/plg/ - Powerlifting General
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
>YWN miss a deadlift because the barbelll could not fit enough plates.
why live?
Just use bumpers?
I'm not a filthy cheater
>ywn lift a full bar of reds
How much weight do you think it would take to actually fill up a bar? This is 1070 so i feel like maybe 1500 would do it with reds.
Who else
what are your cues for each lift lads?
don't tell me you just jerk it
Tight upper back
Chest up/Pushing back into bar
Tight upper back
Flare elbows, don't tuck
Tight upper back
rock back
I wouldn't really call these all cues persay but they are the things im working on right now as ive had a problem with tightness on all three lifts and the second "cue" is what ive been working on lately
look at my dick
Get the fuck away from me
I'm gonna flip dis shit!
if you feel like doing the math based on the technical rulebook rules, go for it. idk how thick the discs are or how long the sleeves and collars are, but starting with this might help.
>make the strongest possible shelf you can for the bar
>deep breath
>smooth unrack (don't jerk it up because that'll make it come back down harder and I don't think that)
>right foot back, left foot back, right foot back approx.next to left, left foot adjusts to proper stance width
>keep constant chest angle, look as straight forward as possible
>knees out knees out knees out kness out
>just stand up lmao
>grip the bar as tight as possible
>you're not letting the bar down, you're pulling it down
>touch at the bottom of sternum
>touch chest as lightly as possible
>just push up lmao
>knees out knees out kness out knees out
>stand up
>roll self under bar
>stand up
>half step back, full step back, adjust
>release breath, brace again by sucking air through a tunnel into my core
>squeeze abs and lats
>sit straight down and open my taint
>snap knees and ass into lockout
>rip the bad apart on the descent
>drive feet down and away from me into the ground
>push through elbows to lock out, like I'm squeezing something between my arms (got this off plg)
Deadlift aka gay lift
>align feet
>put hands between feet
>have back loose and hips back
>brace really hard
>rapidly after bracing jam hips and back into position, brace lats, and then
>doing the math
Kek not autistic enough but hopefully some user is cuz id like to see if someone could do it ever
that's pretty much exactly what I was hoping for kek
I did do this extremely accurate measuring though and it looks like he could get 6 or 7 more reds on, with the collars maybe 5?
so if we say he takes that african american playe off and puts all reds with a collar at the end, what is that, 14 or 15 reds? so I'll say 15 reds
30x25 for plates
1x20 for bar
2x2.5 or collars
so 775kg or 1708 freedoms?
Kek, I think it would be less cuz the angle you're measuring it at is different than if you looked at the bar straight on so I'd say 4-5 more plates could probably fit with a collar. But then again I'm just some drunk idiot, I need a weaponized autist to do this for me
You actually want to alleviate the inflammation because it tends to cause more problems than it helps, especially when it comes to tendinitis
Knees out, knees forward
Arch harder
Elbows under the bar and out, not in
Barely touch chest
Knees out
You realize they have specs for plate thickness and bar length, right? You can just look it up and do some division.
How do I into arching? I wanna get a big arch like Owen Hubbard or Sean Noriega or any lightweight woman benching 1pl8 with 2 inch rom
Kek. The autist was trying to use the plates as a scale
Get your knees under your hips
For me, each time I set up I try to push it a little more, whether it's bringing back my feet more, retracting my shoulder blades harder, or pushing through my feet to get my back to arch more. Doing bridges would help too.
How do I do that while still also being able to keep my upper back and ass on the bench
Will do right now.
