It's true
It's true
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Right is old as fuck and from when he was busy being governor of the 6th largest economy in the world
He's also almost fucking 70 and even then he looks great for a 70 yr old.
How sad does the guy who made that pic have to be. His gf must be getting dp'd by chads on the regular
>spend 40 years pumping cum
>you should waste your time because you will be dead in 100 years anyways
Better be mediocre my whole life rather than when i'm old,retired and all wrinkled,right babe ?
this argument is the same as a r9k faggot saying that those living life to the fullest are retarded because they will die in the end. Arnold had a better life than 99.9998% of people who have ever lived on the Earth. Whoever made this is just rationalizing his laziness and piece of shit ideology.
>b..but I'm too busy to lift
Normie excuses
>so it's better to not try to slow down the process
I hate nu/fit/ with the passion of a klan rally
u mad
What kind of gear cycles are these guys on that lets them live so long while still looking good?
What kinda cycles were/are dudes from the 90s to today on that have them dropping like flies from heart attacks at 45?
Prob "prescribed" TRT / HRT from their "wellness physician". They say their natural 'nads have shut down due to "sports technology", fork over $200, and bingo, a month's supply.
>do you have low-T ?
I assumed that much, but is it just test and/or HGH? That's usually what "anti-aging" docs prescribe, right?
Gotta love it when dyel use pics of Arnold in his Governor years to justify their lazyness.
no matter how perfect you're body is yous still gon end up like this so just kill your'self now
>message to everyone, no matter what you do in life you're gonna end up dead, so why even do shit
yeah, thats a great mentality to have. really activates the almonds
yeah no matter what you do you will die
so fucking what
life is about the ride not the destination
you're right! don't try at anything in life! just give up and when you're old and left with nothing but your thoughts, you can reflect on all your missed opportunities while you were young and in your prime.
>40 years pumping cum
>when you first start lifting and need to flex at every opportunity
What are you talking about? Those guys are natural, they just have good genetics and work hard unlike you.
Yea, if you use roids then stop.
Prolly the ones who are dropping dont keep their blood work in check.
It's different when you actually have a real job that impacts millions of people.
t. fattie McBadgenetics
Steroids done safely won't kill you, in fact they will drastically improve your quality of life as well as prolong it. Abusing the fuck out of steroids, other bodybuilding drugs like DNP, doing coke, drinking, etc while not keeping an eye on cholesterol / blood pressure which will be raised from the steroids = death. It's not that hard to take care of yourself and be on gear, some people don't give a fuck. I do test cycles a few times a year 4-600mg a week with maybe an oral thrown in. I've had no sides besides a few zits here and there. Then I have buddies who run 1000mg of test, 600mg of deca, 800mg of tren etc as well as drink every night... I don't think those buddies will be around when we're all 35.
the almonds meme. oh boy its been a while
You could apply this formula to any situation....
>Why do x when you'll just end up in a grave anyways
That's way better than most amerifats
If by "like this" you mean former multiple Mr olympia, hollywood star, governor of california and fucking rich then this is pretty motivating.
The message by itself is pretty stupid but taking arnie as an illustration for this is painfully retarded.
Does it really matter if you choose to stop training one day? Or what if you don't want to at all?
Another form of discrimination, segregation and stereotyping.
My 70 year old boss is on TRT and he's developed as fuark with a single digit bf now. I think it's more complicated than just HGH, but it involves HGH.
Says the person that hates on manlets.
There was a lion, in the jungle, laying on the ground close to death. All the animals of the land we’re crowded around, taunting and poking fun at him. A mouse scurried atop the lion, and while dancing on his nose said ‘He can’t do anything to us now!’. The animal crowd laughed and continued to make fun of the lion.
With all the energy left in his body, the lion lifted his head and said ‘Mock me now, but, I was a lion once.
Found out i had 200ng/dl test, never had any visvible gains from lifting 5x5, looked like flubber.
started taking 150mg of test and muscles popped out of no where
I love this argument
"Because we will all get flabby later, caring about myself now and working out is a waste of time!!1!
take that health nuts haha!!"
And he bit the mouse in half right?
Needs more JPEG
yes user, thats what happened.
As oppose to what? Looking like the picture on the right my whole life? I know what my body is gonna look like in the end, i want to see it at its peak.