/plg/ Powerlifting General

The Dawning of a new era


Be cool. Talk about Powerlifting. Don't Fed Bully. Don't Program Bully

Sheiko is for losers

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First for pls no delet

Stop off-topic discussion, morons.

wtf is happening with plg

I'm fed up with public gyms. I'm buying a rack and 300kg of plates.

paradise. at last.


Reminder to bend the bar and engage lats

DB Bench
DB Flies
Wrist curls
Power shrugs

Today was a good day

I'm gonna bench real hard now. Gonna set up a PR for new era lifting without the man formerly known as trappy



>being fat

i know they said not to bully but lmao



CWS and MA

The issue is you pull sumo.

Nothing to do with lats or whatever

>Sheiko is for losers

>posts photo of the biggest Sheiko shill in /plg/ history

Is that double underhand grip ???

Definitely looks better, but still not good, what is the problem?

Improvement but God damn Joe u got the bendiest back I ever did see

Did that guy finally get banned?

>posting a blatant lie

He's not the biggest, he's just the most successful.

We can enjoy lifting now without sheiko shitting and transposting.

gonna dedicate my deads to plg

He got fucking benchbeta to do sheiko.

Sheiko = burnout and injury galore

5/3/1 = reliable constant progress without injuries

Stop doing sheiko, weak faggots.

$1,500 AUD. is this a complete rip off or what?

CWS talking broscience about squats again.
No surprises there.

how heavy can i bench when my spotter is injured ? i want to break my PR but my spotter has a shit elbow

Look for used racks and jump on them fast if you see one.

Friendly reminder to hinge at the hips and not the lower back.

5/3/1 = a joke, not even worth being called a program

Sheiko = objectively the best programming for powerlifting

Stop listening to anons, weak faggots.

Trip on, Poutine.

some squats and bench I think. open to suggestions for weight/reps though. really don't have any real plans. otherwise probably some 85% triples or something like that
probably going to make myself some chicken breasts and either rice or penne with alfredo sauce
80s rock pandora station

Wasn't a big fan of 5/3/1 compared to other programs that I've ran

you want him to help you unrack or?

Put your tripcode back on, swedish numale.
And see me in real life.

Never call me a canadian again or ill smash your head in, son.

Take a walk outside.

>If your back is weak train your back
>If your legs are weak train your legs


and rerack if i cant make it. i dont want to die while lifting

Your bench isn't heavy enough for this to be an issue.

lmao doing squats helped my deadlift more than good mornings

What weights are we talking about here, I don't really understand how it would hurt your spotter to help unrack? even with a dodgy elbow it's not like he's taking much of the weight himself

So you're a leg dominant puller, that's ok lad. Just don't neglect your back.

That is not the broscience I was talking about.

fucking hell you guys are a bunch of fucking nerds


I have sergei putsov nearly yell at me because I asked about shin angle in the squat and how some people (CWS) says driving the hips back is "bad" and he basically did a bunch of biomechanics physics in a ukrainian accent explaining how verticle shin angle is the holy grail of hip drive

Stop skipping your accessories.

No program is a failure

Cookie cutter programs and never editing a routine, is the failure.

Do you increase strength while cutting?

t. still skinnyfat little bitch that is stalling on bench and ohp while being on a diet

2 years straight sheiko no injuries, made 10% in a year

get ouutt reeee


My powerlifter friend said it was possible, I think it's physically impossible, that's why I'm asking it here.

Can you guys hear this vocaroo.com/i/s1xYKFtemOOR

is 20 dollars a week too much for a 24hr powerlifting gym?

the owner just offered me a 20% discount on his membership but that's still about $80 a month

some people have felt "increase" in strength when STARTING a cut, but no.

think about it

you are giving your body less energy to recover and perform, while also making yourself lose mass (in case you didnt know how your own mass plays a role...)

If you are skinnyfat, id be surprised if you are not gaining strenght while cutting.

