Veeky Forums
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Health #407
Hey Veeky Forums, advice on an appropriate work out to develop a certain figure?
How the fuck can I stop my armpits from sweating for no reason...
Lol, do u guys count the bar?
About to meet with my doctor regarding naturally occurring gynecomastia. Anyone go down this route before...
How has being Veeky Forums improved your life?
Clarence kennedy
Best way to get rid of a beer belly
Building big arms
How does Veeky Forums sleep at night?
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
Vegan green man
/plg/ powerlifting general
Blood pressure is 130/80
King of fit?
She's Gone Boys
Meme diets
Skinny fat
I need a meme
Rate my transformation?
Don't be a nigger and buy monster energy drink!
Boogie here
Creatine...can someone fill me in on if it's really worth using after a workout?
Should I get GYMANO power rack?
Being below heroic proportions
Mental Health General: Jordan Peterson Edition
Why do you guys think Fat Shaming is ok?
Is keto a meme?
Female Degeneracy
Redpill me on test and other ((anabolic steroids)), Veeky Forums
How to deal with anger?
ON Whey gold standard taste
Kid has stomach of iron:
What even are the benefits of fish oil for people who are already in shape?
Compounds are meme
What's the point of lifting when you look like this guy?
If you already have an 8/10 attractive face and tall...
ITT: post what you ate for breakfast this morning
What's the easiest way for a fit guy to get laid
New cbt thread? New cbt thread
Are relationships a liability Veeky Forums?
Who else here currently have an injury?
Being a 7/10 is literally the worst
How do I get as big as him?
What's your biggest insecurity /fit?
Mfw I ate 4 pringles today
Who else lifts for the mental health benefits? I honestly don't care about the gains (though they are nice)...
What fitness goals can I set that will impress normies the most?
Pack up your bags meatheads!
/fph/ /fps/ /fht/ - Fat (people) [hate/stories]
Women are Retarded
Jesus Christ, Lord have mercy
Non-lifter here
Anyone have any experience ordering supps and other gym related stuff on Amazon? I recently got Prime...
Veeky Forumsizens jobs
240 calories
Why isn't your dick big Veeky Forums?
Progression of getting fit (thumbnail is my starting body)
Is Arnold the logical conclusion to aesthetics?
>IIFYM drones need to kill themselves
How the fuck do you guys do it? i eat clean one day and the next day im craving junk food...
Routine rate
She's coming to my school
I feel like my libido has all but vanished. I can sit around and jerk off if i'm bored...
When I worked out at the YMCA, the Indians always smelled like curry and BO. None wore deodorant...
Is this achievable natty?
How do you bench without a spotter and Power rack without killing yourself?
Is it ok to mix different kinds of protein, like fish with chicken...
/fraud/ general
CBT: Summer Plans
Is introversion a character flaw?
When people say "stop looking at porn" and do "no porn", what actually constitutes as porn?
/Looking Too Young For Your Age/
Goal Bodies with Stats
Going to a gym
Post fictional goals
Realistically and with steroids, could you get close to a body like JoJo?
Why even lift if you won't be part of the glorious race war in Europa and the Americas...?
Standing OHP VS Seated OHP
Already about to give up my diet after less than a day
This is why I lift
My 21st birthday is approaching soon and I have yet to lose my virginity or kiss a girl. Should I just hire a hooker...
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
This is for you Veeky Forums
Saw a hot girl at the gym today, decided to take a couple of pictures of her
Too hot not to cheat
Who here /KETO/
Which one of them is going to win this year?
Mirin thread
Veeky Forums how bad is sucralose/splenda for you really?
This is what men really want
Did I fuck up, Veeky Forums?
YHCL thread, bitches
/mfg/ - Military Fitness General
Are olympic weightlifters the most aesthetic type of "lifter"?
Realistic Expectations
Which is better:
The Death of Boogie General
How are those spirutal gains coming Veeky Forums?
