Stronglifts 5x5.
Why am I constantly stalling on this lift at the same weight, even though my sleep, diet, and form are good.
Stronglifts 5x5.
Why am I constantly stalling on this lift at the same weight, even though my sleep, diet, and form are good.
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Do 3x5
Reducing the number of sets doesn't help if I can't actually lift the weight I've stalled on jackass
What is your OHP stats?
The program calls for you to reduce it to 3x5 once you can't progress much longer. So either eat more, or reduce to 3x5.
it's a fucking weird lift is why
I think 5x5 is not a good idea for OHP (although it does work well for the rest of the big stronglifts lifts which are all compounds). Try way less sets and upping the weight, i've made good progress on OHP with 5/3/1
Because its a bitch of a lift to improve. Lower weights involved = bigger jumps required = slower improvements.
That said, if you're stalling you need to change something. Might be as simple as just throwing more work at the problem (ie after you've done your five sets, if you haven't improved from the last session in some way then do more easy sets at that weight until you've done 25 reps total).
Here how you do it.
Do 4 sets of 5 at lighter weight. Last set do heavier weight. Next week, last two sets at heavier weight. Week after, last three. Keep go until you do all 5 with heavier weight. Then start, You strong
Its probably technique.
Because the upper limit on how much you can press is much lower than every other lift. Invest $20-$35 in microplates and you'll make consistent 2-3lbs jumps
>bigger jumps required
>not owning microweights
My 1/2lb plates help me alot
do more volume at lower weight. bench and ohp grow best with volume
yes it does you idiot.
I guarantee you could get more reps on your first set than you could on your fifth. If you actually read the program, you'd see that SL is designed to cut back from 5x5 to 3x5 once you've stalled several times on a given lift.
Pretty miserable.
Stalling at 40kg/88lbs.
At this rate I'm going to be eating a fucking house.
I bet this is all because I started doing cardio on off days...
Anyway, gonna buy some micro plates.
I was going to do some chin-ups but after my workout I was so fucking exhausted that I thought doing more work would hurt it. Like I know when I'm failing a lift on technique and form, but today I was just getting hammer-fucked at the gym.
Again, i'm sure my diet and sleep are on point.
I'm setting myself up for a 10% deload at this rate.
- Buy microplates if you can afford them, ankle weights if not so you can go up in 1kg increments
- as mentioned drop your volume to 3x5, when you stall on that (you will) deload 10-15% and do 5x5
-Keep going up, but don't worry if you miss sets from your last 2 sets.
-Switch back to 3x5, when you stall deload again, up volume, bla bla
I did ankle weights. That's okay. I've made my best gains doing high volume.
Reps of 20 for multiple sets.
Switch it up. Try doing heavy singles. I had issues increasing my press for years. Decided I wouldn't just ignore it anymore and try to focus on shoulder strength. Ended up doing heavy singles on kettlebells, working up from a low weight, and was able to surpass my plateaus.
You should have micro plates that can increase the weight as little as 1/2 a pound:
"But let me clarify something: YOU HARD-HEADED FOOLS THAT WON'T USE THE SMALL PLATES ARE JUST ASKING FOR AN INJURY LIKE THIS. Smaller muscle groups cannot get strong as fast as larger muscle groups, and if you do not allow for this when planning your progression, especially after I have TOLD YOU THIS IN THE FUCKING BOOK AND ON THIS BOARD SEVERAL TIMES, then I hope you get hurt and have to have something amputated."
-Mark Rippetoe answering a question from a guy that was increasing his Overhead Press 5 lbs a workout and injured himself.
Also, do starting strength. Stronglifts is just a meme program invented by an internet marketer to sell his app and make ad revenue.
I fucking love Rip.
ohp is notoriously hard
60kg is definitely around the limit, so maybe you are reaching yours at 40kg
if your sleep schedule, meals etc are on point, then follow the program
reduce by 10% again and do 3x5
Supplement with other shoulder exercises, SS and SL shills will get mad at this but do some extra shoulder work and isolate front side and rear delts
Jesus. I feel like my dad is yelling at me.
