Why is it considered wrong to become physically fit solely to get a girlfriend ?
Why is it considered wrong to become physically fit solely to get a girlfriend ?
because you'll probably end up getting a boyfriend
Because it generally doesn't work.
Girls don't approach guys much in real life, and those that do wouldn't stick with a guy who thinks getting fit is the be all and end all of attraction.
Because it guarantees you being a shit lifter.
Because it doesnt work would be my first assessment really
Its kind of like stuying math to get good grades on a geography test, you use math in measuring distance sure but thats not gonna help you whatsoever
if you really want a gf its about the massive grind, you need to find that unicorn who is somewhat decently attractive, single and willing to date and its gonna take a long ass time to find her
So spend your time in a better way
Because lifting and looking good doesn't make up for your shitty personality.
Because even if you do succeed as soon as you get it, you won't have anything driving you anymore, and you'll become a fat lazy slob just like you already are.
because its reeks of desperation. You cant do something that most humans able to do. Your genetics are so shitty that you need to try so hard for something so easy
because kys
>hard for something so easy
Women are biologically designed to be selective in mates, as are most females in all genders
So how is this easy, exactly?
Every ancestral organism of yours, from your parents to the first life on earth, managed it.
Can't be that hard.
>Tries to apply his bio 12 AP knowledge to dating
>Thinks dating is hard
yup this checks out
It is not wrong.
Your goals change anyway as soon as you start lifting.
>start lifting for girls
>learn you need to do cardio too
>some old fucks is faster than you so you don't want to be slower than some grandpa
>after leaving the grandpa behind you realise it is not your limit, what about a half marathon?
>same shit at the gym, some faggot lifting the same weight as you with less bodyweight
>some motherfucker has bigger shoulders than you but uses lighter weights, what the fuck?
>you are constantly competing
>girls are not your motivation anymore
>that anterior pelvic tilt
she's so out of shape that she can't even stand with proper form.
>are most females in all genders
what do you expect from fake twitch streamers?
Its easy because it literally just takes talking to people. Poor, sick, and ugly people all around the world manage to do it, why can't you? You're literally scared to talk to a member of the opposite sex. Think for a second how ridiculous that is
Yeah it's like the most repeated tip to be more attractive to women is
>hit the gym
And then people say you're not supposed to lift for girls. It's a lose-lose situation.
Lifting because you want a girlfriend suggests that you're insecure and needy, and that rather than having self-esteem from following your beliefs and values and growing in the face of challenges, you're desperately dependant on other people validating you. It suggests that you're overly invested in what everyone else thinks about you which comes across as very needy.
If you talk to women with the ultimate intention of validating yourself because you need her approval to feel happy then the woman will more than likely sense this intention and feel uncomfortable around you. No sensible woman with self-respect will let a needy man latch onto her for emotional support (and vice versa).
This is why Nice Guys get rejected so often, if a guy is giving compliments and attention to a woman because he desperately needs attention just to function then he's not being genuinely kind and honest, he's just trying to win points in a game of external validation.
TL:DR sane women usually aren't attracted to an emotionally needy man.
mostly because it wont work. It's not an effective way of finding a partner. Thus 'lifting for girls' is seen as extremely stupid.
girls purposely accentuate their pelvic tilt to make their asses appear larger. When she stands normally it's probably less of an issue.
>modern day social dynamics is the same as hunter gatherer times
>girls purposely accentuate their pelvic tilt
Possible doesnt mean easy, this was exactly my point
its possible to win the lottery or get hit by lightning but that doesnt make it easy.
Opps, species
´Like i said above, possible != easy
my first posts in the thread was about how lifting wont help you get a gf, you need to play the numbers game and keep trying to get her.
But its not gonna be easy
to make their asses appear larger.
the butt-fetish is spreading
It is easy if you are confident.
If you aren't confident, its still easy, you're just scared of trying.
John Wilkes Booth was a mistake
>countries with most testosterone like butts
>I like butts
There was this girl who killed herself in my home town because she was lonely. She was pretty cute and had ugly males hit on her all the time.
People are insane and a lot of them find it difficult to settle for somehow at their own level. Blame porn or the media or something wrong in their heads but odds are OP doesnt just want a gf he wants a gf he is attracted to despite the fact that he is hideous.
>But its not gonna be easy
then maybe you should rephrase it to more accurately describe the real issue. "Getting a girlfriend that is above my league, or that I find very attractive, is very hard in the west"
Because that's the only way its "not easy", of course its going to be hard to get a model to be your girlfriend when you're a 5/10 at best. Maybe you should lower your standards more to reality? There are plenty of 5-6 girls that also have troubles finding boyfriends, because every average joe thinks he is entitled to the pornstars he masturbates to
>>countries with most blacks like butts
True, but it's not a modern problem by any means. It's simple biology. You want the best possible mate in order to give your offspring the best possible chance.
Both men and women do this, even if it's not totally consciously. That's why some woman have height or race restrictions on who they date.
It's only a big deal when ugly people refuse to simply off themselves and instead make annoying threads on Veeky Forums or go all Elliott Roger and start killing innocents.
