I'll start Olympic weightlifting In june ... what should I do till I there ..I mean like strength and mobility routines
>have a barbell and 30 kilos total of weight plates
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Where are you from and where did you find your coach? I want to get into weightlifting myself
Mobility: Just do everything, especially hips, hamstrings, ankles and shoulders. My coach makes me do lots of narrow grip overhead squats - definitely do them.
Avoid deadlifts. It will just fuck up your snatch / clean pull tech. Everything you do, try to do the concentric part FAST. Never be slow (only in the eccentric phase).
- And do lots of oly squats and front squats.
I'd say do push presses too, but i'm pretty sure that you don't know how to use legs properly and in right rhythm - you will just do them wrong like most people
Not necessarily true about deadlifts. My coach has both clean deadlifts and snatch grip deadlifts in my programming. Unless you mean conventional deadlifts but either way you're doing it differently than a clean or a snatch pull because you're stopping short of the second pull so eh.
clean and snatch deadlifts are great, conventionals not. The first pull is what gets most fucked if you do conventionals. And i'm pretty sure that somebody who has never done the lifts can't just go and do oly deadlifts properly lol
There's no OWG at the moment so I'll just ask this here
I'm trying to learn how to squat clean properly but it seems like every time I try to do it it becomes an impromptu power clean and whenever I try to force myself into the squat position it essentially seems like I'm catching it then doing a front squat rather than one smooth motion of me catching it and standing up. Should I be moving my body down after the pull while the bar moves up in order to catch it at the bottom?
Hmm? Never be slow? Afaik you'd usually want to be slow up to knees and then go fast.
when you hit the bar with your hips/thighs you need to jump and after that you land in a really low power clean like parallel
and then go down to the bottom and stand up up just dont stop when you catch it in parallel, if you do this you will probably start catching the bar at the bottom position when you max out,
do not go under the bar after you extend also remember jump up
as I am into powerlifting but on TM and want to kick out speed deadlifts on mon in place of power cleans how many lessons would I need to get decent form? I have a real wl coach in my neighborhood so I would get this lessons from him
I'm a weightlifting coach at a national leve. From what you've describedl:
>3xWeek pic attached (though don't follow the progression. go for AMRAP and move up a movement whenever 8 reps are completed. Then miss reps? Stay with it until 8 are hit, or drop to 2 progressions and work back up.)
>2xWeek running for 2 miles with 1xAMRAP on hindu push ups/hindu squats
>5xWeek stretching: cdn.preterhuman.net
>Feel free to play any sport alongside that
>Walking 60 minutes daily is encouraged
>You are also encouraged to lose weight if you're fat. Not doing so will hinder you from the get go
Bad coach. The big reason why Western weightlifting is in the shits is because of the focus on mobility/technique at a beginner stage. Every kid coming through the door needs armour building and strength as primary.
You're cleaning too late. Start cleaning at your belly button.
I wasn't talking about the pulls because you're not doing them yet. I was talking about presses etc
I'm not OP, was just wondering since it seemed strange to me. Since you mentioned snatch/clean pull tech I included that in the statement about doing everything fast.
But since it wasn't so, carry on!
chinese and russians focus alot on technique for beginners aswell
>Bad coach
I think you understood me wrong. It's not like we're doing overhead squats all the time, its like once or twice a week at the start / end of a session. Strength and conditioning has a much bigger importance.
>you need to jump and after that you land in a really low power clean
Sorry but you know nothing about this.
Problem is that beginners don't know how to extend right (to make the barbell "weightless"), you extend very fast, and immediately PULL yourself under. To do this the barbell must be close to your body, and you must start pulling under when the bar is like at your navel height (if you pull it higher you fuck up your pull under).
Wanna know some good exercises that (prolly) won't interfere with your oly tech?
Squats, Overhead Press, and Romanian Deadlifts. Fucking RDLs are magic for the hips, esp. in untrained people for learning how to hinge their hips. And fucking pull ups. Twice a week. Since you have jack shit to work out with, twice a week (min 2 days rest within workouts) sth like:
Reverse Lunge 3-4x10
OHP 3-4x10
RDL 3-4x10
Pull Ups 2-3xMax
That shit will prolly give you at least something without learning wrong tech in the essentials that takes extra time to unlearn.
>you know nothing about this.
ok then how would you recommend him to clean smoothly?
you do know that youre not supposed to catch the bar in the complete bottom of the squat right? no one does that
holy shit that became a clusterfuck
should be lunges
>(min 2 days rest within workouts)
should be 2 days rest in between workouts
This is actually pretty good. I'd recommend to do some of the lunges with front squat grip.
>ok then how would you recommend him to clean smoothly?
I can't, even with a good coach and different kind of drills and exercises it could take months.. or years. That's how this shit goes.
No feet cleans are great for learning how to extend properly (you keep your feet on the platform) and pull yourself under fast. Other good exercise is clean from the power position or hang clean.
Tbh it took me like 9 months to understand how to clean properly. And i have a coach..
ye im still having problems and ive been training almost 2 years, mostly i have problems with jumping forward
Damn that guy really fucked up that snatch attempt
while you prolly have a coach who knows better, physics tells me that's a 2nd pull coming a bit too early
It could also be that his butt rises faster than shoulders in the first pull. I know coaches who think that the second pull starts at the hip or after knee, and both have great athletes.
If I'm having difficulty finding a comfortable spot to put the bar on my chest for the front rack position, what's the issue? I've just started so is it possible my anterior delts are just underdeveloped?