I fell for the inversion table meme

>I fell for the inversion table meme

My back actually hurts more.

I got one coming in soon hope I do better than you

Yeah i did it once and it was awful. It's my roommate's table and he has really bad back issues so he uses it alot. I'm surprised he hasn't caught on.

I'm kind of interested in trying it desu, but I'd never buy one outright first.

same, I've had moments where I just wanted to hang upside down and uncompress my spine but there's been nowhere to do it

Looks like some sort of Medieval torture rack

just get some straps and hang from a pull up bar

i want one looks comfy as fuck

it's healthy for your back and decompresses the spine.

Does it hurt more immediately after, or has it been hurting for an extended period of time(a couple days)?

i hang from the pullup bar in the squat rack between sets of squats and deadlifts a lot. sometimes when i let myself down off of it (not dropping, just gently replanting my feet) my lower back will suddenly have a shooting pain. am i gonna die?

gravity boots master race

>how to break your neck in 3 simple steps

I seem to have the same problem. Lower back pain when the spine is decompressed. Are we ded, Anons?

i also have scoliosis, that could well be a contributing factor, but theres gotta be more to it

Nah these are

How weak does your neck have to be to break it like that?

From falling probably a foot or more from a vertical upside down position? Honestly doesn't take much if you get the angle right and have enough body weight behind it.

Happened to me too. Try graduallt relaxing your back when youre done do the same going down

that's not normal. i'd be a little more careful with those deadlifts.

>Intertac Master Race

you more than likely have an anterior pelvic tilt and when you hang there your tight hip flexors/lumbar erectors pull your lumbar spine into more extension which can be painful. Try hanging but with your feet 1-2 feet in front of your body and see if that feels better.

If you're dealing with lower back pain, have you tried hanging from bar?

Sounds dumb but it actually helps quite a bit. Next time you're near pull up bar, just do some static hangs. It'll do wonders for your back.

>that awkward L-shaped lower spine

no dude, that looks fucking terrible, especially for people with shit hamstring flexibility

A foam roller is all you need.

It's probably not a good idea to do it soon after an injury, wait for the swelling to go away on it's own first.

>then what's the point

For me after the initial horrible pain went away I continued to have discomfort for months afterward, hanging upside fixed that in a few days. I've injured myself before and those other times the pain went away completely on its own, and it might be the case for others, so I want people to know of my personal experience that even if you don't continue to hurt, it's probably therapeutic for your spine. Even if you're not injured, if you lift weights you should occasionally hang upside down.

If you fell asleep would you die? Isn't there some weird condition that can happen involving body fluids?

>It would be extremely painful

yeah those muscles arent actually suppose to have laxity

they dont like being stretched out

i though this was common knowledge.


I remember reading about rock climbers who get stuck upside down in harnesses and die faster than you'd expect

Probably. I mean, people sometimes pass out if they're suspended upside down. If you did that while suspended with no way of falling (without breaking your neck) to allow your circulation to return to normal, I don't see how you'd wake up and get out of that situation. But I'm not a doctor.
But we did have that thread a while back about cave explorers, and that one mormon guy who got lodged upside down and died.

As far as decompression, wouldn't hanging from a bar as with a pull/chinup accomplish the same thing? Gravity's still pointing the same way.

You don't get the same stretch on the lower part of the spine.

Tried using it once and the next few days my back hurt like a bitch.

How the fuck did you manage that?

>spine is a structure evolved of thousands of years to withstand compression by gravity/weights
>you need to stretch it to decompress guise!

Compression does fuck all to your spine. It's shearing forces produced by doing something retarded or lifting/bending over with terrible form or posture that fucks you up.

If you lift you probably get more compression than a regular person, still you're right it probably negligible. Personally it fixed a twinge in my back that wasn't going away, literally in a few days. Now that I'm better I'll still do it, along with dead hangs from the pullup bar, it just feels right for the joints.

Me too my man

Bump, hopefully keeping this thread alive helps someone fix their back.

negligible difference especially considering you don't need some hare brained inversion equipment to do so. you could also do weighted hangs to offset the difference or even increase the stretch more than an inversion setup.

>modern humans spend more time sitting down than ever before


why not just hand from the bar? us monkeys were designed to hang upright fron trees

Yes, our ancestors never swung around in trees, the spine should always be in compression.

Sure, until it drops you directly onto your cervical spine.

Shear has nothing to do with it, you third rate jabroni. Even if you hurt your back by being super rounded on a deadlift, the injury was because of asymmetric COMPRESSION of the lumbar discs.