>Deadlift 1x5
Educate me on this
Deadlift 1x5
Deadlift near maximal weights for one rep by five sets. It's how you get really fucking strong.
I personally do 2x3, but 1x5 might work
I personally do deadlifts for cardio, so I do them for 1-1.5 hours none stop two times per week.
This. Sets of 30-40 DLs, do at least 20 of them with one minute of rest in between.
You'll become a big healthy motherfucker
>jumping straight to your 1RM without arm up
Choo choo, next stop Snap City Central
Best strat
How fucking dumb are you.
do not do this
oh look here comes the epic trollers. Next you're going to talk about SS right?
You can easily get away with doing more sets when you're not that strong
ignore him. every not newfag remembers scoobert advising high rep diddlys in his threads
I do this as well, gives me a second chance to hit a PR if I'm feeling stronk that day.
I really like doing 1,2,3,2,1 for my work sets. Its not as taxing as 3x3 but the tonnage is the same.
At what point in there did he say no warm up?
You gotta include your warm up reps in your total reps, even if they're only 50% PR
>not doing 15 sets of deadlifts at max weight for 100 reps
never gonna make it
I do 1x5+, until failure
Says who?
isn't 1x5 = 1 set of 5 reps?
just no