ITT we post the lyrics we max rep to
This is what women want
ITT: Music we listen to at the gym
Cold shower master race.Why haven't you starter yet,pussies?
ITT: we post tips which other anons might find helpful
So, the gf wants to get Veeky Forums, but not muscular (yeah I know)...
DNP thread
This woman is an inspiration
Any progress at all? Or am I just blinded by beginner gains?
Is a 8:40 minute mile good for a beginner? I'm overweight and have been running for about a month
How do you quit smoking without gaining weight?
That one guy who takes a drink of water inbetween each set
Mental health
Let's get them push-ups going boys
Hey Veeky Forums Making another thread for the god tier sport/workout of rowing, plan to make a sticky soon...
How do you guys not kill yourself when you start to go bald because of lifting
Should I deadlift on Legs day or Back day?
Getting tested for low testosterone in 12 hours
Is it easier to get a tall gf?
Veeky Forums movies essential
How do u last longer in bed
Serious question, why should someone who doesn't care about powerlifting, and only cares about strength...
Haha, you coming user? We were all gonna grabs some Mickey D's or something for lunch!
How do I pick up brappy girls?
Class ends
Whose cutting?
You're a nigger if you do not buy monster energy drink
How many days does a 250 pound man need to water fast to stop hating himself...
Is chocolate milk good for gaining mass, bros? Or will it just give me man-boobs
Dislocated collarbone at the sternum
Lifting for jesus
My girlfriend's new personal trainer is way more handsome than me. N-nothing will happen right???
How many eggs do you eat a day?
Autism test Veeky Forums edition
Hello, user I'm putting you on a 1000 calorie a day diet and I want you to lose 50 pounds by the end of this month
GIve me one good reason you aren't doing the GOAT exercise
How did you get over her when she dumped you for /chad/ fit?
Manlet Feels
Hi Veeky Forums
Is there any reason to train for strength rather than hypertropy?
How are you going to compete?
Sexual/fit/ thread #1
What mode am I guys?
In the eyes of normies, what is "fit"?
Is "prediabetes" a real condition that you'll always have even if you take care of yourself or is it just a made up...
So I've been thinking about learning martial arts and I have narrowed it down to jiu jitsu...
Femoroacetabular impingement
Salam alaikum, i heard you aren't lifting 5 times a day you dirty kaffir
How you holding up Veeky Forums?
What is the most annoying diet?
Vynz Brah General
Let's give this Taiwanese whore a form check on her deadlift, Veeky Forums:
Veeky Forums drug thread
6 ft
GOMAD while cutting?
/fat/ Fatty General
Is this achievable natty
Shoulder clicks and pops during deltoid exercises
Who's getting /thicc/ here? Discuss thicc specific inspirations, routines, nutrition, etc
Why are normies always so bitter when you dress in a way that shows off your gains...
How did he get such explosive growth rate for his arms?
Tfw no carbs
Veeky Forums webm thread
Has anyone tried this?
American lifestyle
Should we eat more porks?
*Brocks your paff*
How I changed my life through a bulk
Hey guys boogie here
What are some of your insecurities, Veeky Forums?
Is it possible to be a Veeky Forums gamer?
How do you ask for a testosterone test at the doctor?
Okay Veeky Forums so I have these two friends who are really into lifting...
Daily reminder that this is what women want
Why do steroid users think that wrecking their endocrine systems, enlarging their hearts, bursting out in acne...
How do I get this mode?
Pushup Thread
Goal body thread
Second day of keto
My ex is talking to me again after a year of no contact.. I really really missed her but dont want to let her know...
What are the most Veeky Forums approved foods that come in a can?
Can someone please tell me if SS is a good or not, not sure if people are meming or serious about the Trex-bod
/QTDDTOT/how can I improve my jawline?
Havent eaten at all today
How does one become a Chad?
Did I make it?
Be me
Why isn't he dead yet?
Clean bulk vs dirty bulk
How to stop watching porn?
