How do you ask for a testosterone test at the doctor?
I understand that with TRT it's similar to anxiety medication, where if you tell them you think you need it, they'll probably not give it to you.
I am 100% sure it's low
How do you ask for a testosterone test at the doctor?
I understand that with TRT it's similar to anxiety medication, where if you tell them you think you need it, they'll probably not give it to you.
I am 100% sure it's low
>How do you ask for a testosterone test at the doctor?
"Hello doctor I believe I have the symptoms of low testosterone. I had read them in a brochure/on the internet and was concerned that I had most/all of them. Could you please order a blood test for me to confirm?"
>I understand that with TRT it's similar to anxiety medication, where if you tell them you think you need it, they'll probably not give it to you.
Anxiety medication is given to anyone just like depressents are because there's no way to test for it. Testosterone is a simple blood test. "Anxiety" can be to varying degrees and there is no way to determine someone's level of it or if it's present at all.
My dad would go doctor shopping for cough syrup, muscle relaxants, and anti anxiety meds. I imagine you could too.
I would think the best approach is to not mention the TRT at all, just say you suspect you have low T, describe the symnptoms, and ask for the test. Before taking the testosterone test, get shitty sleep, eat shitty--everything you can to artificially lower your test.
>hair loss
calling bullshit
So apparently everything causes hair loss these days. Better start roiding to avoid my T levels getting too low
I am not an expert. But I read somewhere that hair loss can be caused by an imbalance of hormones, not just high T or low T. But I don't fully remember the explanation.
If I have hair loss and man boobs but nothing else does that mean I am low t
have you tried eating healthy, drinking some vegetable juice, or taking zinc/l-arginine?
try this shit before going to the doctor about it.
Where u find picture of me.
Delet dis
man i thought i had porn induced ED but i think its just low T
Go have a honest conversation with your doctor. If your doctor cannot or will not help you find a new doctor. Its pretty simple.
You literally just schedule an appointment for a physical, see the doc and tell him you want to check test levels, get you blood drawn, wait for results, see the doctor, he will tell you that you are in normal ranges, then take the results to another doc that will put you on a TRT.
You're low on T because you keep fucking masturbating. Stop that shit
>genital numbness
>difficulty achieving erection
>anxiety medication
he means benzos. not SSRIs.
how does one go about lowering test?
Eat a ton of licorice, don't get proper sleep.
pic related
my insurance denied me for testosterone treatments because they have their own scale
UGL it is, user.
>tell them about your symptoms, tell them you read online that it could be low testosterone
>ask for blood test
>get results, get told you're within "normal range", get advise on diet and exercise
There, saved you a Dr's visit.
Did a heavy pro hormone course. Came off went docs. Said I was trying for a baby didn't feel up for it and tired all the time. One blood test later I'm on TRT.
Just lucky I guess
>how does one go about lowering test?
you're new to Veeky Forums aren't you? fap to skinny girls
Are there any prescription free stuff you can get at pharmacy store that can increase t levels?
Doubtful. I'd be glad to be proven wrong though.
Sure, just call your test source the "pharmacy" and you're good to go.
Rule of thumb: if it significantly increases test, its probably banned.
Masturbation doesn't affect T levels in any significant way
but what if i get anxious asking for the TRT?
>x is normal
>x times 4 is still just normal
That scale is so off it has to be artificially low. Normal range is probably more like 500-800, maybe even 600-800.
Come on now, why would they do that?
because they lump everyone from 12-90 ys old in that range.
Is it true that having high testosterone make you more attracted to fat women? Asking so that I can prepare.
DHEA is WADA banned but legal. DHEA-alpha-keto-7 is non estrogenic.
That image is so fucking disgusting. If high test makes you attracted to that, then take my balls please
No, it lowers your standards because you would fuck anything. The "High test" meme actually originated about days when your test is surging and you would fuck women that are not sexy.
you are right you are not an expert and if you have nothing solid to add to a conversation you are just adding more to the clusterfuck confusion that op has started
I used to be a farm hand on a pig farm, this image takes me back.
You realize they test for more than instantaneous level...
You run a SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) free test and total test. They also look at things like blood count and total health (cholesterol, body fat etc) if they are going to take you as a patient.
Going in looking like a fkn hobo undermines your ability to get help, go in neat, informed and well presented, then ask for tests and help based on the results.
The only effective way to "lower" test is to castrate yourself... fkn some people are stupid.
tfw this shit is like a checklist for me
>tfw you have all the psychological symptoms but none of the physical.
Go on a long cut. Get tested at the end.
It's not "fat", it's being attracted to women who display a physique that is considered fertile, which involves large breasts and wide hips.
Fat easily helps to fake wide hips by adding mass to the posterior and thighs, thus creating a more bottom-heavy silhouette. Naturally, fat also adds to the breasts.
Just don't be a complete retard who can only think in strict numerical values and you'll easily be able to tell whether a woman truly is shapely or if it's just fat. And even then, there's still a huge difference between fat slobby pic relateds and cute chubby girls who like the sweets inbetween moderate meals.
Just supp. Zinc and Magnesium should be adequate in bringing your test to normal levels especially if you're sweaty. Vitamin-B6 to prevent these two mineral loss during sweating.
can you imagine the smell
schizophrenic here
soon as I started to get anxious I was put on benzos for 3 months then migrated to SSRIs for long term, not sure if it's different for normies but I got anxiety meds easily
How about that ?
that one at the bottom right, facing that ass....
>mfw i wish i was her
I mean why would they artificially lower it
I have lack of energy, no motivation, low semen volume, but a crazy high sex drive and I masturbate 5 times a day or more. I think I'm just depressed.