Hey Veeky Forums American here. What are some unhealthy things that Americans do that the rest of the world doesn't do? I'll start
>Puts coffee creamer in their coffee
American lifestyle
Other urls found in this thread:
>puts chocolate syrup in their chocolate ice cream
They supersize everything.
Runs the McRib and Shamrock shake campaign at the same time.
>eats 3 times a day or more
>puts sugar or syrup in everything (just recently discovered american hot chocolate is milk with syrup, what the fuck)
>sour cream in everything
>salads always need shitton of cheese or a 1000kcal sauce
>Cola is water to them (american water tastes like shit, can't blame much)
>actually enabling fatties by having scooters everywhere
Drinks soda as a substitute for water.
>>implying most the world isn't overweight
we need a fucking world wide famine
Watching the news
What happened Veeky Forums?
What is the other kind of hot choc
Have you been listening to the news lately? American water is full of lead, no wonder people drink soda instead
>puts eggs in the refrigerator
milk and cocoa?
That or melted chocolate are the usual ones.
Is this not a thing in other places?
Builds a city to be most efficient for automobiles instead of humans. Then claims "real Americans" need to be in constant debt to afford automobile and not complain they can't walk anywhere.
>He doesn't put his eggs in a specialized egg holding vessel
>Constant debt
No one's forcing you to buy a brand new luxury vehicle every 3 years. You can buy an old Volvo for like $2500 and put $800 in repairs for a reliable car.
The CIA killed ole Johnny, this country has been corrupt ever since
Lmao call me in two years when that volvo needs a new transmission
>american water tastes like shit
My city (Baton Rouge) has amazing water
You shut your whole mouth about our wat- wait where did you try the water?
If Australia they kept them in a chicken-shit covered bucket so I dunno man.
I have a volvo as a winter beater with 280000 miles on it. It still has the factory transmission. These things are fucking tanks dude
This, maybe one teaspoon of sugar if your a pussy.
>implying that exists anymore
which is genius
actually america drinks more water than soda now
I've had my 2001 Ford Explorer for 5 years now, bought it for $2700, and in total the maintenance bill for my car has been sub $2000. In what fucking backward ass country do civil engineers not build cities with planned roadways anymore?
Wut? That's only in one city full of niggers.
Yuropoors are just forever butt hurt they weren't born in America. Can't blame them desu
>mfw amerifat think there are people upset they weren't born in america
>In what fucking backward ass country do civil engineers not build cities with planned pathways anymore?
Most Americans like conservatives retards who support Drumpf vote against their own economic interests
go to bed bernie
High Mileage Club member reporting in. Take care of your shit, stick it to the Jew.
>implying that exists anymore
Nope, they just upped everything's size
Kids size doesn't exist anymore, kids size is now small, small is now medium, medium is now large, and large is now super size. Go ahead and go to mcdonalds or Burger King and order a medium meal to see what I'm talking about. After Supet Size Me, all McDonalds and the others did was change the names while still having the same sizes
This is because in America the eggs are washed before they are put in containers to be sold. Thus, the protective cuticle us washed off leaving the exterior porous. Therefore, the eggs have to be refrigerated to prevent contamination.
Eat disgusting streaky bacon instead of real bacon/gammon
Eat literally toasted iced cakes for breakfast
Awww butthurt trumplett snowflake detected. Go jerk off to topless pictures of Richard Spencer before crying into your pillow wondering why no girl even looks at you, dickless virgin.
I'm an American who lives in a walkable city (i.e. can get to work and achieve all my needs by walking or taking public trans) that is from a place where you 100% needed a car to survive. The former is a better way to live, and I used to love cars. Sorry fellow Ameribros but you're in denial.
>whey with milk
>steak with ketchup
>hotdog with ketchup
>butter in meat sandwiches
>cheese in everything
>sugar in smoothies
>sugar in hamburgers
Yeah that's what we drink, but with too much added sugar
I've done both.
No car sucks. Your options become much more limited, and you have to buffer more time for everything.
Grocery store A might have the brands you want at cheaper prices, but you go to Grocery store B anyways since its easier to go to. When you buy food, it ends up being the few places you like near you 90% of the time. Going to a special restaurant on the other side of town is now a full afternoon activity that is reserved for special events.
