/PECS/ General

How to build good pecs that point downwards?

I see a lot of people who build gyno looking pecs.

When looking at Arnies pics, his pecs are always pointing downwards

Pic of Arnie for reference of good pecs



shape and which way they point is genetic.

You build them by isolating them. Bench press is often a shitty exercise for pecs. The pec deck is one of the best exercises for chest.
3-4 sets of 8-12 reps 3 times a week will add a lot of mass to your pecs.

> genetics
can't say I agree, I see progress pics moving from one to another, generally getting worse

guillotine press all day every day

When I said kys I didnt mean you to take it seriously

Chris Elkins has some titties

he desperately need to start training his neck

How can I focus 100% or close on pecs? I feel like my arms are getting too big for my torso, and I want some mass at my chest

>Bench press is often a shitty exercise for pecs.
it's the best

peck deck is fucking trash

barbell bench is the best for overall chest development, then you have dips and incline presses(dumbbell or not, I really prefer dumbbells for inclines) and thats all

I feel like cable flys on a flat or incline bench hit my chest pretty good, also I can feel it working better using dumbbells for pressing exercises, and also a few machines

C-Cable flies..? I'm relatively new and because of autism I've done the same 20 things over and over during different sessions.

Dips really hurt my shoulders

Bench is quite possibly the worst in terms of pectoral activation.

Pic related, but if you never did any kind of flyes I suggest you to start with dumbbell flyes and move to cables when you are more confident

learn the form properly, if it still persists then dont bother with them

not really, learn how to bench

I used to do them until I injured my shoulder
since then even after it healed still hurts if I do dips

also looking for the same thing. i do flat bench and dumbbell flyes atm. flyes have definitely helped a bit, but my chest is still lagging. would adding decline bench do anything?

Oho, I see. Thank you!!

Dont be that guy that takes up space doing this. Just do dumbells like any sane person

Is this dude natty ?
Fuck he looks good

> takes space
Fuck off, If I wanna avoid taking space to use both cables I won't go to a gym you dumb shit

lanklets will say no

I don't give a shit mang, my chest needs to get juicier,(pic related) also I always let people work in and move the bench if they need to use the cables

>chest is by far fastest growing muscle despite primarly doing 3 x 5 DB
>chest by far relatively strongest muscle group
>absolutely shit insertions
>and not just a little gap

fuck me whyyyyyyyy??

It is like my body is trolling me.
>back and chest grow fast
>back ruined my winged scapula
>chest ruined by insertions

nice tits

My chest is the slowest growing
Back, biceps and triceps are the fastest growing and have been for the past two years

These parts hurt way too much when doing flies, are my arms just fucked or am I doing it wrong?

Probably you are either going too deep or keeping your arms too far back, or a combination of both. Try to lower your arms a bit towards your feet and don't go too deep, adjust the position until it won't hurt anymore

Is doing multiple chest exercises a bad thing? Like would it be overkill if I did incline bench press, regular bench press, & cable/dumbell flies?

Nothing beats cable flyes.
Unlike the press, you still do work at the point of maximum contraction.

i do bench, incline, db bench, chest isolation machine (one side at a time), and a cable flies on a regular chest day

If I don't lower my arms enough it doesn't feel like my chest is working

Try doing flyes while standing using cables

Chest flyes and (weighted) dips are for more effective for building chest than bench press.

what about high reps with incline dumbell press? It always seemed to work very well

I find that the chest is the only musclegroup that grows faster if you do your exercises with machines, my chest was insane when I used to do 3x10 of pic related 3 times a week coupled with bench press and incline dumbell flies, ever since I stopped doing that exercise I've lost some reasonable pec mass, even though my bench has increased a lot since then, will hop back on this thing next workout

No, it is still far less effective.

You can have good form and try to activate your pecs as much as you want with bench press, it still won't be as good for chest development as chest flyes and weighted dips.

>both exercises hurt

How can people even do dips without hurting their shoulders?

Don't lock out your elbows.

Chest flies are shit
>literally no support for your AC ligament
You will end up with shit shoulders sooner or later.
You probably dont study anatomy and physiology so look up Athlean-X he is actually a physiotherapist and knows what he is talking about.
T. soon graduating physiotherapist

you mean don't rise fully?

By doing it right.

It used to hurt my shoulders but that went away once I fixed my form. Only reason I do a lot of dips is because my gym barely has any fucking benches

at least you're not a chiropractor but both are garbage

Both rack up tons of cash though

Would doing heavy weighted dips be pointless if you just want mass and you're training for strength already on the bench?

This is absolutely wrong. Google it, they have done studies on it.

No weighted dips are good

But I mean heavy ones, I should probably stick to 3x10 weighted ones right?

I don't know how heavy you go, I normally choose a weight where I can't do more than x8 reps

Garage gym has no dip bar

Think an improvised dip using 2 chairs will suffice? It feels like shit going flat palm with the chairs

never heard anyone say this

I have done that, pretty dangerous. Better option is 2 tables

I cracked my foot bone once because I was drunk and bet with my friends that I could jump out of the 3rd floor and be okay
so I was stuck at home for 2 months and I really wanted to workout so I improvised a dip bar by pushing 2 sofas together and added weight to my backpack, did nothing but that for 2 months, could do 25 reps with 30 kilos by the end of the 2nd month, chest had improved drastically, you can improvise a dip bar out of anything

flat bench dumbbell presses
incline bench dumb bell presses
cable flyes
weighted dips
weighted pull ups
pendlay rows (not sure why but they totally help me)
hammer chest press

How are pull-ups going to help your chest?

why doesn't my gym have this?

> Pecs general
> Pull ups

Dumbbell is miles better than barbell for both. More ROM and stretch, better shoulder health, correction of imbalance by using separate weight in each hand rather than the same weight spread across both hands (which often leads to the dominate hand taking more work). My chest development shot up when I switched to dumbell and I haven't looked back.

By the way, anyone doing decline is wasting their time.

And by the way my strength went way up as well. I had stalled at 250 for working reps on barbell flat before I switched. Two weeks ago for shits and giggles I went back for a couple sets on barbell just to see where I was at...My barbell bench has shot up to 335 for working reps in the span of a year. Not joking. Dumbell bench is GOAT

>I trained FOR A WHOLE YEAR and made HUGE gains
>must be the dumbbells


He looks kinda mediocre for someone roiding too.

What if the dumbbells in my gym only go up to 35 kg?

a 40kg increase in bench in one year is huge though