also really benefitted.
I used to not be able to breathe through my nose at all, and I would wake up all night from sleep apnea.

My nose looked fine and worked fine up until It broke, and I had problems with it until I got it surgically fixed.

I had some plastic surgery done.

I had a brain tumor that left my stomach covered in stretch marks. So, I had them tummy tuck that shit away.

No regrets to be had over here. I honestly didn't realize how much they were messing with my head until they were gone. I wasn't even allowed to lift, but I felt significantly better about my body by the end of the first week post surgery.

thinking about you hurting..
i love you

Yeah you look much better after i had no idea that the nose was that big of a deal. Thanks for sharing

In all seriousness, you could use a jaw shave.

The nose knows

I had a brain tumor that left my stomach covered in stretch marks.????
>I honestly didn't realize how much they were messing with my head until they were gone.
>stretch marks
>messing with my head

I think they failed in removing that brain cancer, go get yourself checked again.

That's how jews hide among us these days.

My ears are asymetrical and I'd like to fix it but as far as I've noticed, people who've had it done don't look much better. Looks like their ears are glued to their heads. Plain fugly. I'm hopefully wrong.

She looking fucking hot before any "surgery"

Wouldn't be surprised if the doc just anathetised her and felt up her tits before say ta-dah, £3000 please.

That's how I felt-
Like It wasn't even something that stressed me out, but once it was fixed and I saw how differently people treated me I was so glad to have done it.


I do have a pretty sharp/big jaw, but I personally think it fits my head shape/other features.

Also OP- I don't know about other girls but I personally like big ears/ears that stick out. I know it's not something that'a "conventionally beautiful" but plenty of girls find it attractive in a unique way.
Kinda like how sometimes girls with thick eyebrows or a big forhead can be cute.

Don't be Anti Semitic, goy

>It totally changed my face and took me from like a 6-7/10 to a 8-9/10.
what did she mean by this?

You disagree?

Don't be mean to bae

Please marry me? I'll even pay for the surgery for our kids' fucked up noses.

Women have hyper inflated ego usually.
You can easily see it in the studies of how men rate women vs how women rate men.
Essentially women think they are the hot shit and everybody around them is average at best.
(best part, is they fake a lot of it such as fake tits, surgery, make up and so on)

Sure thing Jay Leno lmao.

^^' sorry if my rating of myself was innacurate in your opinion. I also factored in my body, which I think is very nice and which isn't pictured at all.

Also- I rate on a scale where 7-8/10 is average, not 5/10. Most of the guys who post on this board, to me, are like 9/10s because they are fit and usually pretty handsome.

Anyways I'm not trying to start a fight over numbers-
Even if you think I was a 1/10 before, I'm more attractive after the surgery and that was my point

Lmao kek. Reminds me of this one too

Heard those before, at least hit me with something creative


Legit just looks like she put on makeup and did her hair differently.

Don't see what she got done desu

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

thank you white knight of Veeky Forums

>^^' sorry if my rating of myself was innacurate in your opinion. I also factored in my body, which I think is very nice and which isn't pictured at all.

>Also- I rate on a scale where 7-8/10 is average, not 5/10. Most of the guys who post on this board, to me, are like 9/10s because they are fit and usually pretty handsome.

What's with this mental illness in todays society that forces people use 0/10 scale, yet tread it like it's 5/10 scale. IF you wanted that you could just rate yourself with 0-5 scale.
But nooo have to make 7.5 the new average and keep using 0/10.

>Anyways I'm not trying to start a fight over numbers-
Fite me faggot

>Even if you think I was a 1/10 before, I'm more attractive after the surgery and that was my point
Yeah, but it's fake.

It's not fake. It's still 100% her nose. The doctor merely shaved off the bone and cartilage.

I guess so.
The scale, to me, is more about attractiveness.
Anything I rate below 5/10, i'm not attracted to.
6/10 is "yeah, they're ok"
7/10 is "they're cute"
8/10 is "I find them very attractive"
9/10 is "Wow! Very handsome!"
10/10 is "This person is way out of my league-I'm enamored!"

I think there's just a miscommunication in how people use the 1-10 scale. Perhaps I find most people attractive which is why I rate highly.
It's subjective so there's no reason to get worked up about it.

Jesus fuck man, I literally spit my drink out. Good joke.

Hijaking this thread for personal Question:

I am pretty happy with face and I have been told on many occasions that I was handsome.
However I have a big hooked Jew Nose and it has really bothered me ever since I was a Teenager. I was made fun of because of it all the time and developed an inferiority complex. Only for the past 3 or 4 years I have begun to feel comfortable with myself. A normal nose would make a great difference.
Recentl I have noticed that I am beginning to bald though and this has brought my self esteem down to a new low.

