HIIT vs LISS. Which is superior in terms of everything?

Shield wall edn.

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HIIT for burning fat and sprints, more useful during cutting or if you're interested in a sport where you need to be able to sprint a greater distance or at a greater speed.
LIIS for increasing cardiovascular endurance and not wanting to put a bullet in your temple, more useful during bulk.

Never cut out either, cardio is good for you and you should always do both. Though just adjust the amount you do either for your goals.

I'm doing an ABCABCx PPL split right now. This is actually hilarious, but my butt is big in my pants and it kinda looks weird. Also, my biceps and triceps have been lacking a little. So, I was thinking about switching my routine to ABCDABx where D is an arm day. Watchu niBBas think?

> tfw you're doing a shield wall and take an arrow to the knee

what is the basic difference between working for gains vs strength?
I feel like I've gained a ton strength, increased weights over the months but barely got any mass, still look puny

bonus question: doesn't that wipe your legs / impede recovery from the strength training?

Arrows usually come in an arc so the legs are pretty safe.
Do more reps with less weight for more size. Less reps at high weight for strength.

>clearly visible grain on the shields

it's like you want me to bash right through you

So I'm currently having some injury issues with weighted dips.

About two months ago, I tore something at the top of my bicep (pic related) when I was at the bottom position of the dip. Sharp pain straight away, couldn't even do a BW rep after that. I rested it, and I was more or less back at my previous working weight after about a month. Since the recovery, I've been warming up more before I start adding pl8s to my dips.

Last week, I injured myself AGAIN doing weighted dips, and it is in the SAME region. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as last time, so today I managed to work up to 30kg which was okay.

What gives? To get injured in the same region twice in the space of two months is fucking annoying, so do you think it's just as simple as not warming up enough? Or are there some exercises I can do to strengthen the area?

Any help would be amazing, and apologies for the blog post.

I'm wondering what is the best way to loose stomach fat.

Should I just continue to do HIIT every gym session, or is there a more effective exercise.

I've been doing SL5x5 since December. The lifts are getting pretty difficult for me, and I'm getting to the point where I have to do each weight at least twice before progressing.
I want to start cutting, but will I be wasting my time staying with SL while I do so if I'm already having such a hard time? Considering switching to a PHUL for the cut period.

Hiit every day is going to cause a fuck ton of stress and will do the opposite of make you lose weight. And it will get you fit, but it's shit for burning calories compared to liss.

Liss can't be done long enough by the average person to burn off a big belly. It's a good way to help lose weight, but it's not the thing that will be the major deciding factor.

Want to know what will help you lose weight? NEAT.

AKA Get off your ass and do something. Sit and lay down as little as possible. Play active games and do something active.
Cook stuff by hand. Any time you have the opportunity to be physically active you do it.

Stomach fat is all over fat. Spot reduction doesn't exist. Eat at a deficit and continue HIIT.

What if I stop doing bench and just do OHP, chins, squats, and deads?

Not unless you do it too heavily.

Then you're gonna have a tiny chest. The fuck you think?

can you elaborate for me user, high intensity vs low intensity?

I'm currently doing strong lifts and managed to get 1x5 on deadlift but think on the 4/5th rep my form could of dropped (legs rise slightly earlier so strain put on back) as far as I'm aware the first three were 'well performed'. Thinking of moving
Up weight but trying to film myself to see how I do

Yes, high intensity interval training vs low intensity long and slow.I forget what the acronym means

Think doing ten 20 second sprints with walking in between, vs slowly running for 5 miles

Would it be that bad?

Completly ok.
Do push ups to have the movement; but it is completly fine.

Film yourself!
You struggle and you want to move up?

Im 180 pounds of mostly fat. I struggle doing body weight exercises like push ups. Should I bother doing incline pushups, or will lifting weights be a more efficient way to see improvement there?

Go to a gym.

On the rowing machine when I extend my legs my balls get stuck under my thighs and eventually pop up. It doesn't really hurt but over time they get a little sensitive from constantly rearranging from bottom to top. Any way to fix this? Is it time to invest in whitey tighties? Maybe a jock strap?

Start with bodyweightstuff and get gym/kettlebell/dumbells; whatever.

Just doing some strength plan with resistance and eating ok is good for most goals.

(Good thing about bodyweight stuff is, it's easier when you get less fat)

Thight underwear

You're supposed to up weight...

doesn't matter dude, just do stuff that your body struggles with

honestly struggling with push ups is good, wish they were harder for me. you can make some real muscle if you struggle with push-ups and just push thru it

Does anyone have any info on my grandpas old belt? I've been using it and want to get a new one but it doesn't have a brand name or anything, the words look custom etched so I don't think that's a clue

guys i need some conditioning exercise ideas
the problem is my gym doesn't have sleds/tyres, and i like strongman-type stuff
wat do?
at the moment i have some ideas like
farmers walks (with dumbbells)
kettlebell swings

basically i want something to do at the end of my lifting session or even on the days i don't lift, that won't mess up my recovery

Guys, I'm retarded.

How do I calculate how many days needed to cut to reach a certain bf%.

I've managed to do it before, but I forgot how to and even what values I need for it.

