/plg/ - powerlifting general

Haven't shit posted in a while so I made this

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Mattie

second for mattie


Any Australians know where to buy the cheapest protein? srs

please can you at least give me a you for my of

It took 3 hours in paint

Okay Dino

Thanks you too Dino

>about to do 85% 4x2 then 80% 4x2 squats with an inflated max
>lower back still a bit sore from Monday's deadlifts

Well fug

how much did you inflate by?

This is the best song to Max to

Prove me wrong: protip you can't

>protip: you can't
heh, nothing personal kidd


Proven wrong

Tested max is 355, could realistically be able to hit 365 though. Inflation is at 375




I want to get laid without lowering my standards but I also want to get fat and deadlift heavy

I am at a cross road

Lower you standards and fuck slightly less aesthetic women

become isley mode then move to england and fuck esmerelda like the dirty little slut she is

I only go for 9/10s MINIMUM

Better version here


>without lowering my standards
Are you illiterate

> like the dirty little slut she is
i literally cannot contain my boner right now

Actually, I do have a question with this.
What company makes a solid belt for super heavy weights that also happen yo be poor?

:okay_hand: :dinosaur:

>scales at the gym consistently say i weigh 102kg
>scales at home consistently say i weigh 95kg

just take the mid ground 99kg

>can't squat 225

>>can't squat 225
she couldn't maintain balance i doubt anyone has ever snatched more then they can squat lmao

That's what I was thinking. That makes sense though.

>mfw kermit uploads a new video


i love how 440 is feeling like nothing now
especially how when i started 435 was my 85 and now 470 is my 85 with even faster reps lol


how much protein do you eat per day?

idk 100-150 i think

>Pause squat, touch & go bench and wide grip bench PRs all in the same day

What time do you weigh yourself on each scale? Could be at home is your morning weight and at the gym is when you have food and water in you, you weigh more

form check pls
dl (380*3):

>be grad student
>doing SL
>research and classes are in different towns, have to travel on an irregular basis
>nearly impossible to go every other day to the gym
>been doing bodyweight to supplement my lack of gym attendance

should I just switch to /bwg/ and give up on lifting or is it possible to do some type of linear progression routine with an irregular schedule?

kek at the girl checking out her ass in the mirror

wait which video? i dont normally watch vids but this i have to see

bench vid

bulk nutrients .com


mfw im the only one who squats 3 times a week so far ???

You don't squat 3x a week every week though, right?

I normally squat 3× but Miguel Momentum has me on 2

Surprised deadlifting once a week is most common so far, thought it would be twice a week.

yes every week

3x is pretty goat unless you are going into super high %

Anybody got thoughts about benching twice a week? Because I take weekends off (due to gym hours being awkward on weekends) I only bench twice a week. If I really wanted to I could bench three times a week by going on weekends but would there even be any benefit to it, assuming I do plenty of volume on the days I DO bench already?
Really would appreciate any advice

How would you know? You've hardly lifted.

>3x a week
Which Sheiko are you on? I'm on adv large load and it's 2x dead 2x squat

>Got too excited for deadlift day
>Went way too hard
>Now just fucking dead, mentally and physically

how 2 come back 2 life

its called modifying sheiko to your own goals

the one lift ive done the most is squat just because i haven't lifted for long doesn't mean i haven't done many different rep and frequency schemes on squat

Still my favourite video of a lift EVER
Knowing how much he struggled, putting in absurd amounts of work for what seemed like no progress for over a year. It finally all paid off in this 30 second clip, fucking immense and shows what the sport is all about IMO
Hope norse gets to know this feeling one day, he deserves it

Fucking raw nattys wtf

You're not an expert just because you're strong. Countless anons and trips here have lifted years longer than you.

Don't forget that motherfucker hasn't done a meet yet, right?

when did i say i was a expert ?

please read what i have said before putting words in my mouth lmao

I'll put something in your mouth

Should I run sheiko for another year to see if I can get my squat above my deadlift?


meet at school today. 205 bench, 360 dead, 285 squat. only two attempts otherwise I think I could have gone higher. it was a lot of fun even though I was lifting lower than most there. The guy running it actually shouter nothing but a peanut over the loud speaker during someone's squat.


