You guys may remember the following thread from a few days ago:

The ASCH team is full of lies. I bought into this along with a number of other people from that thread and elsewhere because of this post, however it seems as though the OP of the post attached above is full of shit and was paid by the ASCH team to spread misinformation in order to generate interest.

The promised western exchanges will not come, all that's coming is a fucking 'new website', and POTENTIALLY some more Asian exchanges.

The OP of the thread above made a thread on Reddit where he admitted that he was initially asked to spread the misinformation for payment, which he did not end up receiving; as a result, he posted to expose them, but the admins of the ASCH sub-Reddit removed the post pretty quickly.

Furthermore, it turns out that the ASCH total supply is NOT what is listed on Coinmarketcap - it's actually INFINITE. There's also no PoW or PoS.

The top 101 holders, known as 'delegates', receive a huge sum of ASCH on a daily basis, and those top 101 holders are actually the inner circle of ASCH friends / associates.

Furthermore, there is ZERO information on the '7 developers' which ASCH supposedly claims to have - this is because THEY DO NOT EXIST. There is only one developer, who is the CEO.

Now, it's not wise to keep your funds on any exchange, including Bit-Z, even though it's not as bad as people say, another problem here is that the web-wallet for ASCH is FUCKING UNSECURED. Get keylogged and you are fucked. There is no desktop wallet or alternative. See the photo I will attach in response to this post for evidence, and go check it out for yourself on the ASCH website, if you don't believe me.

I am warning all of you right now, I watched the price go up to .83 USD and should have sold then, but got greedy. I managed to sell earlier today in the .60 cent range instead.

Whether you got in early, or bought at the peak and are at a loss, I suggest you sell right now.

Other urls found in this thread:



LOL i told people this was a shit coin I went TKN instead

The actual idea is solid, it's a better LISK, but the 'team' - who don't seem to actually exist, cannot be trusted it seems.

People are going to get fucking burned, just sell while you are up, I used my profits to go into Walton now since they confirmed a number of weeks ago that the genesis block and their wallet will both be released before the end of the month. You can actually see who their team members are and not worrying about being scammed, along with a few other Chinese coins / teams like ETP.

There are a lot of good options out there, I'm just trying to look out for anyone else who got sucked into this. It's not worth the risk.

Thanks for the buy signal op. FUD = soon pump.

my instincts re-affirmed. comfy

nice fud.

not giving you my xas for cheap

You can do what you want. If you think there is going to be a 'pump' from a new website and another Chinese exchange then you are deluded.

Do you honestly think this coin will get any western exchanges with all of the shadiness going on? No.

I guess using your logic, you should have bought LINK while it was up near .50 USD because of all the 'FUD', you'd definitely be in profit right now.

XAS being added to KUCOIN btw. pump coming soon.

this was written in the KUCOIN telegram, im not going to find it, but feel free to browse the history it is there.

Yeah, I've seen that. That could cause the price to stabilise at around .80 cents but I think it's too risky to get involved with this shit. People will get burned whether its sooner or later. A real pump depends on western exchanges.

As I mentioned earlier, I think Walton will see the biggest increases in the next week.