I try to push it a little more each time but I think getting heels on the ground might be limiting me, and if it's not that it's that my butt wants to come up
pretty autismo but
all i really do is feel for my thighs to rub my stomach
puff chest into my face
drive legs through heel into the ground
a weird one but i it is like im trying to bring my ass into my feet while pulling it up
wouldn't be ipf legal but 50kg plates would let more on the bar as well
Imo it really helps to squeeze the shit out of your quads and push your hips forward by squeezing your butt too, the whole time, right before you get the bar unracked until you get it reracked.
all according to rogue's website because eleiko doesn't have plate widths published
red plate thickness: 27mm
bar sleeve length: 16.875" = 428.625mm
collar length: not published, so I'll say like 2.5 inches (63.7mm) each? this is a guess, but it looks close enough for us
sleeves minus collar = 428.625-63.7 = 364.925mm for plates
364.925/27 = 13.515740740740740740740740740741, so 13 reds with like half an inch of wiggle room.
they used 50kg plates at a USAPL meet I did in 2016 with benchjoe, but ye I don't think IPF wants them using them for some weird reason (webm related)
Okay I will try that. I'm tired of being a Benchlet. My deadlift locks out at my dick almost yet I still have too big of a bench ROM
Also heeled shoes to get your arch bigger
50kg plates look sweet though.
I used ivanko plates for the plates but I will use the rogue bar for the sleeve length.
47.625 diameter for Ivanko 50KG steel calibrated plates lets you fit exactly 9 plates a side without collars for 920kg or 825kg with collars.
I already bench in my Romaleos I just have lmaonomobility
I'm 99% sure its because the IWF doesn't use 50s.
I think they only used them at the 1972 Olympics which was when the clean and press was last used as well.
>don't tuck
What's your bench?
Threadly reminder than Fil's ass came of the bench and IPF judges are imbeciles
form check on my 475 4x2
heres one set from the side
and all the sets
>pete can barely pull more than wierzbichki can on stiff bar
Are the judges actually making Wierz lock out his deadlifts now?
You're having bar a bit low on your back also that's insanely high squat Oh wait it's just low bar xdddd
How does he look 10 times as muscular than filip lindström while weighing 5 kgs less?
I don't fucking get it.
I'll give you a hint,
>tfw /owg/ dies after 50ish posts every time there's a new one up
Why does Veeky Forums hate oly lifting?
Yep, pretty much everyone from Poland is on roids. It's sad but true. I have people at my uni taking roids to compete in tournaments between unis and they're not even strong like 240ish deadlifts 180ish squats.
72kg bw
Deadlift 200kg
Squat 120kg x 5
Bench 100kg x 2
OHP 62.5kg
Am I ready for 5/3/1?
Also my goal isn't strictly powerlifting I just want to be big and strong
Because that shit is difficult.
It requires technique and actual athleticism.
Also many countries lack heritage, so lack decent coaches. Which is a real issue for any but the most talented athlete, who is able to self teach.
Unlike power lifting, which is just an evolution of training exercises into a competitive undertaking.
Like crossfit. Except powerlifting actually trains to succeed, even at the scrub hobbyist level.
Is your progress stalling? If not continue what you're doing, it seems to be working to some degree.
If you're stalling you could switch, or, just take a little break. Do a month long hypertrophy programme - just to give your body a rest from going heavy
Because it takes 5 years to just learn the fucking lifts.
>When u ignored plg for an entire 9 days to get drunk over spring break
Alex forgive me
i want to FUCK rafael
but Alex did exactly that aswell
>lifting for this
fIrst day back into sheiko, using really low maxes because i have done no real training for 6 months. Squats felt terrible, bench felt alright.
I don't have any lewd anime faces on this computer but imagine that I posted one
As far as I can tell, given the abortional camera work, everything looks pretty crisp. Two questions
1.) Why are you knee sleeves so goddamn loose?
2.) Why is the "front" safety doodad lower than the "rear" one? Wouldn't that cause the bar to want to roll towards the front of the rack (read: into the back of your head) if you failed a rep and had to bail onto those safeties?
Who is the strongest?
Whoever can lift more weight
Bench press ofc
the left obviously as his path would have the least horizontal movement to reach his chest
I didn't know, i was gone
how do i keep my shoulder blades locked down and back during bench?
at some point during a set my right shoulder would just start unlocking and wondering up and down..
He should probably do something about his posture though
>tfw /our guy/ Filip got his shot at a medal BRUTALLY TORN RIGHT OUT OF HIS HANDS by fucking NORMIES who HATE him, ONLY because he was born a beta autist
Has Fil posted on plg since his comp?
hes never coming back lad. he doesnt love us anymore :(
what happened at the comp?