>Unironiclly being against sheiko

My goals are a big squat too. What modifications have you done?

Also do you do the accessories or just the main sets? I think you should start hitting the upper body accessories if you don't already

. The guy running it actually shouter nothing but a peanut over the loud speaker during someone's squat.


Yea now im hitting upper way more since im bulking

And all i added was on the 4th day (depending on the hardness of thee weak) id do box squats up to 90% 4x2 or 4x3 pause squat at weak point 70-75%

Its not adding a lot but the extra volume should help

Where is gone?


>Error! The thread you were looking for does not exist.

Yeah I keked at it.
I'm pretty sure the guy runs the Uni gym.

>Dude has 3pl8 loaded up on the rack
>Goes to set up for squat
>Screams several times
>Repeatedly smashes his back into the bar
>Sets the bar super low, looks like it's below his rear delts
>When he unracks the bar his whole back is curved in a hunchback sorta way to keep the bar from sliding down from the too-low rack position
>Does one of those squats where his hips stop just above parallel but his back keeps going down
>Grinds the rep back up, his back looks all out of place
>Then he puts another 50 lb on the bar, does the same shit, this time failing the squat

How people do this shit without destroying themselves is beyond me.

Is the user who gave me that simple 4x5 spoto and 4+ tng etc bench program to replace the c6w upper days here?


this tbqh :ok_hand:

i would curbstomp rafaellos big ol bratz doll head tBh wht a fucking fag

Jesus lads bulking up really is awful.

Like I can deal with the eating, that part's fine. But the shitting. That's something else.


invite link?

this tbqh

im small and weak but i would like to stand in the shadows of gods and maybe absorb some PRs via osmosis

She needs a hug...and a bucket of scrambled eggs. With hot sauce. And sourdough.

Buenas Noches, amigos. I have a query. Doing Texas Method but i despise GHRs. Would Good Mornings be an efficient substitute or should i ignore Rippetoe's deadlift views entirely and just pull lighter on Wednesday deads? Gracias.

Good mornings could fill the void, as could pretty much any lighter deadlift variant.

But I'd throw in some leg curls as assistance if you're going that way. There's some knee health advantages to doing flexion work.

Good mornings it is. Will try next week.

One of these is not as Anonymous as the others.
Why won't you just use Facebook?

I probably shouldn't have to say this, but if you're using GMs as a replacement for GHRs then they'll work a lot better arched-back and strict than how people often do them. Think more RDL than SLDL.

I'm more of a visual learner. Could you recommend a video i could see that in? I'll research it myself regardless but nice to have all info possible.


There are times that a roundbacked GM can have a use but its a niche thing.

Sweet. would it better to squat before or after this?

Most people will say to squat first because that's the more important lift. I'm a weirdo and prefer to squat second just because I find squatting on pumped hamstrings way more comfy.

So Trappy was a trap in the classic English sense.

because facebook sucks cocks. everything is monetized on facebook, u earn likes and comments and shit and normies are all up in there. discord u can be as user as u want. its just a normal chatroom to shoot the shit with cunts who lift and meme.

Discord sells your information

is this why its free

I am always tired except for when I lift (usually)

I barely get by every day, barely get enough sleep at night.
Then I lift and hit a bunch of PRs

Then I get home and I am fucking dead for the rest of the day

Maybe do GMs first as I'm not used to it, and therefore won't be tired from squats? Yeah, sounds right, Cheers!


how much do you sleep


Also pic related was my captcha

You eating enough? Lifting on an empty or poorly fed stomach makes me feel weak too.

Anywhere between 3-7 hours
Usually 4-5 I guess

Still gaining weight, yup. I use a lot of stimulants like caffeine or ammonia when lifting, so lifting is okay.

I'm just tired all day

Is Rafaello actually dwelling in Brazil or in the States now?

I might be able to turn him into a dickgirl for real.