Get cast as a kung fu superhero
Just be trans, bro
Mfw I can only bench 50 pounds
I gotta get into vegetables
Face Gains
Testosterone levels
Gym Culture Shock
How do you discipline your lanklet pets Veeky Forums?
Do you guys even bother with stretching?
CBT w/ stats
Oh god Veeky Forums I thought the smiling receptionist qt was just a meme
Rip Veeky Forums favorite fatty
Help a teenager to get fit, Veeky Forums
/plg/ - powerlifting general
/Run/ General - Spring in Your Step Edition
I've recently gotten a job at McDicks. I'm given a free meal every shift...
Meanwhile on Bizzaro Veeky Forums
Why arent you watching the delray misfits
Being alive in the year of our Lord two thousand and seventeen
Shit I never knew just straining a muscle creates a bunch of scar tissue
If it's so easy to lose weight how come there's so many fat people?
How's my transformation ????
Do nofap for over 10 days since I got laid
Fitness Youtubers
How much body hair do you have?
How the fuck can other food compete?
Just lift and be confident around chicks bro
Penis size
Tfw visible abs
I would do anything for chest
What are some exercises?
Anti social
That guy thread
/fat/ - Fatty General
What are some lifting advice for the giraffe?
UK Thread
So why aren't you roiding yet? 2 bulking cycles on Test and a cutting cycle on Tren and you can look like this...
Hey goys
How to get girlfriend to appreciate lifting
How much time to be like him?
So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of fitness?
Is this true?
Should i use steroids?
Progress bread
Hey guys. I'm new here, moving in from /b/. I'm ready to make some lifestyle changes and improve my overall being...
What's the best supplement for girls and why is it anavar?
Challenge for Veeky Forums
Why are there no Buff politicians?
How can I achieve Samurai mode?
It's 11am and I've just cracked open my 7th beer of the day, any way to fit this into my macros?
Redpill me on whole milk vs skimmed milk
Gymcel cringe thread
I just realised the french press is called the french press because you're putting your arms up in the air
Gymbro is 1 inch taller than me, but 8 pounds lighter
Please post pics of people who escaped skeleton mode. Ty
What doedorant / antiperspirant do you guys use? Do you use stick or spray? When do you apply it?
How can I cook eggs to make them not taste horrible? I want gains but I fucking hate the taste of eggs...
Lifting weights will never make you happier
Why do physically stronger people tend to have right-wing views?
Lift like a madman
Why do you lift, Veeky Forums?
Fat Burners?
Anons I am sick as fuck, almost didn't have the energy to open this up
How the f does this 10/10 famous youtuber has a fat slob for bf ?
/sip/ boys
Daily reminder that heavy lifting is not sustainable
Lifting music
/Rowing/ General Neverdie Edition
ITT: twinkspiration
Let's settle this once and for all
There is going to be a civil war breaking out in my country soon, and things will not be looking good for me
Vynz Brah is the biggest sikkunt
Does anyone laugh at Veeky Forumsggots?
You can only pick one exercise to do for the rest of your life. What do you pick?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Goal Body Thread
Look in the mirror
There's no way that much sugar is healthy, no matter how much exercise you do, right?
Everyone says to eat 1g protein per 1lb of lean body mass
Anyone know how to get rid of stretch marks? I've made great gains but I'm kind of embarrassed to take my shirt off
What the fuck is wrong with me /fit
*Blocks your path*
Show me them sips, bros
Got into a fight with my dad over Veeky Forums
Progress thread? Here's the results of me changing my life around almost a year ago...
Am I still DYEL?
First time
ITT we talk about times we autistically ruined our chances at nutting inside of qt3.14s
/tall/ General
When I lift a case of water I get this line popping up on my forearm...
What motivates you to go and lift when your feeling down Veeky Forums ?
How you holding up Veeky Forums?
Any 30+ brahs in here?
Hey fags...
What's this called?
