Who's the second most autist fitness youtuber after Jason Blaha and why is it Beta Destiny?
Autism on YouTube fitness
I don't know why people hate on this guy. Elaborate.
He had a beef with Scooby where he claimed he wasn't natty. Scoobs responding saying how it was false but Beta didn't care. He doxxed scoobie and sent a swat team round to his house saying he had taken a 35 year man hostage and was using him as a "cock sock".
>He uses Minoxidil to grow a beard
>He literally trains his neck which is very dangerous
>Muh /rack pulls above the knee/
>Says you have to cheat in your form in order to be stronger and don't get hurt
>Speaks about training the muscles in your face
>Ego lifts constantly
That's a fitness personality?
>patches of dogshit all over his face
>looks like an overcompensating, angry midget
>ugly as fuck
I've realized some of those things. Is there anything about his actual training programs that are faulty. I realize he personally uses cheat reps and likes to overload consistently, but what is bad about his advice?
>he personally uses cheat reps and likes to overload consistently
That he advices that
Elgin intensity
Dude a monotone ass. Like i get it gym fails are fucking funny and people cant squat for shit. But his jokes are bad
He has a few decent videos, but he doesn't understand what makes his material funny.
Too much "zero!" Or cut effects.
He's number one m8 I refuse to watch his vids now to even help his views.
That's not even true
He's alright in my book. My only gripe with him, if you want to call it that, is that I think he overvalues the whole "bear mode" tough guy look as far as aesthetics go. I think the ideal man is somewhere in between hypermasculine bear and pretty boy twink aka Jeff Seid mode.
People disagree with his memey advice (though I think some of it is decent, especially for natties). He's also a turbo manlet, so there is that.
7/10 fanfic.
PS: Scooby is a self loathing steroid user who somehow manages to convince himself he's natty.
for spreading the rack pull crap
and probably breaking spine across the world
i nominate this fag
it's basically the top of a dead lift, so what's the difference?
How's it bad? I'm an autist so explain why it's a bad exercise
It's not. Good for overloading the traps. Rippletoe even has a video on rack pulls (below the knee). Most of the hate is unwarranted, just a bunch of dyels who don't know shit.
because you put so much more weight
it's all on your lowerback
if you go too high and kind of lock by leaning back at the end of the deadlift it's dangerous
so if you put double de weight the "locking can be risky"
pic is a bit exagerated
fuck i meant to respond to you guys
Why does anyone actually listen to this ugly manlet? Ffs even listening to Jeff would be better than this oversized infant
>see this guy doing rack pulls
>ask if I can work in
>clean the bar and OHP it up the highest peg
lol good luck locking out a rack pull with a proper weight like that...
How is it dangerous if you keep your spine neutral?
gtfo bushbud
I cant stand the dirt on his face that beta destiny assumes is a mans beard
His pretty decent as for as autismtubers go, the only gripe i have with him is when he goes on those cringey alpha male/bear mode tough guy posturing
his advice is memey but so is 100% of all other youtube channels and literally everyone shitting on rackpulls itt are dyel faggots.
Interesting points you bring up there pal
You forget Jason Genova m8
i started greentexting but i tought it's simpler to write this:
He is the equivalent of blaha when it comes to lying about being alpha and fucking bitches. 5'5 turbo manlet with bloated face and pedo mustache getting 10/10 sloots sounds as true as obese, bloated and bald Blaha being a male model and a mercenary at the age of 16
And I know this to be true.
Alan Thrall.
He's a nice dude, but something about him irritates me and I have no idea why.
>Deadlifts are dangerous with bad form. Only do them with good form.
>Rackpulls are dangerous with bad form. DON'T DO THEM HURR DURR
Cleaning 1000lbs would literally be a world record 419lbs above what the current world record is for the clean an jerk.
He's a strength and leg autist and doesn't give a shit about his bench (up until recently), arms or aesthetics in general.
before you take any advice in this thread regarding how rack pulls are perfectly fine, please take a look at the Veeky Forums census
The people claiming that everyone who thinks rack pulls are dangerous is dyel have mostly not lifted for more than 2 years and have no idea what they are talking about.
