Non-lifter here.
Do I have potential? How much body fat do I roughly have?
Non-lifter here.
Do I have potential? How much body fat do I roughly have?
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Nice hips, definite femboy potential.
Just need bigger lats.
You'd be a cute trap desu senpai
Thank you for the strong bones skelly brah.
I thought I escaped skeleton mode by now.
183cm, 74kg.
14-15% bodyfat
Youre not even skinnyfat you can literally just eat a lot of semi decent food and lift and you'll expand rapidly
Yes. Everyone has potential. Please stop posting pictures of your body, it's not helping you at all. Just read the sticky and do what's necessary. Have faith in yourself, don't let anonymous people on a korean ramen fanclub forum tell you that you can't do something.
Pls be my gf
Ahahahaha. Buddy, you're going to need at least another 15kg of muscle before you stop looking skelly. You're tall, so you might need more.
Yeah senpai. Just eat more and lift. I know it's hard but just try. I went from 109 to 135 in a few months.
We both got a long way to go but we'll make it together.
everyone has potential, that is why it is called potenti-ALL
Yes. Easy. Lift and cardio.
I'm 18, do I have potential?
I do nothing but cardio and lifting for my job all day. I just need to isolate and use heavier weights in a lifting program, I think. I know I got the cardio down just from work, easy.
I just wanna be a big guy.
You were 109 at 5'10"? I'm 5'7" and when I was a skeleton I weighed like 135. I've always had a large ass and that adds a few pounds but I can't imagine what I would look like at 109. Pics?
nice adonis m80
Yes. Now get to getting.
Boy those are some good genetics. You should put in the work to get properly ripped, it'll be worth it.
you definitely have a specific body fat percentage, go see a shrink
and I can't see any potential, what does have? i can only see a person, what iz potential must it be an object?? :/
How the fuck do people weigh under 150lbs at 5'10?
I cut to DYEL as fuck mode when I started lifting and the lowest I got was 169lbs.
Does bone density play a big role in weight?
Hmm also I do have a larger than average head, that probably adds 5lbs more.
i'm 5'9" and I can literally go an entire day without food without realizing it
shits weird, i'm not sure how im alive
Everyone has potential, can you follow through?
enough to bother going. you have more bodyfat than you would if youd been to the gym today
>tfw started lifting at 135lbs (I'm 6'3")
>now after 5 month at 150lbs and slowly gaining mass
The secret is never being hungry like this user
Those bitch hips
be my bf bro, no homo
Im 5'10 and about 4-5 months ago I ate like complete shit (maybe 1 proper meal a day), did no exercise at all and was just really unhealthy, weighed about 127lbs. Pretty much all my muscle had atrophied and was skeleton mode.
After that I started eating a lot, just as much as I could, I guess you could call it a dirty bulk but I wasnt even lifting, was just trying to gain weight, went up to 143lbs in 2 months. Realised most of it was fat and was now skinny fat which was worse than skelly desu.
Joined gym 2 months ago, started when I was 138lbs, am now 147lbs, currently bulking and I think its going pretty well.
So I think weighing that little is just down to be skelly mode, shit food, no working out so no muscle.
You have potential to be and exquisite trap.
>Do I have potential?
Im not sure, can you doll yourself up a bit , get your make up done and tuck your balls, then put on a schoolgirl outfit and take a new pic?
How much do you weigh? We can find out if you sit on my dick.
What mode is this?
I think this is the natty limit.
Not gonna make it, but you might be a good twink
I'm standing on a cliff, do I have potential energy?
you have potential to be a sick cunt
Might be an optical illusion, but you look wide hipped/low T. Don't expect to get huge without roids.
You look like every other 16 year old twink. You can probably peddle your ass for more if you don't get jacked.
Potentially deported.
easy. I am 6'0 and weighed 121lbs when I started out. it's like this guy said. I have to constantly remind myself to eat or I'll simply forget. now I'm up to 152lbs and I never felt so good in my life.
that depends on the planet you are on