I really wanna go travel abroad and fuck prostitutes
Post your routines
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
How do I find a worthwhile swim coach? What would a good coach do? I want to swim long distance/endurance
/mhg/ - Mental health general
Is Myprotein a meme?
/Black/ General
What are the benefits of wearing one of those bane masks that restricts airflow during strength training?
I was deadlifting and I think I put on too much weight. On the 5th rep I felt a severe shooting pain in my upper back...
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Mode us!
Daily reminder that this is what men want
Isn't it better to start taking steroids above 45 years old?
Why do we hate Manlets again?
/fraud/ general
Devilish Gym Stories
How to get fit for the military
1 Year difference, still kinda skiz, need help
Push ups thread
Is there a particular point to dips other than building triceps?
/Sexual Fitness General/ - SFG
Hey bois, how do you avoid getting these when doing tractions
Do Muslim girls like Veeky Forums guys?
There's lots of information on Veeky Forums about maxing your test levels but not much about maxing your HGH or IGF-1...
Life isn't fair
Veeky Forums, I'm starting to great really worried
Who here /lifts for Communism/?
Lifting for women
Daily reminder creatine has proven to increase hair loss and thinning even if your genetics dont carry baldness
Why do you shave your body hair? Don't say because of muscle definition, what is the underlying reason...
Anybody here color blind ? I cant pass the goddamn ishihara test to save my life . FUCK MY GENETICS
I've just done my first 300mg of test enan injection ever. AMA
I'm in a relationship where I'm completely miserable and get sex once every three months and the end of the...
What are some good appetite suppressants for a binge eater?
Any of you anons training purely for aesthetics, but with full body routines...
Gym sinners thread
Anyone on Veeky Forums ever managed to leave auschwitz permanently and get a better body?
1 year progress
What's his routine?
[insults your gains in Russian]
Has any one taken any of these? Particularly, Super Male Vitality or Brain Force...
Are humans INT DEX OR STR?
Any and all cues welcome
Chad /general/ last thread hit limit
Are tattoos alpha?
How do i achieve this mode?
Why do girls work their lats and arms? I see this all the time at the gym, they're all doing it...
Tinder General
Weed and testosterone
My stomach looks like pic related. Anyway I can trim that down by summer?
Starting StrongLifts tomorrow from skeleton mode
How should I do the progression of squats?
TFW you wasted thousands of hours on Veeky Forums that you will never get back instead of doing something productive
Hi Lads;
It was very nice to meet you, user!
Amazon goblins stealing my gains
What do you guys listen to while lifting?
Daily reminder that if you are using protein powder, you have been taken advantage of by the (((merchants)))...
Thanks creatine
Friendly reminder that this is what fit culture causes. What do you have to say for yourselves?
What is Veeky Forumss go to snack when trying to watch their calories?
Is nofap a meme?
Girlfriend left me bros
Best of the best of martial arts
Deadlift 1x5
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
Cutting General:
What to eat to gain weight?
I have spent TWO YEARS doing Isolation exercises only
Daily reminder that it's all about the face Veeky Forums
Why can't we have a Skeleton hate general?
Im going to make a half rack, for my home gym, out of wood. What do you think about this design? What should I chang?
Veeky Forums hairstyles and haircare general
What sports does Veeky Forums play ?
Mayweather vs Mcgregor
Do I need to lift to fuck a girl like this?
Why is pizza a cheat meal?
Any exercises to leave 6'' dicklet status?
Veeky Forums is for losers, misc is where its at
New to this kinda stuff. Some context, a big boy just trying to get stronger...
Not going to festivals with your aesthetics crew and muzzing like a sik kunt
So tell me more about these "deathlifts" you've been doing
What mode is this?
Had my pre-workout and then had my first sip of the day
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long
November 2015 vs March 2017
*blocks your ear*
Is Jason Blaha currently the biggest meme in the fitness industry?
Do Veeky Forums prep your meal or is it just a meme?
Have any of you butt fuckers tried Tren?
So user, with muscles like those you must have a girlfriend, right?
