Whats a good way to make fast progress on squats? Been stuck at 285lbs for a while

Whats a good way to make fast progress on squats? Been stuck at 285lbs for a while

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Squat at least 2 times the week with 5 reps max.

wear sunglasses while squating

Squat 3 times a week for sets of ten

Your retarded. Anyone have some real advice?

Keep adding 5lbs till you die or explode

a cycle of smolov jr

Roids are fast

Everything else is slow

make sure you pick parents with great genetics

>Whats a good way to make fast progress on squats?
>Your retarded. Anyone have some real advice?

well provide more details so we may troubleshoot dipshit. What is your routine, diet, macros, weight and other stats...?

Yeah but I squat your max for a warmup so how bow dah

Wow, when you realize there is actually a spotter in that picture. Ronnie was huge

fucking lmao
stay weak

I thought he was a centaur for a sec

>tfw no 4 legs to squat lmao 16pl8 with


He has solid advice most of the time so this may help you out

do TM and eat more

quickest way to squat more is to fat fuck yourself, big gut = big mechanical advantage in the squat

this too

how can you see anything in that shit low quality pic

well, now I can see that I can't squat that much because I don't have a spotter with a rhinestone singlet.

whats your max

not op you dumb fuck your advice is just shit

You mean you don't have one? Never gonna make it, brah....

i weigh 165 and i squat 5x5 3-2 times a week

underrated af

squat more often you idiot

Don't focus on fast progress, just make progress. Face your fear of higher weight and just do it. Realize there's a chance you'll fail or even hurt yourself and do it anyway. Once you're one or two reps into that set at 290 or 300, you'll realize you were stronger than you thought and that will become your new baseline. Then do it again.