Looks breddy gud desu
Done it already, honestly opened my eyes a bit, I knew a bunch of noobs were here but the actual numbers are scary. Everyone spouts shit like they know something sounding confident, but survey makes me think I'll probably not take advice unless it's a trip fag with proven years/gains
>bigger than you
>stronger than you
Lmaoo bushbud please go
I just wish it was easier to keep track of what i have and javnt watched yet.
But its better than watching protein farts with the shitty music ruining everything
You can take advice from CBT fags. At least they're proving what they did worked for aesthetics.
I've been listening his advice for about 4 months, and I definetly can say that cheat reps on rows and rack pull give massive gains. Because for back and traps its about stretching the muscle not contracting. You have to keep in mind that he advocates this method mostly for advanced lifters only. So its pretty obvious that DYEL bitches in this thread think his advice is bad, because they just cant lift heavy or they injure themselves. You need to get strong in order to properly cheat rep and you need to know that your body can handle the heavy weight.
All the DYELS here should back the fuck off his advice is legit good.
The bearmode thing is just subjective. Give or take, doesn't matter.
personally, i find him to be cringy as fuck...i mean Alpha destiny? c'moon...i always have the feeling of him being overcompensate for his betaness building a lot of muscles and his strength. I like some of his adviveces tho. the kid knows what he's talkin about, when he goes on about bands. also, seem stupid as fuck, but rack pulls helped me a lot breaking 5pl8 diddy plateau
Can literally anyone rack pull without straps? Generally the weight is fuckton higher, you do more reps and you shouldn't do mixed grip so there is no fucking way no one on earth does rack pulls without straps
Only people with absurd grip strength and a willingness to use hook grip.
If someone rack pulls without straps then they are not lifting enough weight. You need to have straps to hit the high numbers and overload ur upper back.
Even if you have out of the world strong grip, you could probably do more weight on rackpulls if you used straps. The heaviest double overhand deadlift I've seen was around 585, mixed was 880 and hook grip is probably around the same weight. People who can deadlift that much, can probably rackpull more than double that. So yeah, if you want to do them effectively you need to use straps.
nobody can lift their max RP without straps
I've seen one guy pull it off (plus a couple who might be close, based on other stuff I've seen them do).
Granted, this guy is by no means normal (strongman competitor with absurdly big hands and a monster grip - 400+lb overhand axle deadlift, frame pickups with some absurd amount of weight) but I've seen it firsthand.
Scooby is obviously on TRT or worse and if he actually lied about that then fuck him. I still don't like ManletDestiny though.
His fucking autistic Amish beard pisses me off
How is training your neck 'very dangerous'. Basically everyone that competes in combat sports trains their necks.
The real question is: Do you really believe he is natty? I have made some research over the months on this kid. Some points that indicate he is on roids:
1. He is insecure as fuck
>5'5'' and totally insecure about it, advices heels for short men
>is willing to use drugs (Minoxidil) to grow a beard, so why wouldn't he be willing to use drugs to grow muscle?
>constantly brags about being an alpha male when he is obvious not (check out his older videos and articles on his website)
2. Some typical roid signs
>trained for over 7 years, but only blew up suddenly in very short time frame (within 2 years)
>gets suddenly big when he starts making money on youtube and with e-books (typical for fakenatties who rely on income with their physique)
>aged like crazy in the same timeframe when he got suddenly big, look at his face in pic related (2 years between these pics), typical roid sideeffect
3. Lies about his training background
>claimed to be a strength and conditioning coach (check his older videos, he stated it in every single one of them) without any proof, when people started questioning it he suddenly stopped claimed to be a coach
>claims his training advice is scientific backed up.. but its not in his entire 480 pages long "Naturally Enhanced" e-book (yes I have read it) he gives like 3 or 4 sources of book without any further citations and informations about what exact source of advice he is using, he basically read 3 or 4 books and know thinks he is a training expert who knows it all
>its not his training advice, he was a fanboy of Westside and the conjugate method and basically now promotes same training methods under his name
>some pictures of clients' success on his buying page for Naturally Enhanced are obviously photoshopped
Don't fall for his lies Veeky Forums
>Even if you have out of the world strong grip, you could probably do more weight on rackpulls if you used straps.