So I added this picture on Tinder and my match quality has increased at least 2 points on average from 5/10s to 7/10s
How do you make a muscle smaller? specifically the one in the red circle...
Any consensus on egg consumption?
SS questions thread
ITT: Post your favorite cheat meals
Italian Heritage
How do I get it back bros
Post yfw when you hit LMAO1Plate
Let's do a thought experiment Veeky Forumsizens
My stomach looks like the picture right now. Can I trim it down by may or june?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Who else feels super awkward when doing farmer's walks at the gym?
Sorry for my bad english
Veeky Forums humor thread
What was the most taxing trap exercise you ever got outside of the gym?
Is Green Tea actually good for weight loss/general wellness, or is it just a meme?
Raw eggs
What was your longest break from training and how did it affect you?
Head to local lifting mosque in downcrater mosul
Powerlifters are taking all the hot chicks
Today when I was leaving the gym I looked at a girl and she was looking at me and I smiled and she smiled back
One chance at life
First day at the gym
Veeky Forums, i'm dating a chubby. with HUGE titties
Mental Health Thread
How to grow penis
What does Veeky Forums think about Infinite Elgintensity?
Who /snusnu/ here?
Is it okay if I eat 4-5 eggs a day? Will I die?
I just want to be loved, Veeky Forums. I'm 28 and I've been alone my entire life
Do you need to monitor your blood sugar levels while taking MK-677?
What is the true redpill in life?
Only one chance in life
/Chad General/
IIT We Post Gym Porn
Would you ever date a pornstar?
How to ensure your future sons get alpha jaw/faces like these?
Vynz Brah General
Tfw weaker than a girl
Am i the only one?
Gotta have my gym motivation. Ideals thread
*Blocks your arteries*
Natty vegan grills make the best gains
Skinny fat at 154 lbs 5'10
One is acceptable, the other is not
There's nothing better than mama's own recipe spaghetti. God-tier bulk food
Assuming you are eating the same amount of calories in these 2 hypothetical situations:
Veeky Forums should i keep cutting to finally get shredded abs...
How about a fight thread Veeky Forums?
What's the point of getting Veeky Forums if I don't have the alpha male mindset? Pic related
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
Any 6'5(195cm)+ guys here?
Feelin' good
Fat hate - general
Stop exercising
Hello guys. I've come to the terrible realization im just a loser. And I don't know how to fix myself
Feels thread
So brave
Clarence kennedy? who?
When you're a skinny little 100-pound manlet like myself, how do you summon the confidence to go to the gym...
"Hey user. I hear you squat 315lbs. Wow! Then I guess it should be easy for you to..."
What is the most overrated body part aesthetically speaking and why is it the chest
Skull crushers
Itt: Weirdest exercise equipment that you've come across, be it retarded or functional
"I wish I spent more of my life on Veeky Forums, I regret following my dreams and working towards my goals"
/plg/ powerlifting general
How do i archieve these lines?
What a faggot
Bench press vs OHP
Well Veeky Forums, is he natty?
My current 1RM in bench is 75 kg. My buddy doesn't think I can hit 100 kg by October 1st
Switching routines
/fraud/ general
Existentialism Problems
Do you drink enough water, Veeky Forums?
User can you spot me on my squats here after this set?
Why does this thing exist?
It's true
Want to add shrugs to my routine but never done them before
Minoxidil for beard gains
Planet Fitness
How swole do you have to be to win fights
Cbt: creatine shits edition
Enable tinder auto-liker
Neet looking to get fit
Are there any ab exercises worth your time
I'm going to start Muay Thai next monday, can any user tell me his experience?
Who or what made you start lifting?
How often do you /run/?
How can you tell if someone is using steroids?
Wants to look like thicc amazon warrior princess
Have to squat in the upcoming workout
Thanks Veeky Forums
Redpill me on swimming in icy water
Rate my 'ceps?