What's wrong with a small amount of cream or half and half? The whole world does this dummy
> it's the volvo is a tank meme
Good one m8
Corn syrup
This desu
>What are some unhealthy things that Americans do that the rest of the world doesn't do?
No gun control
This is how coffee is supposed to be, now compare it ith the shit they drink in America
>actually enabling fatties by having scooters everywhere
In fairness they're MEANT for people who actually need them. They just happened to be abused by fatties who will put in the extra effort just long enough to edge out a more deserving octogenarian. There are stories about this all the time in FPH threads
>yfw Americans call this 'Bread'
>most of those have HFCS in them
That's great when it's feasible. I'm from Texas and have never seen such a city.
I drink my coffee black. Nothing to do with calories or sugar, I'm just not a raging faggot
I am American and my coffee looks like this....what was your point?
I'm from Vermont and we don't take kindly to your faggot kind around here because city faggots who think their lifestyle is superior end up living here like faggots.
Those a burger and hot dog buns you idiot
>I don't drink it that way. Which means nobody else drinks it that way.
I don't like fish and chips. That means nobody else in Britain likes fish and chips, making the stereotype completely incorrect.
>I'm just not a raging faggot
Yes you are
t. coffee with cream
Good point
>I'm not a raging faggot
>Therefore nobody in this thread is a raging faggot
You have proven me wrong
Same shit.
Coffee with cream ain't bad. I can respect your preference
my point is that the majority of people in America drink those sugary abominations, props to you for not doing it tho.
Deep fried butter
Americans get over 25% of their calories from beverages, which is to say that there is an increased consumption of non-soda beverages that are high in sugar.
Are you seriously advocating a city that is car friendly rather than walking friendly? what kind of anti-social thinking is that? You would rather pay the money for insurance, gas, etc. than walk around like a normal human? Come on, man you sound silly.
>Not drinking a soda with every meal
supports aggressive feminism belittling women into thinking that being fat, hairy, single moms who hate men and feed their children diets built on sugar is an ideal to strive for.
Thank god I live in Australia.
Have you ever been into balcans ?
Anybody that is somewhat fat is also strong as fuck coz of manual labor around your house.
aren't you part of the
>invaded by inbred arabs
Or was that just germany, france, sweden, canada, and switzerland?
there are lots of places throughout EE that are mostly thin. It's the last stand for thin people being at least 70% of the population.
You're kidding right? I think we overtook America in obesity rates
>Be Canadian
>Travel to America as a child and marvel at all the gluttony and lazy behavior that is considered acceptable
>15 years later and Canada is indistinguishable
True, Canada used to take after Europe in the best ways. Now it has taken the worst traits of the US and the worst traits of Europe to become a shithole-hybrid.
Im from Croatia but studied in Norway so I got to taste Norwegian, Swedish and Croatian candy all my life.
>its nothing compared to american candy
Let me tell you, that shit is pure sugar
>went into American candy story to try their stuff out
>take some classics like Reese's cup and Butterfingers
>try butterfinger first
>its like Twix but instead of crunchy middle parts its pure suggar
>like not even caramel, just grains of sugar grinding between your teeth
>Okey, next is Resee's cup
>Peanutbutter and chocolate, can't be bad, i like them both
>like big chunk of it
>let me tell you i sometimes put Nuttela and Peanutbutter on bread if im really having a sweet tooth, after that i don't eat sweets for a month
>its nothing compared to my personal abomination
>I'm 27 and i got my first pimple on my face since i was 18 years old after eating that shit
American candy isn't good, its pure sugar made to create addicts from children by getting them used to the high
The biggest problem is that we drive everywhere
Buying a bicycle and using it as your primary mode of transportation is probably the best investment you can make, both monetarily and for your health
There's a reason a lot of moms aren't feeding their kids this shit anymore.
The family I work for don't let their kids eat anything like that, except on Halloween. That's it. Surprise, the kids are actually healthy for their age.
It's true though
The P80 platform, aside from a flawed pcv system, is insanely reliable, and replacement parts are cheap and available.