Thats a pretty good deal seeing how its 24/7

do you have a reliable source of income such that you can afford it? if its an actual powerlifting gym with all the equipment and you CAN afford it, i say go for it

What are your stats, mlord?

all I caught was
>since [some stuff], 14 of my friends have

I'd pay that if I had the money and it had good equipment and people.

This was the logical reasoning I gave to myself, but my friend swore it could be easily done.

>tfw you're a Veeky Forums NEET

he's got lots of calibrated plates and lots of racks. I'm sure if i canceled my Anytime membership i could afford it. Public gyms are starting to drive me nuts lately.

Don't do it if you are a NEET lmao.
thats 1000 dollars a year my man.
Use it on food

Who is trappy-chan?

Turns out Trappy was a sick man all along.

Ah. It's some girl in class arguing with a trump sperg saying since trump being elected she's had 14 friends killed for being gay. Shame it's not higher quality.

>Tfw thought this squat was shit at the time
>I can't even do this rn

milk and chicken is cheap my friend. I bulked 30kg in 6months on ~$50 AUD a week

>30kg in 6 months
now thats a dreamer bulk

Trappy needs to make a statement

eh eh eh eh
>tfw 20% bodyfat

You must have been a skelly when you started.
Thats not that bad bud

Can anyone give any insight on doing a "mock meet" in the midle of training. Essentially my schools gym has this 1000 pound club I want to join this week. So Im deciding to do it Wednesday or Friday. How should I train this week to lead up to a small mock meet. Should I go light today on all lifts and hammer form or what? I am going for a 345 squat, 225 bench, and whatever deadlift I need to hit 1000 with those two numbers.

If you're doing a mock meet out of nowhere today if you really want to go to the gym don't do anything over 60% and only do like 2x2 bench, 1x2 squat and deadlift. Foam roll tomorrow.

Ideally today would be a rest day.

>Trappy needs to make a statement



Pulls + Smolov squats load
Gregg'S pastys
Telemann's Tafelmusik

I want to trip because I've been here so long, but I don't want to be bullied.

just pretend to be someone else, it's anonymous dont worry

It's okay, I take my trip off to post sometimes when I'm afraid of getting bullied.

tripping wont make your experience here better. just take what snippets of advice u can get, and give what u can. thats all this is mean to be.

u didnt gain 5 kg a month

thanks, im going to just do some light squats/bench with commands. Ill set the mock meet for wednesday. I was going to pull a deadlift pr that day anyway.

Trappy made no public statements when this happened half a year ago.
Why do you think Trappy is gonna make public statements now?

after i complete this cycle of 5/3/1 can i hop on sheikho even though im still a weak pussy? (calculated wilkes at 260)

stop eavesdropping on normies talking about trump, bongoshoes
pop more of those smarties candies you got in the mail, though

Jacked and Tan



Both complete shit for powerlifting.

Ive done ss some time ago and have been doing ppl since. But im craving strenght. I guessed Texas menthod will suit me. Could some1 rate this routine ive made for myself? Traps x2 cos i like traps. Are rows suitable for Texas? Should they be done in 5 reps or higher?

Why is gzcl shit tho?


why does no one talk about conjugate much in plg?

Deadlift w/belt x1 @8, x6 @9 plus 2 down sets (load drop)
2ct Pause Bench x1 @8, x4 @9 plus 2 down sets (load drop)
Lunges x9 @6, x9 @7, x9 @8 plus 3 down sets (repeat)

nothing yet, I ate 2000kcal of mcdonalds last night and have the worst BRAP believable atm.

>listening to

Did you miss where you're supposed to recover on recovery day?

Literally every routine that gets posted gets called shit

You spend more time doing stuff for aesthetics than training the actual lifts in GZCL.
It's fine for normies. It's shit for powerlifting.

Because everyone here is a faggot hipster that wants to do autistic Russian programming.

Conjugate is awesome, but most spergs are too retarded to lift at maximum effort for variations in front of other people.

Also, most of the homos here don't even belong to a PL gym.

Because it's a trash can system not suitable for pretty much anyone in plg

>cos i like traps

Because it's fun and isley and the backstabbing swede banned that shit.