Daily reminder that this is what men want
Tfw gym's receptionist asks you if the water heater is broken because water in the shower was set to cold
/Rowing/ General
Are women are meme, I see a common way to call a man inferior is to say he cannot satisfy women
Why do oats taste so fucking awful?
Acne Treatments?
Tfw you're almost thirty
Wat do Veeky Forums, I followed your advice and it is not working
There are days I can deadlift 130 kg 1x5 like its nothing and then there is yesterday I could barely deadlift 120 kg...
How do I achieve this mode?
How do you guys progressively overload the overhead press? What rep/set range do you use?
Is Ice Cream Fitness unironically the best version of Starting Strenght?
What does Veeky Forums wear?
You guys don't know anymore what is good looking and what is no, so here's a picture to drive you back in reality
I'm a fatass. But I don't think I'm too far past redemption yet. I'm 5,8 230lbs. Will I have lose skin if I lose it all?
What drugs does Veeky Forums do? And how often?
Need semi quick ways to lose weight without exercise(short 5-6 min at max) doesnt matter if it's dangerous or bad for...
Big dick thread
Tattoos are not only the perfect compliment to a physique they are now also socially accepted. So what's your excuse...
Questions for the straightbros - why don't you go gay? Veeky Forums men are in high demand...
Do jews have the worst genetics?
So whom here prays before their workout? Or does any form of spirituality for their fitness and Health?
Am I a degenerate
Do you guys have any tattoos? They can be very aesthetic if done correctly
Somebody asked why I lift at the gym
How would you help this guy get swole?
What would you say back to this. For reference the last message before this was literally 4 years ago
Who do you squat for?
Just a friendly reminder
Body dysmorphia - halp
Hey brehs I just got broken up with and I just wanted to let you guys know that everything Veeky Forums tells you about...
Post your Home Gym
Early morning brain fog
Newfag here. Deciding to start building muscle mass as I enter my second year of college...
Skeleton thread
Just turned 18
CBT: Weekend Edition
How the fuck do you guys manage to eat so many calories in a day?
Pushup thread
Which locker do you take Veeky Forums?
See pretty girl
I'm starting BJJ and I'm worried about my gains. How do you balance your martial arts and your lifting...
"I wish I spent more of my life on Veeky Forums instead of putting maximum effort into achieving my dreams"
Fph thread
*blocks your ureters*
So, I have a profoundly noob question - why does form matter if I'm not going for total aesthetics. I'm a cardio bunny...
*blocks your path*
How can all girls seem to throw away any semblance of love they had for you at a moments notice Veeky Forums...
Tfw just found out I am at 24% body fat
Who else here think less of someone if they use mixed grip??
/fraud/ general
Gym bard unrelentingly plays ode to the king
ALTERNATIVE Sexual health
You have have 10 seconds to explain why you're posting on Veeky Forums right now instead of banging drunk bar crawling...
Layne Norton's PHAT
Hi Veeky Forums, uber fat ass here
How's everyone's backs coming along?
My anus leaks a clear, odorless liquid after i poop
ITT: Peak performance bodies
Gym Spaghetti
Not having a swimmer's body like me
Iam a monster
Chest fat
Reminder you can't lift your subhuman genes away
How long after an intense workout should you wait to take a cold shower?
Why is eating healthy so god damn expensive?
BF estimate?
Quest Bar
I have IBS. It fucking sucks. How do I beat this?
So I'd say I'm pretty fucking Veeky Forums, lifted for 3 years, but I've still autistic when it comes to women...
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
Are there any people here who actually properly ran SS, eating 6,000 calories a day for the whole thing...
Fat acceptance speaker dead from heart attack at age 34
I can't stop watching delray misfits videos...why does lenny look like that...why doesn't jason ever cut properly...
Cut or Bulk?
Is he /ourguy/ ?
Are muscles only good for attracting 6/10 club sluts?
How's your nofap going ?
Anorexic mode activate? Jk but maybe?
