That guy with a stinking breath every single day

>that guy with a stinking breath every single day

how do you guys make sure that isn't you?

brush your teeth, floss and then rinse. also carry breathmints around with you I like eclipse mints

Lick your wrist and smell it as it dries
That'll help you tell

>had breath so bad i could taste it
>every second of every day
>had it for 4 months
Dunno how i managed to get a gf in that time

Oral hygiene

Always chew gum, eat a mint or brush your teeth after drinking coffee.

I love coffee, but coffee breath is actually fucking revolting.

floss then brush. that way you get the stuff out then brush it off

I wash my mouth out with soap every time I use the bathroom

this. always brush after coffee, milk and sweets

Brush your fucking tongue, that's all it takes

100 times this. I did it out of curiosity and when I saw the shit I spat out, I decided to do it every day since.

What if you have tonsil stones that don't fucking come out. Fuck I hate this shit some days. It's disgusting but whether I use a waterpik, those weird floss-toothpick things, my finger (short of vomiting) sometimes it won't fucking work

I had bad constant tonsil stones that gives you bad breath, ended up paying for surgery to get them removed, well worth it imo!

Get them removed.
>inb4 3rd world american

I wake up with one of my tonsils swollen a few days a week, is that what it's caused by? It's way in the back of my throat and the only way to scratch it is to tug on my ear. I fucking hate it.

I have only had one tonsil stone that I removed once. If it is caused by tonsil stones then they are way back out of reach. To my knowledge I don't have that swamp breath that tonsil stones cause.

I live in the UK actually, idk what the fuck your post is supposed to mean m8 but you look pretty dumb now lol

it might just be a small infection but if youve had a case of tonsil stones they usually only get worse, if you can feel things in the back of your throat they are most likley hidden stones

I asked my doctor about it and he said it might be dry air but I think that's BS. It only bothers me in the morning or late at night though. How do you get checked if you have them?

you can just check yourself, and whatever your doctor told you is probs wrong, you might just have a minor case of tonsilits. As for checking for them, move your tonsils around with a blunt non metal prob (try to push the area infront of the tonsils down to reveal them) And to check if your breath is bad from them, touch your tonsils with your finger and smell them lol

I do that sometimes to check and it doesn't seem like I have them, but the swollen tonsils thing is really annoying.


Well he wasn't wrong then about you being third world. I know it's hard for you inbreds to understand but he was saying you ought to have your tonsil stones removed

This, I've been doing it for as long as I can remember. If it starts building up on my tongue I grab a knife and scrape it off. That's mostly when on holiday, forgetting my toothbrush and eating snacks.

Hey Double-Mint Dave

brush teeth, tongue, roof mouth and the space between lips and front of teeth

at least twice a day, usually 3x

Anyone here have halitosis // chronic bad breath?

I brush my teeth twice a daily, rinse with mouthwash around lunch, and floss at night before bed. When I wake up in the morning my tongue is usually covered with a white coating that I can scrape off. Despite these efforts my breath still stinks all the time. Dentist tells me I have healthy gums/teeth/etc so I don't know what else to do.

This is me. I always keep mints on me and as long as I pop one an hour, my breathe smells good.

may be related to gastro-esophagal reflux disease, do you get a lot of heartburn user?