Any exercises to leave 6'' dicklet status?
Any exercises to leave 6'' dicklet status?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw 6" dick
>tfw 6" girth
Give a shit
Tfw your dick has a volume of roughly 216pi in^3
> Cut your dick
> Plant it in a flower pot
> Water it
> Wait 3-5 days until it gets black (necrosis black)
> Strap it back on your balls
> Congrats you now have a BBC
Is this chart using women penis math? Because women tend to add on like... 50-75% of its actual size
>tfw 8 inches soft but 2 inches hard
Any advice?
Actually Ideally my woman won't have a penis
*keks internally*
speak for yourself senpai
if i do that, will i be fakenews too
Don't whip it out flaccid. Ever. Wear your undies in the gym shower.
>all women have the same vagina
K. Is this some kind of reverse psychology cuckoldry fetish?
It's from r9k so probably
I'm 7.2 inches and only girls who had bbcs think it's bad.
Most women can't even take 7 inches without some pain, and you're expecting me to think they either know a 9 inch dick (hard to find) or actively think they want to squeeze onto one?
This study is either fake or
>Women know what they want
Anyway 6.5x6" reporting in.
Same height as this nigga.
same at 7', but no girl has thought mine was small though
this chart is a meme
My girth is 5.5 inches, and a girl recently told me I was the first guy who she couldn't deep throat. There must be a lot of pencil dicks out there.
>tfw user's dick is longer than my height
how can dicklets compare?
>tfw dicklet
>tfw no seven foot dick
Had a qt over last night. Started making out during movie.
Got down to it, but I was soft. After getting sucked a while I was hard and okay, but then when it came to fucking I was too close to cumming.
Then later I couldn't get hard again.
I've got some weird ED/PE combo. ...Someone pls help :((((
>baiting hard
No source on the image. And how come a 14cm dick is "very small"?
>Not seeing the feminist logo in the bottom right corner
Mate, where did you expect this to come from?
>tfw 5.5" length but 6.2" girth around the thickest part
What am I?
Stretching, do jelqing for girth gains also, went from 6.5 to 7 in 2 months of stretching, however the gains have stopped now and progressing very very slowly, oh well
>tfw asian with 7x6
>girls say its a perfect size
>have PE
>completely ruined when i ejaculate 1 minute in, every fucking time
i have very sensitive touch/smell/hearing/sight, ie i notice drops in airpressure/can smell things from 10 meters away. honestly thinking of getting circumcised to decrease sensitivity.
What exercises, got a link?
quick poll on what you would rather have
he did, retard
>notice drops in airpressure
lmaoing @ u senpai
but anyway just walk around with your foreskin pulled back. the constant rubbing against your pantsu will help your sensitivity.
Just basic stretching down, and jelqing downwards also
The big part of the 0.5 inch that I gained came from 2 weeks of stretching for 2 hours downwards everyday in sessions of 6x20 mins, it's crazy, but it seems like you have to do that to tire the dick and get gains, like building muscle
I hope the .5 inch gain was worth the ED
it's probably not ED, either you were anxious/nervous or you just watch too much porn
Didn't get any ED
What's the original?
big tits matter too
who cares