Working abs helped me
I was stalling at 125 for ages it felt as well.
Then I stopped and only did handstand pushups for 3 months
Once I could do 5 freestanding ones at 175 I went back
First day my ohp was at 155 × 5, sometimes you just gotta change it up
Can we just quickly appreciate Stronglifts 5x5?
>invest 20-35 dollors in micro plates
or buy a 1kg ankle weight for 2 bucks.
It got me from never lifting in my life to 140 kg squat, 140kg deadlift and 80 kg bench in 5 months
buy ankle/wrist weight...costs a couple of bucks and just put in on centre of bar.
>I was stalling at 125 for ages it felt as well
2.5plate OHP isn't that bad user, gj
>not investing in premium metal circles
Those are freedom units. He wasn't even lifting a plate.
Does anyone actually do it this wide?
My hand is usually middle of the shoulder at the bottom of the lift
yeah that pic is showing horrible form...elbows should be in, triceps pushing against lats, hands closer together as you mentioned
I did SL 5x5 when I started out 2 years ago and am now a T Rex still working on fixing it cause I did it for like 10 months
Bench and ohp were stalling
Squat shooting up
Do yourself a favor and make a more balanced program
Think about it you squat every day and alternate the rest of the exercises. You do twice as much squats as the rest of the lifts.
Just do more OHP and Bench
I made up my own program I just do
ohp squat dead + extras
bench squat dead + extras
ohp bench or bench ohp and then extras
by extras I mean rows/arm work/accessories whatever u want
Increase your 1800 cal per day intake to 5000 and come back in a month
your volume isn't even close to where it should be if you want to improve ohp
i use smolov jr cycles repeatedly for pressing and the last three cycles i've made a 2.5kg increase each time and am now at 75kg. sooner or later that will stall and i'll have to switch to something else, probably an every day routine, then switch to push press, then something else
of course nigger the other faggot made a joke, 2.5 plate is absolute elite tier
You should be pressing twice a week MINIMUM.
I press 3-5 times a week.
Also, sets of five by themselves will stall you pretty early.
You need lighter weight with high volume to overload the bottleneck muscles properly.
Lmao you know your only supposed to do 5x5 SL for 12 weeks and then move onto a more niche program for yourself
Are your rotator cuffs alright?
I declined from 60kg for reps to barely being able to lift 40kg once in the span of two months. My bench also started going down slightly.
Started doing face-pulls, rear-delt raises and shoulders stretches: within two months the problem was gone and I was back to my previous numbers.
Do hammer DB over head presses to help build the front delts an an accessory exercise. Make sure your grip is alright ( just outside shoulders). Keep your legs just wider than shoulder width. Keep core tight and strong (should be able to do hanging sit-ups and leg raises easily). Glutes tight.
Also remember OHP increases far slower than all other lifts.
usually its form problems
I love it, got me most of the way to 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, hope Madcow will do the rest.
underrated, this really helps
OHP is an ass, and it seems like everyone goes well for a while then stalls hard. Form checks and micrloading get you there.
thats not what fit said
"as long as youre making progress"
and I was
on squats at least
Satan has some good advice. I had a problem with this starting out. Went from stalling on babby weights to steady improvement once I started working abs.
Your form is bad. I don't give a fuck that you think it's good. It's not. You are wrong. You are bad at judging your own form. If you are not making progress, and you are eating enough, then your form is bad. Dumbshit.
>muh microplates
>muh form
>muh switch it up to confuse the body right babe?
Fucking fagots.
Theyre 3 major components in the OHP.
1) the shoulders (duh) specially the front delt, work it as an accesory with the 4x8@65% of 1rm in that exercise, close grip incline bench press, db front push (keep those elbows tite) AND this one is odd, db front raise on the incline bench.
2) the triceps, those fucking triceps, 4x8@75% everything you can do avobe your head, ANYTHING, cable, db, barbell, ez bar, tricep bar but always over the head.
3) fucking lower back, paused dead lifts, back extensions and this one a doozy glute bridges, because it doesnt matter how strong your shoulers, arms are if you have a weak fagy lower back, arching the back like a bitch asking for cock when you are ohp.