So should I get a Hair transplant or a Rhinoplasty? I can only afford one right now.

I am also worried that others would find me shallow for altering my face but on the other Hand Hair transplant could still wait a bit when my balding is more noticable. I am currently Stage 2 on the norwood scale

Not worth arguing about

Nobody uses the /10 scale right because their ego is too big

5/10 should be the statistical average with a bell curve from 0 to 10

Would you mind posting a picture? If you're the kind of guy who can pull off the bald look (with a fixed nose), then do that.
If your nose really isn't that bad and the hair has a bigger effect on your aesthetic, then choose hair

Didn't even notice.
Nothing wrong with those ear before desu

Plastic surgery is ok, but why the fuck would you operate on your fucking EARS ahahahhaha. Literally will not make you any more attractive what so ever.

Wow, really? Pulling her ears back 1cm didn't fix her 'may i speak to the manager' face. What the fuck is the point

My nose is supremely fucked, how much do you guys reckon it'll take me to get it "fixed".

There was literally nothing wrong, if anything it's worse. Her face in total is just bitchy, which is probably why she went under the knife.

Save up and do both right after the other.

You need to somehow get your master to give you a piece of clothing. Once you're free, you can get a decent job and save up. You might need to wait a few years for science to provide the tools to fix something like that though.

Thank u, I really haven't been made fun of because of my nose in quite a while and it's mostly cause I can hide it, like look at this wizardry

its fine

What kind of creature is that blonde thing on the left?

It's really not, I can't take a decent picture without having to bend around for the perfect angle and 99.9% of the pictures taken by other people of me are awful. The rest of my face has really soft features but then it comes that Latin strong nose which makes everything else obsolete. Like it just draws all the attention from my face, I used to counteract it with really long hair but then it hid all my other attractive features. Tried my prescription glasses but it just made it too obvious. I just want to look normal, to not stand out, and whenever I want to try and look pretty just be able to. My family friends and gf say it's fine but I don't feel like that. I just feel there's more potential to my face than this...

Hair might be important, but a nose can literally make or break the face

Honestly yeah get the surgery dude i want to as well, either that or take HGH tren to make my jaw and chin match my nose lol

Yeah fuck everything else honestly, like really what do I care, I have the gf of my dreams can't ask for better friends, this is for me and just for me.

Why are Jews trying to disguise themselves now.

>pic related
I've seen worse ears going under the blade. That's mild in comparison.
Also for the second pic seems the girl started to use glasses.

OP here. Thanks for posting.

And yeah the after looks better.

I'll post my face a little later and you guys can decide.

What are Jewish tricks for $100, Alex

Seems somebody has been dumped recently...

This is so minor that i had to read the comments to notice the change.

Dont be an idiot op, save ur money for important shit.

was it you?

You literally look like a Jewish version of
God knows where you got that confidence, maybe by being in a sorority full of people like the blonde or something.

She looked better before.

And if you're a man and care that much about your nose you're failing at life.


Not that guy, though he does have a point. It's got nothing to do with hating women or any other angst, it's just observing people's present nature. It's not to say guys aren't without their issues but when it comes to what the other guy describes it's an inherently female thing. Moron.

not that guy but just look up some studies and you can see that it's men who have the bigger egos. moron

Just be confident bro

I am getting my ears done in a few weeks with a minimally invasive method, so I don't need to wear bandage at all. I hipe everything goes well.

not that guy but if you think size of ego is what the guys were talking about you should maybe kill yourself

It is not easy to get sticking out ears on photos, so in reality it could have looked worse in reality than it seems.

here you go

Hi again!
Aww, I actually like your ears a lot OP.
I get that maybe you'd be more attractive to more people if you got them flattened, but I personally think they are very cute that way.
My personal opinion is that you should keep them as they are.

My ears are way worse. I'm .
You nose looks fine aswell.

Seriously, you have some issues if you consider surgery for this and those issues are inside your head.

>is somewhat attractive and knows about jews


Pic related, an actual 8-9/10

>tfw have big nose fetish
I don't know just something about the way a womans face looks in bed when she has a big nose. Really gets me off

Probably because my nose is also big desu

>thinking an 8/10 on the internet is the same as a 8/10 in daily circumstances

>actual 8-9/10
Now show me a 5 random pictures of that person without any make up and special lighting.