Veeky Forums fag here looking for some advice

Veeky Forums fag here looking for some advice.

I don't much care about staying fit and I would not even mind getting a little fat. But the thing is that my body is completely fucked up. I can't run properly, I can't even stand properly. All, I suppose, from years and years of barely standing up as all I do 24/7 is study mathematics.

I want to know simple and soft exercise that I can do every day when I wake up, when I come back from university and before I go to sleep, that will keep my body in a not-shit state.

I read online and from the suggestions in some blog posts the only one I like is jumping jacks. What else is out there that I could do regularly?

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>I don't much care about staying fit
That's your problem. You are increadibly weak and your muscles are unbalanced. You need to fix that in order to un fuck your body.

What does you mainly posting on Veeky Forums have anything to do with the hat you're asking? Why did you feel the need to open the post with that?

Do yoga or power yoga aka

I want to do exercise, but I don't care about growing large muscles or anything like what people usually do exercise for. I just want to be unfucked.

To let you know I've been completely separate from this world ever since they forced physical education upon me in high school.

Been a long time.

Plus. I wear my Veeky Forums banner proudly as the most intelligent board to date.

>ever since they forced physical education upon me in high school.

Ever since they stopped forcing physical education upon me*

I appreciate it but all I find online about it mentions trainers, sessions, and special rooms with loud music.

I don't want any of that. I want to do my light exercise in my room and I do not want to need any preparation. I'm not looking for a hobby, I am just looking to unfuck myself and be able to run from the classrooms to the library without having to breath loudly for the next minute.

But the reason you are fucked up is because some of your muscles have degraded. This has the effect of pulling your body in-wards which screws up your standing, running and basically everything except sitting.

So you do need to grow muscle to correct this. You needn't worry about suddenly becoming huge. Without steriods, it takes years of consisitent lifting to get huge. But, you do need to work strenghting your body to correct your posture.

>I want to do my light exercise in my room and I do not want to need any preparation.

Look harder, do more research or just neck yourself nerd

Okay, I see where you are coming from.

So, push ups?

Push ups are great for upper body. There are many variations as well so have a quick look around.

Don't neglect your core and legs though. Squats, crunches etc can be done at home with no weights.

To feel healthier and not 'get puffed' all the time. You must do cardio. Walking, cycling, running, jogging whatever you like really.

I'll try to build a routine with squats, crunches and push ups then.

>study math
What field?
I'm 425/250/535 and a grad student in mathematical physics. Studying math is no excuse for neglecting basic fitness.

That would be a good start. But it is only a start, there are heaps of resources on the net so do some research.

Good luck user, you will feel heaps better if you improve your fitness.

I'm still in undergrad, so I can't really say I am inside a field. That said, I care deeply about algebra and number theory and am currently self studying analytical number theory.

>Studying math is no excuse for neglecting basic fitness.

I thought exercise was for dummies, man. I think I was wrong.

For fields like math you best get started on some research asap, especially if you're in your second year or later.
Number theory is probably the most autistic field of math so I don't blame you for thinking lifting is for dummies desu. At least you know what you must do now.

You mean research as in research research? I don't know if I could do research now.

I like some famous conjectures like the goldbach conjecture and that is why I am building myself up to studying sieve theory, but I need to know analytic number theory for that and as they don't offer too much number theory beyond what they call "elementary", that means I have a long road of analysis self-study ahead of me. I am getting through that though..

Before I can properly understand sieve theory I don't think I could do any meaningful research.

And number theory is kinda autistic but problems in number theory are the best kind of problem. Proving something in number theory is a free for all in terms of what you are going to do. Is the proof hiding inside algebra? analysis? topology? Who the fuck knows so buckle your seatbelts because the ride never ends.

Do push ups, situps and squats
simple basic exercises
that will keep you in shape

>soft exercise
have you considered getting up every few minutes and walking around during study sessions?
you might as well do dynamic stretches if you're looking to keep your body from falling apart.
also watch what you're eating

is this thread a sophisticated variant on those "to inteliigent to lift" memes? if so, i approve.

If you can't find 30 minutes a day to do a proper exercise your body will continue to fail. No formulas will save you from yourself.

I can find 30 minutes.

I plan to do my routine (I decided on trying 20 push ups, 20 sit ups and 60 jumping jacks) when I wake up, when I get back home (usually around 5 pm) and then before I go to sleep.

That should add up to 30 mins.

>No formulas will save you from yourself.

One day someone will invent a procedure to upload your brain into a computer and then that's all. That's the formula that would "save" me.

But until then, exercise.

please kill yourself. Your autism is a burden on this world.