To say it's unnatural or because of porn that uggos want to fuck hotties is kind of retarded though, it's natural to desire the best. Cavemen would fight or kill to get the best pussy. In modern society you have to make a lot of money or be really handsome. It's all cool and fine. It's no big deal.
Because you obviously know nothing about women if thats the main reason you lift.
Confidence is key, yes because if you dont try you wont succeed but trying doesnt automatically give you success
>There are plenty of 5-6 girls that also have troubles finding boyfriends, because every average joe thinks he is entitled to the pornstars he masturbates to
This might be true for many guys that their standards are off, equally true for many girls in their late 20s early 30s. It doesnt apply to me because my issue isnt rejection its finding girls to approach.
In any case dating for guys is not easy, if you aim for a girl above your own league you are less likely to succeed but simply lowering your standard wont automatically solve the issue because you cant guarantee that the girl you approach accepts you
Despite the autistic nature of Veeky Forums beauty isnt measured objectivly between people, my 10/10 isnt the same as your 10/10
Practical example of this is many drool over Emma Watson and her newly leaked nudes, i dont find her attractive at all and i dont know a single guy who does. This doesnt mean guys who find her attractive are wrong, it just means they are diffrent from me.
So its not as simple as me as a 6/10 stop going for 7/10 girls and aim for 5/10s because the next 5/10 i meet maybe thinks im a 4/10 while the next 8/10 girl i meet thinks im a 10
Most girls arent going to dump their partner because you look and are better than him, adding to the problem
So dating for guys isnt easy because you want a girl who is decently attractive, single, compatible with your person and this requires value, timing, confidence and luck
>attack other people on web
>say they have a shitty personality
>North Korea
Like what? Srs...
im only getting FIT so i can rub it in the face of the girl who would not date me when i was fat
I can talk to girls just fine, unfortunately I'm really ugly. I need to get fit to have something going for me.
Like extensive plastic surgery to fix your face.
extensive reconstructive plastic surgery is your only hope.
It's vain and you'll get the same girl in return. Someone who is with you because your physical features. Those things should be a bonus, otherwise your being used.
Intrinsic motivation > external motivation
You're still making your happiness dependant on her opinions and beliefs.
>"I only have $100, will you sell me this?"
>"no, but I may for $200"
>goes away and comes back with more money
>"hey look, now I have $200, but I won't give it to you. I bet you feel stupid for not selling it to me yesterday!"
what do you mean to prove by this?
This is just the spine and it doesn't even show the twist yet, and even with this much tilt she doesn't have an ass
guess what faggot.
she doesn't care.
Im not him but its a moral thing
It feels good to be wanted, for women this comes naturally but men need to earn it and the power of rejecting someone makes you feel like you have value.
That being said it wont work, the girl will probably have a new bf by the time he a pound and she wont remember him
...I dont get it.
Green text story time user
>girl likes pretty guys
>is mean or depressing or otherwise unlikable
>gets hit on by uggos
>doesn't want to fuck uggos
>commits sudoku
If you think lifting and having a good body is what it takes to get a gf, you have a shitty personality, and probably lack social skills.
You talking shit mate. It has been proven that women literally view 80% of men an unattractive. The point is, Women are way too picky than men on average. And if you think that's a bullshit I just picked outta my ass, do some research.
She felt she was entitled to better quality dick than she was getting offers for and ended up killing herself
Not much of a story there user
implying that physical appearance is not more important than anything. WTF! How deluded you're!
Like that nurse girl from london who tweeted ''how nice guys are all dogs'' and a month later commited suicide, cause she was scared she's going to be single at 30. Karma came at her like a speedy bullet. Love stories where entitled bitches do an off, cause they can't have an alpha cock..
I gotta say i have never met a girl who was single and unhappy, most girls i meet (im 29 btw) are happy as hell in single life and they are an extreme minority of the girls i meet
Still, its kind of funny how some girls would rather kill themselves than date men who arent 10/10
I understand guys killing themselves because its humiliating to get rejected constantly but you need to be a special type of retard to reject people and then claim you are the humiliated part
This is how I know you havent made it
And that is how I know (You) haven't made it
'' i have never met a girl who was single and unhappy''
Well, obviously we live in a different planets then. I have noticed that passive indirect attitudes girl indicate their single life on their social media ''There are like 7 billion people and I'm still single''' No bf no problem'' all that sort of cringe worthy cliche stuff. Also, women tend to take being single personally than men I guess.
Well where do you live then?
I live in Sweden and to this day i have never even heard of a girl having problems in dating
Hell, even a girl i met last summer who was two years older than me and had 4 kids was chased and did well in dating
Sure girls might be more prone to adopt a sour grapes approach and become more bitter than men but ill be damned if i have ever met one
I did date a girl who said her best friend was a virgin at 21 but when i asked about it she said the friend was a complete bitch and rejected tens of guys every weekend when they went out just to be able to complain and get support from their other friends. It wasnt about getting laid but rather getting attention and support from her friends
just wait till you're like 40, then the girls will be 'ready' to date you.
havent all the women and children in sweden been gang raped by arabs at this point? I'm surprised anyone still wants to be with them and their diseased snatches.