You may be big. But you'll never be Arbab Khizer Hayat big
Swole Left
that guy at the gym that goes "tsss"... "tsss"... "tsss" after every rep
How's your bench press progress going?
One time made a small talk with a guy about deadlifts
So my gf wants to get fit after seeing my progress and gettin creamy at my new body so my question is what the hell is...
So I'm trying to get buff for my gf but orgasms are destroying my test and eating away at my gains...
Alright lets see which one of you faggots understand basic human physiology...
What is the dumbest fucking workout you've ever seen? Doing these in public kind of make me feel stupid
Strong jaws on girls
What does his routine look like?
Should you let go if the other person is not tapping out but is in pain?
Is nofap actually worth doing?
If you arent going heavy on abs youre wasting your time. Planks are useless and you know it
What was your motivating factor for getting in shape...
Just benched 225lb
Read the sticky
CBT: Eat properly, sleep adequately, train intensely, do cardio
Ok fit no I have new sexul fitnes techniqe ok so When you cum but instead squeeze ass Abs feet so hard together until...
*blocks your path*
Classic Veeky Forums blunders
Staying healthy and Veeky Forums
What Mortal Kombat character has the best gains?
Hey Veeky Forums
Tfw lift more than the boys
Does Veeky Forums have a workout partner?
Does Cheeky have an instagram or something? I need moar
Humans arnt robots and you cant change genetics
*blocks your path*
What's your favorite dirty bulk food?
Hahahaha. Just made this but lust is something I really struggled with and still struggle with...
How do I get better biceps, I have tried everything man. I tried 'not working them' and only doing strength training...
Rate my daily breakfast
I got Veeky Forums and now i cant believe it when attractive girls like me...
Doing concept 2 cardio rows
TFW Wristlet
So how are you manlets hitting your macros this morning?
"Wow user you've gotten really ripped recently, you must be really strong!"
Any of you britlads go here? Thoughts?
This uni in my town is organizing a sportsperson of the year award...
Achievable natty with good genetics and +4 years of work? And yes, I know the guy's 5'10" tops
What are the actual benefits of quiting porn if i don't talk to females anyway?
Stronglifts 5x5
Losing 5kg in a month
What are you listening while lifting Veeky Forums?
/drunk/ thread
This guy eats nothing but fruit and leaves and is bigger than 90% of Veeky Forums
In the long term, who gets the most girls?
10 reps is a meme
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
Intermittent Fasting
Do you still need to shampoo if you shave your head?
Should powerlifting be classed as a mental illness?
This will never be you
First cycle LGD
Does Veeky Forums eat ass?
What the fuck is with you guys saying your dicks have 7+ inches of girth
Natty or Fraud?
How can i get body of Gerald of Rivia
Results from using creatine?
ITT: describe Veeky Forums in 1 sentence
Thoughts on Ido Portal and his movement training?
Is it possible to achieve a jaw like this through jaw exercises?
I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized
Hey Veeky Forums
/fraud/ general
Does skynet think you're aesthetic?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Walk into gym
You're almost there bro don't give up
Captain America bench press 2,200 lbs
Have you ever used appetite suppressants? What kinds work?
Why are there more attractive women than men in public?
Dubs and 69 decides
Drops soap
Give me one good reason why you don't swim regularly
Help with hip dips
Having sex tomorrow for the first time in three years
How to make a pump last
Does anyone feel kind of sad for Jason Genova? He could've pussy-slaying chad, fit and good looking...
Tfw 260lbs down to 182lbs
I started about 8 months ago with Stronglifts like a lot of people and then a few months in switched to a PPL...
Autism on YouTube fitness
Resting heart rate at 120
I'm tired of looking like shit. Workout and diet advice for me specifically?
Veeky Forums i've got the skinnyfat syndrome. how can I fix this...
How do you even cut?
Mom is making me get a job again
Any way to boost my test and HGH levels without injecting?
