I drink a half glass of red wine every day. What do you think of alcohol Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is a meme for inactive middle-aged women, Empty calories plus
Such minuscule amounts of resverotrol that capsules would make more sense
Plus just eat a clove of garlic daily if you want to improve your heart health with dietary additions
>half a glass
Yea sure mom
It's delicious and I have a glass of wine, or a cool beer, or a whiskey every once in a while.
I know a p good chunk about wine ama
Hey friend, someone who actually know's what they're fucking talking about is here. Red wine is one of the largest sources of antioxidants in the American diet along with coffee. Epidemiological studies are showing that light to moderate drinkers have lower rates of all cause mortality and morbidity than non drinkers. In fact, even heavy drinkers live longer than non drinkers, but I wouldn't say you should be a heavy drinker. One glass of red wine a day is a healthy part of your diet and you should continue having one.
I drink 3 L of wine every third day.
Can you have it in non alcoholic wine?
The antioxidants, maybe. A cup of blueberry juice is packed with them. The alcohol itself is beneficial in small to moderate quantities though. The studies are for regular alcoholic red wine. The same benefits probably wouldn't be seen with non alcoholic wine.
>The same benefits probably wouldn't be seen with non alcoholic wine.
Eh. We don't know for sure.
>in the American diet
Key part here, the "American diet" is so fucking bad that even adding alcohol to it is an improvement.
We don't but the protective effect of alcohol has been observed in more than just wine. So removing the alcohol would pretty much certainly remove some of the protective benefits. Antioxidants alone are less beneficial than antioxidants plus a moderate amount of alcohol.
That was referring to antioxidants. Alcohol is a protective factor across many diets.
It's obviously not healthy for you but in moderation and some weekends I'll drink it.
Triple that and you've got me
This is conjecture. Probably best not to make these claims. We've seen positive affects produced by moderate drinking, but that doesn't rule out non-alcoholic beverages providing benefit as well.
That makes no sense. If alcohol is the cause of the protective effect in question, then removing it will remove that protective effect. Non alcoholic beverages can offer their own protective effects due to different causal mechanisms, but removing the cause of a protective effect removes that effect. That's just logic. I know you're just arguing because you like shitposting on the Internet but still. At least make sense.
Drink as much as will physically fit in your body.
>Not posting the actual studies.
>American Diet
>Drinking to boost health. Might as well smoke a cig and run a mile right user, work those lungs.
This is /fit I'm here to shitpost just like everyone else. I'm not gonna go to work so I can access journals and start citing sources for some junior in univerisity boys who barely understand the abstracts. If you don't drink, you shouldn't start. If you do, and you enjoy it, then the good news is that there appears to be some health benefits. You're our own person. Believe what you want. It's not like we're talking about adding or taking away 20 years to anyone's life anyways.
Youre the reason why this board is cancer now.
End yourself now faggot
We don't know that alcohol is what proves to be so beneficial about the wine. Could be a combination of factors... Anyway, what I'm trying to say is maybe de-alcoholized wine is also beneficial, we don't know because the data isn't there.
yeh p much this
>End yourself now faggot
Yeah dude, I'm the problem.
I ended your momma last night.
With a load of my cum.
She drowned, cuck.
Thoughts on wine from beaujolais? Best bang for your buck bar none. Pretty dang good quality wine for good prices.
Yes we do. That's what I'm saying. The protective effect of alcohol is well know. Non alcoholic wine can certainly still be beneficial, but removing the alcohol removes SOME of the benefit. No alcohol, no benefit from alcohol. Even if there's still benefits for other reasons, you're missing out on some of the benefit.
If you ever lived anywhere outside of the US you'd realize that alcohol is a huge part of every culture and that the US tends to shun alcohol consumption because 'muh Jesus'
Beaujolais Neuveau is a classic, but only get it fresh and drink it kinda cold. Spain and Argentina are doing better quality. But if you like cheap dirty/fruity french you should give a bottle of Mouton Cadet a go.
>What do you think of alcohol Veeky Forums?
Enjoy your NO GAINS.
>literally drinking poison
>pretends he's 'fit'
>295 x 194
(insert confused Pepe with spyglass)
It's more of we have automobiles, and large places of land to drive them on, and some fools can't handle their drink and get behind the wheel and kill people.... generally not themselves.
Euro spending Greek bailouters all live on top of each other, and are forced to take trains and lorries, or can walk down a cobblestone road to their apartment from the pub.
>Born in the USA
You have excellent choice in hockey players friend.
Fuck off
What's the point of gainz if you don't enjoy them?
>hurr durr I can only get antioxidants from alcoholic beverages
Again, this is middle-aged woman logic. Eat some berries, disregard alcohol.
> tfw Subban will never play for the Habs again
idk what it is about it but i want to kill that fucking frog so badly
>about to have my fourth shot of vodka soon
No one said that and alcohol offers its own protective effect in moderation.
Alcohol benefits no direct physiological gain
Why would you go online and say stuff that's just not true? I don't get it. You just think up a thought and then it becomes fact in your mind and then you spread it around despite any contradictory evidence? I only study this for a living. Alcohol is clearly a protective factor in moderation. I'm honestly baffled by people like you.
not him but the reason you are so offended by his completely reasonable assertion that alcohol essentially provides no benefits at all is because you have to justify your drinking to yourself. keep crying and insisting that your alcoholism is justifiable you stupid nigger
Because it is what I believe and I haven't seen any evidence to convince me otherwise. It will be a fact to me until proven otherwise. How have you proven that, show me.
