>be a NEET
>stare for hours at a computer screen
>go blind

Other urls found in this thread:

me IRL

I know I need glasses but I refuse to get them

Remember how optometrists and television sellers said that staring at tv screens WOULDNT hurt your eyes? And that it was an old wives tale?

Oh and glasses make your eyes weaker. You actually have to actively STOP watching television screens and reading books and rest your eyes.
There's also some eye exercises you can do to strengthen them and help them relax.

for real?

I don't know much about this, but it makes sense that it's a jewish scam just like dentistry

Problem is glasses don't stop what caused you to weaken your eyeball muscles in the first place

How do you rehab (other than avoiding screens and books) and what is the prognosis like?

Rehab is LASIK probably, 2% chance to get worse sight and a fairly good chance you might have no night sight or ability to see the stars

Pinhole glasses. Google.
Its scary, more and more people are on need for glasses.

>daily mail
>not making up news

Will look into these
>using jewish medicine to cure a jewish-induced problem
No thanks

set a beeper so every 30 minutes you get up and spend a minute looking out a window focusing on things far away

I bet the jews made you a bald manlet, too

Yeah they probably did

No, that's fucking stupid and dangerous.
Rehab is watching less tv screens and reading less.

Watch television in well lit rooms.
Don't sit too close to those screens
Have designated reading television computer phone and gaming time

Take off your glasses and focus on your finger and pull it forward and backwards till it starts to blur and stare at it for a while.

Re-learn how to focus your eyes and strengthen them. The exercises are on youtube.


kys ur life

It's like giving an exoskeleton to Barron Trump because he walks weird in his 6ft tall 10 year old body. Glasses are a scam.

>and gaming time
fuck that

I'm going to reduce my screen time to an hour a day, I would seriously kill myself if I went blind.

It's not like an hour isn't enough to check work essentials like email and social media, and still browse Veeky Forums for a while.


Barron Trump actually has autism, they used science to prove it and shit.


Sucking Arab dick will hurt you more desu

LASIK will fuck up your eyes permanently.
If you absolutely need surgery then consider ICLs. They are reversible.