>just wait till you're like 40
or talk to women and get important information on the first date so you don't waste your time with a whore for the first 40 years of your life.
I have fat friends with hot wives/gf's and women indeed like how the man looks, but they like personality more.
FACE is all that matters, and HEIGHT, slightly less so. So two things matter... and money... so three things.
wtf???? looks dont matter okay??? why would lifting help either???
looks matter, and you cant outlift an ugly face.
Not him but it doesn't matter if she personally doesn't care. It's about avoiding the situation entirely. You fix the problem so it can't happen again, it's not a single case issue it's a policy thing
>Thinking you can avoid rejection
nigger are you serious with this shit?
You learn and improve to not give a shit about girls rejecting you, because they will
Alot of girls are realizing that migrants and gang rapes are a bad thing, many more like migrants and their gang rape culture
Alot of girls in the middle are brain washed to date and race mix and now we have 20% more men than women in the country so the outlook isnt really good
doesnt work, acquire money.
>not give a shit about girls rejecting you
Literally this. It happens and i could not care less. Seriously, who gives two fucks what some random girl thinks? Don't want in? Okey, then.
>not give a shit about girls rejecting you
>sit on my lazy ass and accept the fact that females don't like me
Whoops fixed that for you. That's what you really meant to say, right?
we're suggesting suicide.
>>not give a shit about girls rejecting you
>doesn't talk to women out of fear of rejection
You illiterate morons.
This is called "lordosis behaviour".
>This is called "lordosis behaviour".
>women do this for the entirety of the internet
>meaning they're open for business from whoever
seepic related
>sit on my lazy ass
Do you need glasses or a repeat of 4th grade maybe?
>You learn and improve
You said
>You fix the problem so it can't happen again
And i say youre fucking retarded if you think you can eliminate rejection, the only way you can do that is by not giving girls the possibility to reject you
Either be smart and learn to not give a fuck about girls who reject you and go on with your life or fuck off
>meaning they're open for business
They are not a fucking 7/11 user
They just want attention and if guys think you offer sex they give you attention, girls have gotten smart and know you dont actually need to provide sex
The fault is in the meaning itself, because if you lift to get a gf, you will stop lifting when you have one.
>They just want attention
>women do not like sex
>women like sex
>rejects most guys who approach
women have rejected me for relationships and then offered sex m8
obviously they like sex
its not wrong, but if you don't go out and talk to girls it won't work, you need to get out there and learn how to talk and behave next to girls to achieve the most overated thing ever, a Girlfriend
>women have so many people approach them that they can pick and choose who they fuck
Women like attention way more than sex, here is reading
>Theoretically, females might not be as innately compelled toward sexual behavior as a self-protective strategy to avoid the possibility of unplanned motherhood, or mothering the child of an unfit mate.
So women want alot less sex than men, doesnt mean they hate sex and never want sex but you cant honestly tell me you see girls acting like guys do you?
>you see girls acting like guys do you?
what like going out and looking for one night stands?
because yes this happens.
because lifting wont get you a gf
I have bad news for you
Really, where do you live? i want to come visit
Where i live there are extremly few girls looking for a ONS, plenty of dudes hoping to score though
Ive honestly met more girls who openly admitted to pretending to be single on nights out to get attention but had no intention of sleeping with the dudes
I think there was a study on this as well
MI nigger capital of america
I agree with this user
Attention are 95% of what women crave for. Sex appeal is the easiest way to get that attention, so that's what they use in the end. Even when they are looking for a ONS theres that possibility it's just to brag to their friends about it.
this is the reward for you swedish being anti-semitic shitlords.
Focus on yourself --- improving yourself.
Do that and the women will flock around you, but that's not the important part --- the important thing is to become a better version of yourself, always striving for perfection.
When I'm 40 I will still be dating 20-something year olds.
>studying STEM
>doing startups
>keep lifting and taking care of myself in general
>thinks honesty is a shitty trait
Yep, just as he said, most testosterone
It makes the losers who can't get girlfriends no matter what even after getting fit mad and the girls who know that you're going to be out of their league confused and angry. Oh and the queers will be quite furious that another attractive guy is out of their reach.
>Do that and the women will flock around you
i have doubts
When i was a skinny fag working part time in a restaurant i had a gf
I started lifting and we broke up
>I got into uni, doing a bachelors in finance
>I gained 10kg of muscle, currently at 91kg with a low bf and 185cm tall
>I got a job in my field of specialty, part time only but good prospects
>I took up martial arts, been training BJJ and muay thai
>I took up dancing, for fun
Still im lonelier than ever before and things are only becoming darker and darker
point is, have fun while youre young because dating becomes really difficult when you pass 25
every now and then, there's appears someone with a real education. Thanks user, TIL.
Then withhold the attention till you bust a nut. Play them with their own game.
As if there arent thousands of other guys willing to satisfy her need for attention
user plz, if you withhold attention she will move on faster than you can say "wait, come back"
Women have all the power in dating and its currently in a nash equilibrium
Most guys try to undercut the competition from other guys so simply withholding what girls want makes em discard you because you can be replaced