Honestly, I am baffled by you. How could you just go around telling people they're wrong when you have given no proof? Do you think because you are a big fancy science man that it is beneath you to prove to anyone what you say actually has any merit? I may just be an honest to goodness hotdog water drinking farmer but I at least have credibility that my hot dog water will do you in good right
It's a reasonable assertation. Then when you study the assertation, it turn out to be false. That's how science works. You draw conclusions from results, not your intuition. The science says otherwise. But clearly you and him are not reasonable people. Shitposting in /fit is fun, I know. But uh, there's actually people here stupid enough to use this board for actual advice. You want to be the one spreading ignorance?
Okay I'll merit the fact that the studies show a halving in cases of ischemic stroke. I haven't read through the entire study but I would like to see some explanation for this.
If I tell you that fingering your butt will improve your colon health because the prostate stimulation releases pressure in your nostrils will you believe that if I say I am an expert and I know more than you? You do not need evidence, this is my job to finger boy butts. Do you see what I am trying to say?
I guess in a way you're right, it is actually my job to show evidence for these claims. But not in /fit. The problem is, although you haven't seen any evidence to overturn your belief, you also haven't seen any evidence to support it. So you're choosing to believe something without evidence, and it's just happens to be the factually incorrect belief. You seem like a pretty reasonably smart guy to be honest. Which is why it's hard for me to understand how you accept that method of belief. It would take less than a minute for you to seath and find contradictory evidence to your belief. Wha I think is this your pride is overpowering your intelligence. Veeky Forums is sort of a confrontation place, and you'd rather be right on the Internet than factually correct, and passing the burden of proof to me allows you to extend that sense of being right. Fine, act like that here. I hope curiosity gets the better of you and you actually do a quick search just to see if you're right or not.
Not only that, but it appears to decrease all cause mortality and morbidity in broader studies when other variables are controlled for. I have no knowledge of the physiological mechanism behind it. A physician might, but I'm an epidemiologist.
I'd assume you were wrong. Then before telling you that you're wrong, I'd search it on Google before arguing lol. And if the evidence said you were right, then I'd believe the facts rather than my assumption.
That club is a cess pool for plump, deteriorating pussy huh. I tried to get in once but was far too drunk/alone. I
However it seems like this benefit mainly comes from alcohol being a blood thinner. It's also been quoted to have a protective effect against coronary heart disease. So, from what I can see, the main benefit is in preventing blood clots. I don't think this would be an issue in fitizens, and the other negative effects of alcohol would be more important for most of us, since from what I know most people who are active and healthy don't aren't at as much of a risk of clotting.
I am not believing alcohol is bad without reason and my reasons aren't unreasonable, you don't even know them and yet you're assuming they're terrible. I have looked for evidence before and found nothing. I'd rather by factually correct but I have never seen any evidence so it is safer to assume my position. My curiosity has lead me to this thread and to talk to you but you are offering me not even a nudge in the right direction. There is literally nothing stopping you from showing me proof other than your idea that it cannot be posted on fit. I think your analysis of me would have been better energy spent on yourself because there is something not clicking in your head
Possibly. I'll need to read the studies again to see if activity level and/or BMI are controlled for. There's a reasonable chance that they are.
that dude definitely took down the dark haired one, he looks disgusted but he was drunk and when she started feeling him up he couldn't resist
Here's A study. The problem with posting a study is that I'm cherry picking just by the nature of how I'm delivering it to you. If I had time to do a systematic literature review just for the /fitizens, I would. But I don't.
If you really are interested in the topic. A pubmed search for "alcohol consumption and all cause mortality" might be a good place to start.
Exercise has a pretty notable effect on coronary heart disease, and I would assume ischemic strokes as well. Only 30min of weightlifting per week was correlated with a 23% decrease in coronary heart disease. With us probably doing 4+ hours per week, I'd assume we would be very protected against diseases related with blood clotting, making alcohol unnecessary IMO.
Obviously this isn't cut and dry, but in my opinion people who are lifting weights or otherwise active and health-conscious the reported benefits of alcohol are not noticeable. I think the other effects (niaaa.nih.gov
I also think that it is very common for many people to take the benefits studies out of context and use it to justify their drinking.
Is that the finger gesture you make and if someone looks at it, you punch them?
Is there a name for it?
It's also usually used as an "OK" symbol, which I think it is used as ironically in that image
Nice, I never knew the name for it, but I always hear and see it. Thanks, user.
Yeah, no ones saying working out doesn't offer these benefits. What I'm saying is, if the studies that show the protective effects of alcohol controlled for activity levels, then that means there's some additional benefit to be had. I don't know if they do or don't. You have to look at their model to see what variables they've included. What you're saying makes a lot of sense, I'm just not sure either way. I don't really wanna read any method sections right now lol.
>Reference group is those not drinking during past year.
Analysis is matched for age, sex, and race/ethnicity
and adjusted for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, car-
diac disease, current cigarette use, and education. OR
indicates odds ratio. Vertical lines indicate 95% con-
fidence intervals.
It's not explicitly held constant in the ischemic stroke study, although some of the others that are held constant like diabetes and hypertension may somewhat account for that. I'll have to see if I can find anything relating alcohol benefits in active/athletic people.
I used to take shots while gaming on the weekends with friends. It got pretty crazy and I'd regularly down a handle every weekend. As the years went by I eventually just started enjoying it less and it made me feel like shit for at least 3 days afterwards. Probably just getting old did it, I'm getting close to 30.
I still drink one weekend every month roughly but I try to keep the amount lower.
Cool blog post friend