Get on the sheiko, push 3xweek with high intensity low volume.
>implying Rippetoe isn't Veeky Forums's dad
That picture is fucking stupid because it implies that work is exponential when in reality it's additive.
I see that picture posted all over the place and it pisses me off every time.
Drop the sets, add a time limit
5/3/1 then BBB style or RPT is 100x better then 5x5
I was doing 60 OHP for a bit but now I'm back down to 50 lbs. should I only do like 3x3? I'm a grill btw...clearly
Also the 5x5 texshit method is SHIT.
the ohp should be something like this:
Accesory stuff
accesory shit
If you wanna get bulgarian style then
AXBXCXX you can try to PR on a's day and get your 1rm for the week.
because SL is trash for upper body and you will never progress on OHP doing it
>60kgs is definitely around the limit
do you actually believe this? How long have you been lifting? Any respectable male should be able to OHP 185lbs for 1 rep after around 1.5 to 2 years
This is 100% bullshit.
I pressed 155x5 last Friday.
Getting into my 4th month of training SL and my OHP has barely improved at all, based on my stats do you guys think i should do isolation shoulder work for a while or keep trying with the ohp? I got through 22.5kg by doing 5x7 but i don't know if just volume increases will continue to work.
6"0 110kg (244lb) (started out fat, gained around 15lb)
Squat 80kg (176lb)
Bench 52.5kg (115lb)
Row 55kg (121lb)
OHP 25kg (55lb)
Diddly 85kg (187lb)
You need very strong core for OHP
Well, so first, a lot of the time people think they have good form but don't.
You might need to rest longer between sets too. I realized that when I forced myself to take a full five minute break between sets I hit them much more consistently.
You can also try getting microplates: 1.25lbs, letting you program jumps of 2.5lbs.
I also recommend trying the Starting Strength intensity cycle, which is simple enough: go down 10% and then start climbing back up again with jumps the same size. This lets you approach your difficult point in better condition and with better form. (I happen to think Starting Strength is a little better in general, 3x5 makes more sense to me for a performance purpose, power cleans are great. I do feel like people that are training for something other than gridiron football may not need to squat three times a week though.)
I weigh 210, I'm only a little fatter than I'd like to be, and I got to 3x5x185lbs before I felt the need to move on from an every-workout-progression.
But people do often hit the limit on upper body stuff before lower. Delts and triceps are smaller than quads and hamstrings. They're gonna hit that point faster where recovery is too long to lift enough without injury. Lots of people move on to 5/3/1 and see their bench and ohp shoot up.
So wait, you jumped, I'm guessing, 5lbs and went from being able to complete 5x5 to not even being able to do 1 set? I'd definitely recommend that deload.
>I happen to think Starting Strength is a little better in general
This isn't knocking SL, by the way. It's not terrible. And I love Pendlay Rows, I just think they're less important than power cleans.
I also see that a fair amount of my advice has already been expressed.
I don't recommend isolation work for somebody with your stats.
I think I most recommend video taping yourself and doing a form check on your overhead press.
I mean, unless you are actually 6″ tall, in which case I recommend consulting a gnome training specialist.
If you're 6′ and weigh 244lbs, aren't 60 years old, and do not have leukemia or an old war injury or something, I would only suspect not enough sleep, not enough food, or bad form.
it does dumbass
SL says go 3x5 when you stall thrice on the same weight
GREYSKULL is better than SL
SL makes you into a centaur with chicken arms
Should've mentioned I'm 19, and yeah 6'0, i'm used to using centimetres as opposed to freedom units.
Thanks for the advice, I've watched Alan Thrall's videos and such for form, and read Mehdi's articles, I'm just not sure exactly why its so hard when my bench is increasing.
Anyway I'll keep working at it and if I'm still struggling in a month or so I'll post form checks.
OHP and bench are often much less correlated than you'd expect.
Also you're trying to make same-size jumps with a significantly smaller overall weight. That'll make things harder because you get a lot more sessions where you have improved, just not enough to show it at that weight.