That's exactly my point
yeh same goes to scott cuckman. fucking fake natty
>Rippletoe even has a video on rack pulls
That is literally only half of what Rip was talking about. Rip says that you can alternate rack pulls bellow the knee and halting deadlifts that halt above the knee to reduce the overall stress of the lift and give it more frequency.
If you only do the rack pulls, you are not fallowing Rip's advice.
I like to listen to videos before I go to sleep, but I can't listen to him because of that TRAIN UNTAIMED shit.
Dude needs a spray tan. I'm getting snow blindness looking at this creamsicle
bushbud pls go
yeh hes actually a strongman competitor at 5'5 and wins. beat alan thrall even 1v1
t. dyel
hes not insecure at all.
he doesnt take roids because he cares about his health and is a cheap bastard
and he never denied being a strength and conditioning coach until 2014 when he became one
yeh he sounds like a downie sad fag that has no friends and hates on random cunts in the gym for fucking up. absolute loser faggot.
What does everyone think of Jeff?
not as smart or knowledgable as AlphaD but stil quite good. kinda rips off of alexs vids tho which is why i unsubbed
Only skinny little DYELS hate on rack pulls. It's not my problem they're spinning their wheels.
r u fucking retarded man. alphadestiny is dumb as a doornob. u stupid fuck i bet u r so stupid and have no fucking iq score
I recently commented on one of beta destiny videos and he raged out at me.
screenshot faggot. he treats everyone with respect in his comments so u must have said some pretty bad shit. dont be a fuckign bitch if ur gonna be a dog cunt get expected to be treated like a dog cunt,
His voice is shit, his pronunciation is shit, he looks like shit, his beard looks like shit, he seems to be overcompensating all the fucking time.
It's literally impossible for me to watch more than 1 minute of his videos because it's too cringy. His blog posts about his "alpha life" and how he's "the center of attention" anywhere he goes just screams bullshit.
He's just bullshitting hard and pushing training methods that have been around for years. Should probably shave and put on a tank top at least, his image is awful.
Found the fanboy
First off bushbitch pls go (u know who I'm talking about)
Second buy Naturally Enhanced. Good read and indepth analysis on programming.
He has abs tho
Why would u only do rackpulls??? Alpha doesnt advise this. He does deadlifts and can do 6pl8 you dickhead.
Inb5 roidmonkey brainwashed u to think 6pl8 is bad. Kys
He's not autism, bro
Bradley martyn
>hes not insecure at all.
oh fuck off alex
He's literally 5'5 manlet who always talks about being alpha, acting alpha or even fucking pretending to be alpha. Have you ever seen a real alpha male walking around and talking about being alpha all the time?
>he is willing to use drugs (Minoxidil) to grow a beard, so why wouldn't he be willing to use drugs to grow muscle?
just fucking impeccable logic there, frend
the golden one
using high contrast and what not to make his beard look thicker, it's just sad
As a 5'5 manlet, I can confirm.
That guy reeks insecurity.
Not at all. He is so insecure that he uses drugs to get a beard? Why wouldn't his insecurity make him doing the same thing with his body?
Especially when he depends on his body for monetary gain?
>allah ackbar
t. alex
fetal alcohol and autistic as fuck
truly the best combination
Amish beards are my favorite kind
Does anyone run his naturally enhanced program?
Alan is packing a whole heap of smugness which can be hard to spot because he comes across as helpful. Youtube popularity has gotten to his head whilst he still maintains sub-par lifts, even for a natty. A fair amount of his advice is good but he also shares a heap of questionable or downright wrong advice.
He is a likeable guy but honestly his ego needs a check so he should be called out more.
What kind of videos do you like watching?
That's the joke.
Only reason why people lean back like while deadlifting is to make it obvious in competition that they're locked out. No one would do that nonsense during a rack pull.
>He literally trains his neck which is very dangerous
What the fuck are you on about? Every exercise is dangerous if you do it wrong, just don't be a fucking retard and don't go heavy.
>bigger than anyone
>>He literally trains his neck which is very dangerous
pencil neck spotted
bushbud spotted
you're not gonna make it