>Sick on Wednesday so move deadlift maxing to Friday
>bench 85kgx6 on Friday
>can't bench 87.5kgx4 today
Welp lesson learned now I have to repeat this weight next week REEEEE
this is not get back into your containment board, you fucking autist
Guys I got a question about progression.
I tried 20kg chin-ups last week and got 4,4,3 instead of 3x5.
Can I just keep repeating the same weight until I hit 3x5 then add weight and work back up from 3x3 to 3x5?
That is LITERALLY what happened to Filip yesterday, they hate him because he is beta and so they LITERALLY decided to HAND the medal that should have been Filip's over to Gullander (a normie)
What's the point in living I can kill myself today and end all this suffering forever
>end all this suffering
4 U
suiciders should have the living shit beaten out of them for wanting to take the easy path and not thinking about others
Can you show me a picture of your leverages? A-asking for a friend.
>thinking about others
If somebody's choice to take their life upsets you, then it is you who is selfish. Why should somebody suffer FOR YOU?
There's a PT at my gym who specialises in PL but is pretty weak himself. Seems to know his shit though. Is it worth hiring him or should I just go with online coaching? Any recommendations for online coaches ?
Do Greg Nuckolz squat programs seem kind of low volume to the lads?
Didn't make squat gains on his program desu
>I'm not a filthy cheater
I'd rather be a filthy cheater than an internet nobody.
Yoooo me too
No but he's read the thread
>how do i keep my shoulder blades locked down and back during bench?
Stop neglecting your back strength.
Ye I was looking them over but I think as a squatlet I'm going to do the high frequency one from this article instead, probably just do four days though.
If you need someone to tell you how to do the hobby you enjoy, then sure, pay the man.
Sounds like you don't much like lifting if you are going to pay someone to tell you to do it.
Standing up while laughing your ass off doesn't seem safe
>when you drink just enough coffee to get your anxiety going a little bit
me irl right now
>just breathe
This French press is the best/worst thing I've ever bought
>tfw I haven't been on plg in 8 days either since my gf was visiting for her spring break
How has everyone been doing? Lifting has been going pretty well other than fatigue beating me up a bit. Just finished week 6 of sheiko at a pretty steep deficity and weighed 180.3 this morning. I'm looking leaner than I was when I used to weigh ~168 or so before this bulk, so I'm really happy.
Ask him to please come and comment about how and why he was cucked out of a medal
Good to hear that you're big and lean, twink.
Lifting is good. Just pulled 520 for an easy beltless double.
Beyond 5/3/1, Training Maximally. Taking my Plazma (TM) and not being a faggot.
>Why should somebody suffer FOR YOU?
i can ask you the very same. are you seriously implying that your suicide would be somehow painless to care about you?
you have a choice to make: continue in pain and fight it, or take the easy path and let others be in pain after your gone.
>inb4 no1 cares about me
I want to break my nations squat record and I want a specialized program / feedback from someone who knows his shit
>to care
*to those that care
Then pay the man. You think asking here is the best way to go?
If so, I know a queer brazillian child molestor that would be happy to coach you.
Depressed people are the most narcissistic, selfish people on the planet. All you do is think about yourself all fucking day.
Sounds depressing.
>big and lean
I don't think 5'11 180 is too big. Maybe after another year long bulk/cut cycle I'll be getting big.
>520 easy beltless double
You been doing beyond 5/3/1 for a while?
180 lean looks big.
Been doing 5/3/1 (the "programmed autoregulation" training maximally version) for a couple months.
4 sessions of ~50 minutes per week. In and out.
>tfw forearms are only 12"
Everybody thinks for themselves, I don't see you being humanitarian and compassionate towards everybody around the world. Humans are inherently selfish and only care for themselves, they have to be because we are all like that, you are your best interest and you can't always rely on other people. That's just a fact of life.
>I'm not depressed therefore others can't be
Sounds pretty selfish mate. Seems as if you lack empathy and understanding.