Progress bread
6 Months in
Progress bread
Looking thick, solid, tight
Looking packed, strong, jacked
nasty fat ass
lose some weight pls
Fuck you. I'm a year and a half in and I can't even bench lmao 1pl8.
nice U taper
how the hell did you manage to get abdominal definition while looking like a barrel?
Looking massed, gassed and stacked.
Putin mode, looking unblockable. Pretty sure if i were to be put on to your path id be blocked
this. I'm wondering too.
Looks like you only did core.
183cm, 82kg.
besides lifting lots of running and swimming.
looks nice m8
perfect amount of fat in my opinion
perfect desu :3
you have good size wrists and frame. you will go far
5 years.
5'10 82kg. (180lbs)
Lots of time spent fucking about and flip flopping on bulking or cutting because of the eternal "im too small, now im too fat" shit.
The last year or so though I finally committed to bulking and lifting properly, and now I've done a pretty decent cut, still going for a bit more fat loss and maintain over summer, then just gonna try and keep getting stronger but slowly.
Oh and also, I had been lifting all those 5 years, wasn't trying to say I've only been lifting for the last year. I hate when people say shit like "only been lifting """"seriously"""" for 6 months" to hide their lackluster progress. I know 5 years isn't the best time for what I've achieved but I'm happy.
you look great overall, i would work a little more on chest if i were you
Very asthetic nonetheless
thy guys, appreciate it.
cheers mate.
Yeah my chest is annoying as fuck. I just can't increase my bench the same way I can with my other lifts and I have really tried. The only thing I haven't yet tried is something like Smolov jr, which I plan on giving a go after summer.
how long did that take?
great vascularity on the biceps btw
how'd you get rid of the stretch marks on your stomach? you look awesome btw.
This could have been a beautiful thread.
Not even this site recognizes good meme potential anymore.
Oh wow, the thread didn't turn into off topic shitposting - what a total bummer dude!
Fuck you
Looking mad, sad, pissed
Bout 3 years 130 vs 148
Lean back more we still can't see your abs.
2 years diff, pic was 2 months ago.
5'8" 185 30 years old
Fuck, maybe I do have gyno. I was never that fat and I still have mantits at 5'10 169, although I also do still have a semi large gut, love handles, and overall high body fat. Im trying to cut down to around 150 so wish me luck.
How is this even possible. Do you go to the gym once a week and do 2 reps and go home?
Looks like you've been doing upperbody for atleast a couple of years, and just started doing legs 2 months ago
I'm actually going to use this as an example for my out of shape brother-in-law who complains about his physique but says he's too old to start.
Good job m8.
Holy shit, dat fucking arm. Is it the angle, or do you literally only work shoulders and arms?
Have you tried relearning your bench form? At some point, increases in lifts (which transfer over to increases in muscle) come better and more consistently from perfecting one's form than from continuing with the same form and working on routine/diet
Obviously, all are important, but sounds like we've been in similar spots and relearning my form has allowed me to progress
That just looks fucking weird desu. It's like you have 2 arm days a week and never squat or DL. Core looks like something you'd find on a dyel high school kid.
Mirin delts though.
Great progress on the weight loss. Keep working hard, especially on that chest and midsection.
Well on your way from being a twink to a power bottom.
Nice work! You went from looking like a weak bitch to looking athletic. Hard to judge beyond that since you have a shirt on and loose shorts, but those legs could stand some mass. Keep up the good work.
how old were you when you started? you look amazing
8 Months progress,
Feeling like im never gonna make it.
4 months at it
First pic is 174lbs, second is 193lbs and im 6'3. My arms still need work, i have a 6'7 arm span so they look thin when straight. Im aiming for 200lbs
Nice work
You're not eating enough. You wont make it until you start actually eating.
try wrist straps
the difference can be night and day
I squat 300 for my working weight. It's just a shit pic/angle legs. My legs are decent.
is this bait?
My calves don't grow but I have made vascularity when I'm working them.
skips chest day for sure
holy kek
That's his build dumb dumb
last one 5'10.5'' (just 18 gotta get 5'11 or 6' no manlet pls hehe)
180 lbs
3 months
forgot pic kek
The dates are metric systems
Arms can't grow for shit
thats because you dont eat/sleep crrctly or because you need more dumbells/bodyweight exercises... isometric will help
Years of eating like shit, starting to try to really change the way I eat. Want to get down to at least 185/190. 6'0 ~210 now
Oh i eat and i sleep fine trust me.
Isometric exercices for arms ? the fuck do you mean ?
I just have shit genetics and insertions,that's all.But i'll keep blasting them until these fuckers grow
so you changed the light bulb and got acne?
I highly doubt you spent 4380 hours in the gym you fucking estatter
I was 23 when I started. 28 now.
Well I mean I lost about 28 pounds and gained 30+ to all my lifts but thanks for the constructive criticism, I bet you're fucking jacked
isometris means to hold for a short time your muscles in a flxed positios that allows you to be using your strenght. For example you go for chin ups and holdyour body in a 90 anglee the most possible.
Stop usin' machines and shit
thanks you are going straight into my goal/inspiration folder
Literally went from a 1/10 to a 7/10 gw bro.
Now that's progress. Mirin hard.
Fuck, you luckedutwith not having tons of loose skin. Stats?
I'm actually in the same boat, except 2.5 years in. Benching 1-2x week with 3 sets to failure in 6-8 range - my best was 125*5. It does happen. Of course, I'm 5'5" and 130 lbs and only done 2 bulks in that time, which obviously contributes to the result.
How do i get that ninja turtle core?
from dad bod, to fit dad bod
mirin' you got a nice build
Toasting Again
7 months progress
not taking another pic until the shitty tan lines go away
nice chest man, went from beta to alpha
you're a human being again well done
you should be putting at least 4 days of work a week and see about 1 - 2 lbs of gain a month. If not, you're not getting enough chicken breasts and eggs in your diet man.
nice work so far, but your math doesn't add up. 20lbs in 4 months?
congrats bro!
congrats! how old and how tall are you and what is your routine?
And also .. dude do you have a third nipple?? like inside your left areola
keep it up man, you'll start noticing big changes when you drop some more pounds
5 months in
Started at 180 now at 204
I really regret not taking photos before I lost 60 lbs
Nice how tall?
Thanks man! Yeah I already feel so much better, just my daily energy is through the roof compared to when I ate shit twice a day everyday
Dude awesome progress, the lack of skin flaps is impressive.
I'm shooting for 220 before the end of this year
Literally beta to alpha.
Good shit user
Did you say... bread?
Do you get pussy easy now? Just asking for a friend.
good shit man
>that keto neckbeard
I fucking lost it, woke up my dog and my roommate laughing
My fookin sides
In the first pic i was recovering from a knee injury and had been away from training for ~3-4 months, slowly getting back to my old stats but it's been hard since i had to restart really slowly.
Muscle memory should help you to get them numbers back
also good shit
I was going to post progress but you guys would just roast me and say "you put some pants on?" because the oldest pic I have of myself without a shirt on is from february 1 and I've been losing weight a full year before that picture, but only 15lbs since.
I'll try again next month