Modern Volvos don't deserve to be considered more reliable though. They're the same as all modern cars
from what i can tell from traveling, the size of dinner and breakfast are switched in korea and japan they have a large breakfast and increasingly smaller meals throughout the day. they also drink warm to hot beverages that help increase the bodies temp and therefore increase the metabolism.
>Have you ever been into balcans ?
Balkans? I live there, druže.
Nah, most people are out of shape. Not to the degree of the US but still pretty shit.
Young people are especially shit. My dad is 55 and was in the blue guard and bosnian army, three pieces of shrapnel in his back, shattered wrist - still can do more push-ups than 90% of my 25-30yo mates. Even the guys that go to the gym mostly either: stay dyel forever doing meme shit or get on a shit stack and enter bloated permabulk mode.
Last month I was in the gym and saw a PT who is hailed as one of the best in the country: fucker squatted 2plt with half-rom for 10 reps and was sweating like crazy afterwards. Saw me doing full rom squats and told me "you're lucky you have genetically long hamstrings, otherwise you couldn't do that."
Jeste, ne možeš jesti ona njihova sranja.
Bio sam nedavno u Americi - hrana im je čista katastrofa.
Mada ova nutella koja se prodaje u Bosni nije ni slična onoj u npr. Njemačkoj - čisti šećer.
talk for yourself fatty
t. healtiest nation in the world
>ITT: countries that can't afford food.
Holy shit this desu.
>Be me from oz, eat heaps of fairy breads and gg all the time for desert as a child
>used to sugar and sweetness
>go to US
>eat @ starbucks/mickey D/in n out
>literally taste like im eating/drinking sugar
Your food is full of fucking sugar no wonder you're all fat
>I'm from Texas and have never seen such a city
the good people of Austin would like a word with you
Having traveled to Europe many times, this is probably one of the things I hate most here in America. I live in a city with five million (that's over half the population of Sweden alone) people and the public transportation is absolute garbage. You can't bike or walk unless you live in the absolute core of the city. It just isn't feasible and my city doesn't fund infrastructure enough.
That and high fructose corn syrup
Coffee should be far darker than that.
America is huge. That's unfeasible pretty much anywhere but cities/suburbs.
>drive a car for over 30 minutes daily
>drink soda with every meal wtf
The rest of the world drinks whole milk lattes, and creamer is not exclusively American. You sound pretty fucking stupid
It has something to do with the way the eggs in the farming industry are sanitized, weakens the shell or something. That's why if you own your own chickens the eggs they lay won't go bad right away.
Obviously, if you're going more than, say, 8 miles, you'd need a car. Most people aren't travelling that far but still drive everywhere.
If you are regularly travelling that far, you should probably reevaluate where you live compared to where you work/go to school/etc
>That's unfeasible pretty much anywhere but cities/suburbs
>That's unfeasible pretty much anywhere except the places where people actually live
it's just the surface that is brownish, under that is darker
What if I don't want to live in a city?
What if I live somewhere with 40MPH winds and some days with negative temperatures?
What if there's a month where it rains almost nonstop?
>Hurr durr America is only made of cities
I should add, what If I want to take a few hundred pounds of stuff with me?
>What if I don't want to live in a city?
>What if I live somewhere with 40MPH winds and some days with negative temperatures?
>What if there's a month where it rains almost nonstop?
Jesus Christ, do you piss in a catheter and drive a Hoveround too? You know you can wear clothing, right?
>Puts chocolate syrup in their coffee
Walking 8 miles when it's -20 out with insane winds isn't a good idea.
Unhealthy things
>sugar/corn syrup in EVERYTHING
>water/ food dye in food to make it appear plump/ fresher
>massive portions
>Shit ton of sauce on everything
>Shittons of porn
>subsidized anything
this, while i was at Duke University i used to go to a nearby shopping center to get proper food. multiple times people stopped and ask if they can give me a ride. i would guess it was less than 2 km and like two streets, and one highway underpass. i Dont think i looked like a needy person (or rapeable) around 190cm and 85 kg, carring one bag in hand and one backpack.
I'm talking about riding a bike
Besides, nobody is forcing you to live there