LISS is the most muscle sparing
HIIT is the most test/gh boosting

1lb of fat = 3500 kcal, meaning you need to expend 3500kcal more than you eat to lose 1lb of fat
if you're 200lbs and you know your bodyfat%, you know how much fat you have on you.
let's say you're 200lbs, 20% fat. 20% of 200 is 40, so you have 40lbs on you.

go from there, figure it out, it's all rough estimates anyways

Thanks that was very clear. HIIT has always been my preference.

I'm no expert but if you cut you'd probably look really lean , and have that sort of aesthetic.

>Tfw you take an arrow to the knee, flail to the ground and merely watch as the whole shield wall falls apart

Thanks man!

You can't.
The problem is that as you drop weight your body will become smaller and the weight as percentage points will drop to smaller and smaller numbers.

It's just a fun little mathmatical thing to do. Not really useful in the long run.

How much weight in squat does the +10 every workout rule come to a halt? I'm at 2pl8 right now and I'm finding it difficult to progress by a lot

anyone got the gif when there are 2 guys one drops the soap and it writes Veeky Forums

Depends on bodyweight and height imo, I'm 62kg and started stalling around lmao3pl8 but I've seen a 94kg guy take noob gains to 4pl8

Is there any dangers of proper form leg presses beside "you neglect your backside" (which squats do anyway)?

And can I leg press every other day much like squats to try and get my neglected quads up to par?

Are people going to think I'm gay if I do glute bridges in a commercial gym? Two bro lifters I've known since highschool already tried to talk me out of doing squats 2-3 times a week because it's a women's exercise.

A little bit of shoulder pain when locking out on overhead press and when I have to hold the bar for squats. Has only been present for 4 days. What do?

I already do face pulls 3x a week so I thought my shoulders should be pretty safe despite all the pressing I do, but I think I fucked something up during the bench press last week. I probably shouldn't have grinded so hard for the last rep but I wanted to get a new PR 10RM.

why the fuck do you care what others think of you

stick or resistance band shoulder dislocations 3x20 before each and every workout, and maybe some in between sets of pressing movements
also, take a break, deload, or just lift lighter for a few days

That girl looks exactly like my former high school crush. I bet she's a total whore today.

it's not like girls don't like a nice butt on guys

Probably. Who the fuck cares though?

I'm up to 340 3x10 for glute bridges and they are an amazing compound. Squats and deads have nothing on them.

You can move even more weight by a lot with hip thrusts and are more effective but are hard to get into position for.

If anyone looks at you, just stare into their eyes as you thrust the weight up.

And if you really want to look like a fag, do good mornings like I do right after them to try and hit the hams even more. Also great lower back exercise if you're wary about doing deads.

You also need 5 solid reps before going up

Is it fine that Im doing skullcrushers with a straight bar? the ez bar hurts my wrist for some reason


What would happen if I exchanged one of my leg days for a dedicated arm day in my PPLPPLx? Arms are lacking

I have resistance bands at home and just tried this. What kind of witch magic is this? The pain pretty has much disappeared already when I tried doing the lockout motion right now. Thanks. I'll start including these into my prehab training along with face pulls.

How do you work your lower pec? My pecs just don't seem to have that like cup kind of thing on the bottom if you know what I am talking about.

thanks desu

Yeah, I guess. I shouldn't really care.

Three ideas:
Bodyweight circut
Stuart mcGills Farmer Walk
(Waiter, Rack, Suitcase)
Just farmer walks
Or try to hit the 100 in something easy with less sets possible (Kb Swing s, Bodyweight squats, incline Pushups etc.)

i had shoulder problems for years, and tried everything from reverse flys, facepulls, stretching of pecs/front delts, ice, warm packs, you name it.

the only two things that have helped were shitloads of shoulder dislocations and ocasional bar dead hangs (you just grab a pullup bar and let your body hang from it; rest and repeat x5)

do the dead hangs when your shoulder feels clicky, or just not right, or sore, and dislocations aren't helping, and yep its almost like magic

you're welcome my man

Dips, decline bench.

Weighted dips though. Force yourself to do it every push or bench day or whatever the fuck you do.

Bench, OHP, and weighted dips every push are great for pec strength.

Dips, Squeezed Push ups and decline press

It might be genetics or your chest is just small in general. A picture would help to determine it.

In any case, the best exercises for lower chest are probably dips and decline bench press. Basically pressing motions where you press down. Triceps Pushdowns with bad form probably also target the lower chest pretty well.

good ideas user, thanks

I'm 18.5 yrs old, 5'11, 15-20% bodyfat (best guess)

Went through some shit in late October, only just returned to the gym now, pretty much at stage 0

Have gained weight but not muscle, so I'm assuming this is all fat - maybe 2kg of fat gained (bw 74kg)

Is it worth doing a full 3000kcal bulking diet now or maintenance to try and get a little leaner before doing a clean bulk?

cut > clean bulk is your best option imo

Can anyone Reccomend a dumbbell routine or tell me a way to find one?
Cheers lads.