So I'm 300lbs and acne ridden
My dick won't stay up
Talk me out of drinking 100ml a day for easy 800 calories
/saa/ general
You're just spinning your wheels every day, so why not enlist?
You are sexually active, right?
Is this auschwitz or ottermode?
Who here /mealprep/?
Are large jaws on women aesthetic?
Ask a guy at crossfit anything
Counting calories
How do i into venom snake mode?
Thicc and Thinn Thread
Stupidest shit a non lifter ever tried telling you about lifting?
Be 25 year old virgin who never had a gf
Push Up Thread
Reminder to not even bother with squats or diddly if you're just lifting to get your dick wet
I fell for the inversion table meme
/fit books
Manlets btfo
What Grinds Your Gears?
Is quest the best protein bar on the market in regards to being good for you? I don't care for flavor
Okay Veeky Forums I'm sick and tired of eating the same chicken and rice...
Does everyone on Veeky Forums cook for themselves?
Serious question. Why do all super jacked bodybuilders have tiny nipples?
What fucking ab exercises can I do that aren't some faggot bullshit bodyweight calisthenics routine...
Any religious or spiritual fags?
The reason why east asians get such good results at olympic lifting is mainly genetics, short ass arms, short ass legs...
What the fuck is this magic Buzzfeed routine that lets you gain 4 inches in shoulder width in 30 days?
This is why I lift
Is my OHP weaker than all my other lifts because most of my previous shoulder exercises were lateral raises...
/plg/ powerlifting general
How does Veeky Forums reconcile with the fact that conservatives are the fattest in America?
Chicken n rice
How do westlers get so jacked? Im a skinny 21 year old, I've been inspired by my heroes to get jacked like them
Do you let girls feel you up as parties?
Am I skinnyfat?
What do you do
I need to share something that is mind boggling to me
Redpill me on Vynzbrah
Need a workout routine to build muscle. All I have are resistance bands and a pull up bar...
Am I the only one who finds this guy odd?
What mode is this?
Hey guys, im 21. White. Good shape. Sociable and have lots of friends. I am a virgin. Seriously is it too late...
New CBT because last one is kaput. Post your bods!
Option 1:
Reminder that steroids are cheaper, easier to source...
No fph thread
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
Why have i never heard anyone complain about how disgustingly sweet protein powder is?
Any red-pill books about building muscle?
Balconybro's program. is it a meme?
How often do you masturbate?
Tries 225lb squat for first time
Hey Veeky Forums, help me figure out what condition my gf has...
Why is it considered wrong to become physically fit solely to get a girlfriend ?
How do I find the nutrition facts for a ~200g Gala apple?
How do i fix my teeth /fit
How quickly can you cut without losing energy?
Check my self in gym bathroom mirror after workout
Pre-gym nerves
Hey Veeky Forums new here. My wife's son doesnt respect me and im thinking of lifting to fix this. What should i do...
Lifting won't bring her back
New Clarence Kennedy video
This it. I do not care anymore, it is time to get big and ripped, no matter what it fucking takes...
ITT: Unpopular Veeky Forums related opinions
Be 15, a fat 220 lbs britbong
My faggot gymbro doesnt want to go the gym he says he will go next time but i doubt it
How are my macros: 238g carbs/ 68g fat/ 83g protein. ?
Who's getting /thicc/ here? Discuss thicc specific inspirations, routines, nutrition, etc
Tuna Recipes
How do I gain weight?
Be me, muscular, good looking, socially not autistic
Which board do you think gets the most pussy?
Are power cleans a meme?
How many proteons do you induce before exercizing?
Ive been lifting for four years but never bothered to cut to the point where I get a six pack
Do you have to build a strength base if you're lifting purely for aesthetics?
Greetings Veeky Forums - I come from a neighboring board seeking one of your own. If he sees this he'll know...
Facial aesthetics thread
Approaching women in the gym
How come Stacey is thin...
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Overtraining is a meme
Whats the Veeky Forums verdict on keto?
Music Festivals
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games