51kg right now at 178cm tall. I need help. This shit has pretty much fucked up my whole life.
What to eat to gain weight?
eat more food
drink lots of milk
real big boys like to have 10 scoops eggs whites, goddammit
Man you are 51kg
Just eat
Sorry to hijack but I have a question Veeky Forums
I have always been a poorfag and has never had 1:1 ratio of protein and body weight, kind of ashamed to say that I have never seen gains at all, but now that I have a job and is able to buy whey for protein, would it really make a difference once I achieve 1:1?
does whey really help?
Bulking is tough when your naturally skinny and dont have much of an appetite. Make sure you eat enough fruits veggies proteins, but after that you can eat low satiation calorie dense shit like bacon grease and ice cream and mcdoubles.
peanut butter is cheap, really calorie dense, has a good amount of protein and is addicting.
please give me a name, user. google says melissa shayes but that it's clearly not her
how is that fucking possible?
Make shake daily with milk, peanut butter, protein powder if you have, even add olive oil if you can tolerate it.
Easily add 1000+ cals to your day with good macros
No idea dude, I'm sorry.
The peanut butter I get is salty, how do I get neutral one?
get "natural" peanut butter, the kind that separates. it has a lot less sugar/sodium which also makes it better for shakes.
If you're not a poor dreg and can't stomach solids well, buy mass gainer and drink that shit with every meal.
Protein helps a lot. Whether you get it from whey, chicken or eggs matters a lot less than getting enough protein in the first place.
That's a surefire way to get a heart attack by 35
I do have a bag of ON gainer. But that shit is so disgusting senpai.
I tried drinking oil for a while, and boy that shit went down real quick. I kept shitting it out and it gave me foul farts.
Add olive oil (1-2 teaspoons to most foods)
Rice. Beans. Lentils. Pasta.
Make those in bulk and eat them with olive oil. They're easy to cook and tasty if you cook it properly.
>51kg right now at 178cm
Post pics
I'm 65kg at same height and I already feel really skinny, can't imagine what I would look like with 15kg less.
Optimal healthy weight at 178cm is 80kg
Also bananas and whatever kind of nuts you like as constant snacking. Walnuts, pistachios, cashews, almonds.
Make sure to take an omega 3 supplement though if you go this route. You'll gonna add a lot of omega 6's (olive oil and nuts) to your diet and you need a roughly 1 to 3/4 omega 3 to omega 6 ratio for optimal health.
>Optimal healthy weight at 178cm is 80kg
No it's not. Especially so if you don't work out. It's more like the upper limit of the bmi (which is obviously not 100% accurate but you get the point).
Get over it you pussy. If you can't stomach the gainer, how are you ever going to have the motivation to go the gym with a routine. Or alternatively you can stay a pathetic skellyman.
there is no way protein powder is better at any point of a healthy lifestyle
You can keep up the same macros with real food
macaroni cassarole
potatoes and cow meat stew
pasta bolognese
chicken risotto
Do you like riding bikes, OP? If yes then skip all this 'getting swole' nonsense and start training for road racing instead, you've got the build for it. If your VO2max is higher than average you could become pretty good at it and maybe even go Pro at some point.
I stopped going to the gym because I just couldn't deal with the amount of eating I had to do. Even with shakes, nuts, oats, chicken, egg, ect, i still felt sick and bloated by end day (i ate 100% clean).
Now I do calisthenics at home. I'm definately small, but I'm ripped and powerful so w/e, as long as I'm not a skinnyfat dyel.