How do I find the nutrition facts for a ~200g Gala apple?
How do I find the nutrition facts for a ~200g Gala apple?
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please respond
find the facts for 100g and double it
alternatively, get rid of your eating disorder
its a fuckin apple... Just eat it
apple calories
Will come up with nutrition facts for 100g.
double nutrition and calories.
Really not that tricky...
Open myfitnesspal
Search gala apple
adjust as needed for size
>not red delicious
not gonna make it
>not golden delicious
It's like you enjoy the taste of your own shit.
Fruit cash be deceptively fattening with all the sugar, OP is right to be careful. He's still retarded though for not just googling it.
Apple thread?
Apple thread.
Granny smith is best.
Never fucking reply to me again unless you are contributing to the thread.
Red apple faggots need to fuck off and never post on Veeky Forums.
If you're not eating green or golden apples you're objectively wrong and should be immediately castrated so your kind can no longer produce offspring.
1. Honeycrisp
Everything else tastes like utter shit
>Eating fruit for taste and not micro nutrients
Stop eating fucking fruit and eat sweet potatoes!
0/10 no single human actually enjoys red "literally cornmeal" """"delicious"""" apples
If you're that pressed for micronutrients you probably eat like a 5 year old
Meant for
>not having pink lady apples
Kys desu
My father is a natty god who still has a better body in his mid fifties than I will ever have. His diet is the cleanest, healthiest shit I've ever seen, and it's been consistent my entire life with the exception of one change: he now eats fuji apples instead of red delicious. Because even he realizes that there is no god damn reason to eat those tasteless pieces of shit.
>200g Gala apple?
kurva anyád
my mum only ever bought pink ladys so they're all i've tried and now i'm scared to try different ones
kurva anyátok
>Walmart tier trash apples
Never gonna make it
Honey crisp are the objective best. Only downside is they cost 3-5x more than a regular apple like red delicious or gala
Honeycrisp masterrace reporting in.
This is the objectively correct answer famalam
My fucking mate nigger. I eat nothing but Granny Smith. Sweet-apple fags can go fuck themselves. Sour is the way.
>eating sugar, water and vitamins
Enjoy your no gains
wait, are you not using cronometer?
>not fuji apples
>not benefitting from the nutrient-partitioning effects of ursolic acid
I'm very surprised that no one's posted this one yet. All other apples are faggots, I'm glad that GAYlas got exposed once their price went up last week, they're overrated and for basic bitches.
Red delicious is horrible.
Honeycrisp tastes like shit and if you honestly dig it, I have some bad news for you.
Golden delicious is in the same boat as red delicious.
Fujis are fine.
Braeburn is the retarded cousin of Gala.
Cameos are too slimey and greasy.
Granny Smith is for retards.
The only apple that can compare to Opal is Pacific Rose. Those are good apples.
Opal and Pacific Rose apples are the best ones out there. Prove me wrong.
Spoiler tip: you can't.
OP wants to see nutritional info not peer through time
Literally worst apple
The USDA website, it's where google, MFP, literally anywhere gets their nutritional information
>TWENTY grams of sugar
enjoy your nogainz
red delicious fucking suck
this is the data that cronometer uses