Reason I was considering maintenance over cut is that I'm not carrying much muscle right now, lost all muh gains since October

At end of October I was roughly benching 60kg, Squatting 90 (could have done more, deliberately witheld it to try and balance upper body strength, my legs always outgrow it), OHP 40kg, dont remember diddylift




yeah but if you bulk now you'll get stronger but you'll also get even fatter, thus having more weight to cut later

idk you choose, its your body

my dude if i was doing what i want with my body i'd be dead or hanging off a rope

i want to find the best route to getting swole

I get the same thing. Pretty sure its a rotator cuff/impingement issue. Dont push it. Last time I fucked myself doing dips my left arm was numb for a week. ALWAYS warm up before dips, personally I do it as a second exercise because going in cold is how I always snap my shit up.

Tell me why I shouldn't do 1500cal/day weeks every other week? I'm currently cutting at 2000cal/day and it's working but I'm really not seeing any downsides to cut more aggressively.

>week 1 2000kcal/day
>week 2 1500kcal/day and refeed
>week 3 2000kcal/day
>week 4 1500kcal/day and refeed

??? Calories in calories out and as long as I'm getting enough protein I honestly doubt I'll end up in starvation mode, lose "way too much muscle" compared to just sticking 2000kcal/day for the next 3 months.

If something this should speed up my cut very nicely with literally no downsides?

I might just be the next fitness guru for coming up with this.

okay then, cut some weight while lifting heavy > clean bulk and lift heavy

overcomplicating shit

eat a bit below tdee if cutting

eat a bit above tdee if bulking

it's literally that easy

Does this work?

>constantly training at a 1-2RM

no, that's retarded

if i'm a little bitch can I just do leg press instead of squats? My fucking knees hurt and I know squats are better overall but it makes me want to skip legs. I find presses a bit more easier.

i'll suck it up if its really that much better but fuck my legs dude

Apparently you can

Just what I was after. Cheers mate.

Are you telling me that dry humping 315lbs is not the most alpha thing you can do? If people give you weird looks, lock eye contact while doing them, and start grunting.

>i'll suck it up if its really that much better but fuck my legs dude

yes, you can sub leg press for squats, there's no exercise that's necessary, it's just that squat is one of the 3 exercises where you can lift the most weight, meaning it works shitload of muscles, meaning you can easily overload your legs, meaning you will grow stronger faster with squats.

that being said, try doing "accordion" style leg press, which looks something like this
25 reps > increase weight > 20 reps > increase weight > 15 reps > increase... > 10 > 5, then go 5>10>15>20>25 but lower the weight as you increase reps

also, i'd keep some form of squatting in, for example goblet squats 3 sets of whatever reps, keep em between 10 and 20

add some hamstring work (romanian DL, regular DL) and you're set

try this for 2 months, while trying to increase the weight you do at the leg press/rdl/whatever else you choose to do and compare with your legs now. i guarantee they'll grow like mad

Are there any muscles other than abs that you can train every day?

Just have the biggest guy in the gym sit on top of you when you do them.

There's nothing manlier than glute bridging the biggest dude around.

calves and forearms

dominic cruise says all he uses is some form of rabata (he didnt go into detail) sprints for endurance and thats it, the man is a cardio machine so who knows

When doing barbell curls my forearms hurt more then my actual biceps, i have long forearms and arms in general am i doing something wrong?

do them with a z bar

or do them with dumbbells

also dont squeeze the bar/dumbbells with your hands too hard

Regular push-ups are the easiest for me, then incline is harder, then decline. Is it the same for you guys? I've read on a couple of Veeky Forums forums that incline are usually easier.

I have a legit question. Please, friendos:

I'm doing SS, but my gym doesn't have the rack, i'm doing squats in the smith machine.
I have that shit and i cant change gyms now, i would like to know if this will fuck my training. I'm doing all the rest with free weights, just like the book.

incline as in your hands are on an elevated surface (bed, table, chair)? yes, they should be easier

decline as in your feet on an elevated surface? these should be harder

>tfw I bench 230 and weigh 190 so when I went on vacation in Japan I tried to do body weight routines and by god were push-ups easy I had my gf sit on my back

Is 5x5 too much for deadlift?

I do PPLPPLx btw.

10,8,6,5,3,3 is my preferred rep scheme for diddlies

How are you supposed to tell the calorie count of something like King Cake from a local bakery? Google gives me anything from 1.5 to 3.7 calories per gram.

>open google
>"king cake nutrition"

it's all a rough estimate anyways

What's a Veeky Forums approved haircut to replace this monstrosity of mine?

I'll do anything but shave it, also needs to be good with a Widows peak

I also have a widows peak and I just get an undercut and sweep my hair to the side.

There seems to be a million different results when I try to look up reference pictures, got a pic of it?

I'm pale as a ghost. I've got a huge ass park a couple streets away from home, which is also filled with teen pussy. How long should I stay under the sun each day, without shirt to get a pseudochad tone?

Ok tks. Yes, incline with hands higher that feet, and decline with hands lower than feet.

What's good for some basic HIIT and for how long?

I was at the gym the other day and a trainer was teaching a noob how to use the smith machine.
She was pushing him into this position with his feet far further than the bar.
Is this really how you use a smith machine?